OUR DAILY PROBLEMS Our school is located near an unsecured railway crossing and the main road (where nobody respects the crosswalk or even considers decreasing the speed). Students often carelessly run across the street and across the railroad tracks outside the designated places, which leads to a couple of incidents on the road and sometimes injured students.
This project could lead to the change of behavior among their peers, but also to involve the local community, the media and the traffic police in an effort to solve the problem of traffic which they face every day.
MAIN TOPICS In addition, the students have passed the cycle of educational workshops in many areas of traffic safety on the topics that they have chosen: Risky behavior, Responsible behavior, Road safety, Actor of Prevention, Traffic culture, etc., which we implemented with the assistance of the traffic police.
RISE OF IDEAS Because of the workshops, the students had ideas and cited those to interesting and fruitful discussions as well as defying the main problem in our environment which the project is trying to solve with the initiative of the students.
DEVELOP OF INITIATIVES Everyday a team of students had actively worked on the development of initiatives in the campaign and the accompanying logo, slogans and flyers.
VISIT TO THE CEMETERY OF CARS The first action outside of school was to visit the so-called "Cemetery of cars" – a parking space with cars destroyed in road accidents, with the aim of a direct observation of the tragic consequences.
SUPPORT FROM THE TRAFFIC POLICE They also had the opportunity to visit the Police Headquarters in Nis and to get to know the ins and outs of how the Traffic police works.
COOPERATION BETWEEN POLICE & STUDENTS There was an organized meeting and a conversation with the eyewitnesses and parents of the tragically killed child, who lost his life in an traffic accident, and that encounter forever changed the whole perspective.
STUDENTS AND POLICE IN ACTION There were also organized student-police patrols to the critical junctions across the city.
CAR CONTROL A diagnostic check on vehicles was also conducted in our school garage.
PROMOTION IN MEDIA Hosting students and teachers on one the most popular shows on a local television, made the project more visible.
PROMOTION ON THE MAIN SQUARE There was a great promotion on the main square. Thus, the citizens had the opportunity to learn about our campaign, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of respecting traffic culture. The students interviewed passers-by about traffic rules, hand out their flyers which promoted the key message of the campaign-slogan: "Better a second in my life, then a life in a second!”
PROMOTION ON THE MAIN SQUARE Interested citizens were able for the first time, to be in shoes of participants in trafic who were influenced by alcohol, opiates, drugs and fatigue using special glasses “with the changed picture of reality".
OUR MISSION Our students, peer educators have designed a workshop for their classmates. They continue their mission through visits to the other schools, sharing their experiences and knowledge acquired during this project, in order to raise awareness about the importance of respecting traffic culture.
... AT THE END We are proud that OUR ideas and OUR initiatives have achieved their goal, and we believe that if we initiated the first step in the process of awakening the awareness of all those whom we addressed that, though, they will after all, choose life !
Greetings from Serbia