3/23 Senior Meeting To Graduation and Beyond
Yearbook ● Yearbooks can be purchased online at balfour.com ● $65.00 ● Once sold out, no more will be available so order now ● Preview of the book can be seen in B102 ● Will be delivered sometime in Late April/Early May ● See Coach Stoltz with any questions
Project Graduation! Where: It’s Family Fun Center When: May 28, 2016 Time: 9:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. We will meet at the high school and ALL ride buses to It’s. You are NOT allowed to drive yourself there. You MUST sign a registration agreement to be allowed to attend. You MUST return it to me, In C-113, by April 22!!!
Project Graduation continued Project Graduation is FREE to all seniors. Right now the only thing you have to pay for is a t-shirt. We are even considering not having a t-shirt for project grad. You all have enough t-shirts. We will let you know for sure. Everyone will receive a few prize tickets. BUT if you have been attending the meetings and working the events then you will receive extra prize tickets for every 2 hours you have worked. Please see me after this meeting to get your registration form. *Only parents that have working to help raise money will be allowed to serve as chaperones at It’s for Project Graduation.
Events Coming Up April 27th Senior Panoramic 10 AM Purchase the photos the next day at lunch!
Subject: PROM! Selling Prom Tickets in the Cafeteria starting April 14th YOU MUST HAVE YOUR STUDENT ID To avoid the last minute rush, purchase your tickets early and this will guarantee your prom favor. Price $60.00
subject: prom If bringing a guest that does not attend NCHS you will need them complete a guest form- MANDATORY You can pick up a form from the officers, or you can print one from the Senior News Webpage Guest form must be complete before you can purchase a ticket for your guest.
Subject Prom A Night in the City Prom will be held on Friday, May 13th 8pm-Midnight Crystal Ballroom at the Rice Lofts 909 Texas Avenue Houston, TX Directions from New Caney: Take 59 South to the Jackson Street Exit Turn right on Commerce St Turn left on Milam Street Turn left onto Texas Ave The Rice Hotel will be on the left
Prom Parking $15.00 for Valet Parking at the Venue. There are a variety of parking garages around the area. There is no way to determine which independently owned garages will be open at this time.
prom dress code This is a school sponsored event and the expectation is that all attire is appropriate!
Day of Prom- MAY 13th- B DAy YOU MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE FOR PROM THAT DAY! Tickets will be available for you during your assigned lunch period that day. Only Students with IDs and those present during 6th and 7th period that day can pick up tickets during lunch. Nobody else, including parents may pick up your tickets. If you are not present for 6th and 7th period you will pick up your ticket after 3:50PM. You must have your student ID
April 26 College 101 Class - Surviving your first year and information about college. Sign up with your counselor during your lunch to receive your pass to attend this great informational meeting! Sign up in the cafeteria starting April 11th or stop by the counseling office. Sign up ends April 22nd.
May 16th Senior Appreciation Day! We will have incentives, treats, and surprises for our soon to be graduates! Several free gift cards for senior field trip will be given away! You need to be in attendance to win a free gift card. These can be used to buy items or food on the senior trip!
May 17-20th Senior Exams!
Senior Week May 23rd-27th Some of the scheduled times are TBD May 23rd- Field Day (regular school hours) May 24th- 10:30-11:30 AM Senior Meeting, Serving lunch, and then from 1:00-3:00 buses to take you to grad practice. May 25th- 10 AM Senior Meeting- Senior Shirts for Field Trip May 26th- Senior Trip May 27th- 10 AM Senior Meeting
May 26th Senior Trip Need signed permission form must be turned in by April 15. All seniors participating get a FREE shirt to wear on the field trip.
May 26th Senior Trip Plan for the Day: 8:30AM- Leave for Galveston 10:30-12:30- Premiere Cinemas 12:45-4:15- Pleasure Pier in Galveston Arrive home by 6:00PM Students will need to bring money for their food only on this day- Tickets to the movies and Pleasure Pier will be provided compliments of the Class of 2016
May 26th Senior Trip You will have choice of movies to attend. Snack bar at the theater will be open for you to purchase items. Pleasure Pier rides are no cost to you. Plan to buy your own meal at the pleasure pier. Restaurant and Snack Bars are on the pier for lunch.
May 26th Senior Trip You must eat lunch at Pleasure Pier or movie theater when on this trip !
WITH THAT BEING SAID …. PAY YOUR FINES ! You will not participate in the graduation ceremony.
May 28th Graduation Day ! 2:00 M.O. Campbell Building
Haven’t ordered your gown yet? Heres how! 1. Visit Balfour.com or call Main Page will say “Shop Your School” 3. Type in “New Caney High School” 4. After confirming New Caney High School it will take you to the “Store” for our page 5. Click on “Graduation” 6. There is an option of packages or if you look to the bottom you can individually buy your gown. 7. If so, Select “Individual Products,” Cap and Gowns are at the bottom of the page for $40 + S&H
Senior survey by Follow the link in your to select the elementary and/or middle school you attended. We can’t disclose all the details… but you will find out why at Graduation! MUST COMPLETE BEFORE LEAVING!
Senior Pics Send your pics to #newcaneyseniors16