11 Stress Management Prepared By Mrs Miss Samah Ishtieh
22 OUTLINE Introduction Introduction Definition Definition Symptoms of Stress Symptoms of Stress Conditions of Stress Conditions of Stress Causes of Work Stress Causes of Work Stress Causes of External Stress Causes of External Stress Stages of Stress Stages of Stress Symptoms of Burnout Symptoms of Burnout Relationship between Stress & Job Performance Relationship between Stress & Job Performance Recovering from Stress Recovering from Stress
33 Definitions Stress: Stress: Stimulus that helps us to act to a certain limit. Stimulus that helps us to act to a certain limit. If it is exceeded, it will be unhealthy. If it is exceeded, it will be unhealthy. It is a condition of strain that affects our emotions It is a condition of strain that affects our emotions & thoughts. & thoughts. It leads to physical condition. It leads to physical condition. Threshold : Threshold : The level of stress that a person can tolerate before The level of stress that a person can tolerate before feeling of stress. feeling of stress.
44 Symptoms of Stress Flushing Flushing Worry and Moving Worry and Moving Difficulty to sleep and Concentration Difficulty to sleep and Concentration Float of ideas Float of ideas Decrease productivity and uncooperative attitude Decrease productivity and uncooperative attitude Leads to negligence Leads to negligence Increase Blood Pressure Increase Blood Pressure
55 Conditions of Stress: 1. Internal Stress: Related to your personal life 2. External Stress. Outside your personal life, at work Outside your personal life, at work
66 Causes of Work Stress: Work Overload. Work Overload. Conflict ( destructive one ). Conflict ( destructive one ). Change. Change. Frustration. Frustration. Role Ambiguity. Role Ambiguity. Lack of Feedback about performance. Lack of Feedback about performance. Time Urgency. Time Urgency.
77 Causes of External Stress : Political Situation Political Situation Economical Situation Economical Situation Marital Problems and Status Marital Problems and Status Problems with Children Problems with Children Death of Family Member Death of Family Member Major injury and Emergencies Major injury and Emergencies
88 Stages of Stress : First Stage: Anxious, Irritable, Defensive behavior First Stage: Anxious, Irritable, Defensive behavior Second Stage: Palpitation, Headache, Stomach pain and Fatigue, Work Absenteeism, Alcohol or Tobacco Abuse, Depression. Second Stage: Palpitation, Headache, Stomach pain and Fatigue, Work Absenteeism, Alcohol or Tobacco Abuse, Depression. Third Stage: Willing to share his problems with peers. Third Stage: Willing to share his problems with peers. Fourth Stage : Using Change Agent. Fourth Stage : Using Change Agent.
99 Symptoms of Burnout Chronic Depression Chronic Depression No self image or Low one No self image or Low one Withdrawal and Detachment انفصال) ) Withdrawal and Detachment انفصال) ) Irritable Irritable Blaming Others Blaming Others Difficulty / Physical Problems Difficulty / Physical Problems
10 Relationship between Stress & Job Performance Relationship between Stress & Job Performance If no stress at all ---- leads to challenge in job absent --- no productivity If no stress at all ---- leads to challenge in job absent --- no productivity Healthy stress ---- leads to well performance Healthy stress ---- leads to well performance Type “A” Personality: Infarction, Aggressive, Competitive Type “A” Personality: Infarction, Aggressive, Competitive Type “B” Personality: Relaxed Type “B” Personality: Relaxed It is good to combine between two types. It is good to combine between two types.
11 Recovering from Stress Recovering from Stress Choose a way to get red of stress Choose a way to get red of stress Know Policy how to deal with stress situations Know Policy how to deal with stress situations Communicate this policy to people and employees Communicate this policy to people and employees Train managers to be sensitive, good listeners Train managers to be sensitive, good listeners Improve communication skills as managers Improve communication skills as managers Provide counseling. Provide counseling.