Exercise.06 Unpack a SEED volume Remove the instrument response Pick P arrivals Local event Unpack again using location so that components can be rotated to great circle
cd IRIS I start here, copy the SEED volume and the IDO* scripts here. Then mkdir Sac (already exists) cd Sac rdseed -f../ seed -R -d -o 1 to create a SAC file and to get the response../IDOEVT - to unpack and deconvolve. Original data are not changed. New files are placed in the../GOOD directory
cd../GOOD Perform QC - normally not a problem with SEED volumes if instrument response is correct. Use gsac to GSAC> r *.sac GSAC> sort depmax GSAC> lh depmax Rotate to 3 components../IDOROT
cd../FINAL../IDODEC to decimate for multiple filter analysis.