Bibliographic Record Description of a book or other library material
AACR2 Anglo American Cataloging Rules 2 nd edition Standard rules libraries use for describing books and other materials
Item Record Refers to a specific library copy of a title. Includes barcode number of the item.
Authority Record Provides cross-references for pseudonyms and other alternate headings. Free Speech = Freedom of Speech Voting Rights = Suffrage
Codabar A standard barcode format in libraries. Four components –Patron/Item indicator –Unique Library ID –Item/Patron ID –Check Digit (calculated from previous digits) possible patron # possible item #
Claims Returned 1.Circ Module shows item charged to patron 2.Patron reports item returned to staff 3.Staff marks item Claims Returned in Circ Module – policy? 4.Staff can look on shelf for item. 5.If item is later found or checked out to another patron, fines are cleared 6.If item never shows up, patron may be assessed fines – policy?
Cataloging Original Cataloging Cataloging from scratch using material and applying AACR2 and MARC Copy Cataloging Importing an existing bib record from another source (OCLC, vendor, LOC) and making local changes if needed
Cataloging Module Bibliographic Records – describes a title, manifestation of a work Item or Holdings Records – describes a specific copy attached to a bib record Authority Records – directs variant headings to authoritative heading
Patron Registration In person registration, often uses paper application Online registration, uses Web form Importing records from external database, for students, employees etc.
Holds / Reserves Bib-level hold – places a hold on the first available copy of the requested title Volume-level hold – places a hold on the first available copy of the requested volume Item-level / Item-specific hold – places a hold on a specific copy from a specific location
Bib-Level Hold When is it used? Most patron placed holds are bib-level 268
Volume-Level Hold When would this be used?
Item-Level Hold When would this be used? Usually by staff to retrieve a damaged item / CD in the wrong case etc. Could be used by patron if ILS does not support volume-specific holds
Serials / Periodicals Serial: A publication in any medium issued under the same title in a succession of discrete parts usually numbered (or dated) and appearing at regular or irregular intervals with no predetermined conclusion… Periodical: A serial publication with its own distinctive title, containing a mix of articles, editorials, reviews, columns, short stories, poems, and other short works written by more than one contributor, issued in softcover more than once, generally at regular stated intervals of less than a year, without prior decision as to when the final issue will appear… Dictionary for Library and Information Science. Reitz
OPAC Online Public Access Catalog Public view of online library catalog, also called PAC (Public Access Catalog)
Searching Keyword searching – searching databases for words that appear anywhere in record or text Federated searching – searching across multiple databases with a single search Phrase searching – keyword and phrase Field searching – searching in specific indexes such as author, titles etc.
More Search Terminology Boolean operators – Logical connectors for keyword searching (AND, OR, NOT) Metadata – data that describes documents, used for online retrieval Open URL – standard that enables linking from a citation to full text in another resource Portal – gateway to info resources URL – uniform resource locator, Web address Web OPAC – OPAC available via the Web
History of the OPAC OPACs started in the 1970s long before the Web They were text based and command driven opac2.htmlhttp:// opac2.html
Current State of OPACs Almost all OPACs are now available on the Web In some cases this has slowed down their performance
Staff View Library staff often have a more detailed view of the OPAC or PAC. The ability to see item record details
Searching Influence of the Web on search defaults –Default AND – not phrases –Default Keyword searching – not field searching –Use of quotes for phrase searching
Open URL linking from the OPAC III WebBridge Link from catalog record to ISBN search, title search, author search in another database
Federated Searching tml tml
Z39.50 Standard that allows searching other library catalogs
My Library
Authentication Links from OPAC to licensed resources must allow remote users to authenticate –IP recognition – proxy server –Referring URL recognition
Digital Media SFPL – historical photo database
InterLibrary Loan Predates computers Computers have created faster networks for –Checking libraries that have desired titles –Automated management of loans –Transmission of articles via Ariel in some cases
Class Web Page