* Candy Friday * Will your class qualify? * Mind Map Activity * (Looking at the Issues) HW/ Coming up: Mind Map Activity- due Thursday! Exceptional Adjustment Project- due Friday! Can’t present unless it is ed before class starts on Friday= 0 points for presentation Goal(s): Be able to describe and recall the different emotional, behavioral, and physical reactions to stress. 1. Pick up the bell work. 2. Work on the bell work.
* Using the information in the textbook (pages ), and working by yourself, on copy paper, create a mind map explaining in detail with examples the following categories stemming from STRESS (in the middle of the mind map) * Emotional and cognitive responses to stress * Behavioral reactions to stress * Physical reactions to stress * Be sure to include the following: * Any of the bolded words in that section's reading * At least 3 images in your mind map * Write your name * Due Thursday! Wait to hand in until then! * The more explanations/branches you have, the higher your grade will be for this assignment! * Passing Work Out during the Activity
* Read the looking at the issues on pg. 422 * Answer the questions provided on a separate piece of paper, with your name on it.
Write down at least one reaction for each of the following that you learned while creating the mind map: 1. Physical reaction to stress. 2. Emotional/psychological reaction to stress. 3. Behavioral reaction to stress. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
* Sources of Stress * Hassles vs. Uplifts * What Stresses Teenagers Lab Activity HW/ Coming up: Exceptional Adjustment Project- due Friday! Most, if not all, groups will present it then. If we run out of time to present, you will present the following ` Friday. What Stresses Teenagers Lab Activity- due tomorrow at the beginning of class! Goal(s): Be able to create a list of teen stressors, following guidelines set by an already created rating scale. Be able to explain hassles and uplifts, as well as present examples of each. 1. Work on the bell work.
* Change * Everyday hassles * Self-imposed stress * Individual differences
* Hassles * Relatively minor, day-to- day frustrations * Examples: * losing car keys * late for work or school because you were stuck in traffic * tripping in front of people * arguments * time pressures
* More examples?
* Uplifts * Small, positive events that make someone feel good * Can prevent stress * Examples: * going out to lunch with a good friend * doing well on a test
* More examples?
* Task: On a separate piece of paper, with your bell work partner(s) or individually, complete the What stresses teenagers quick lab on pg * Right now, only work on Procedure 1 * within 15 minutes in class.
* Procedure 2 and 3 within another 10 minutes in class. * Give your scale to one person: They will circle any of the events they went through this past year AND afterwards, on the back, write on there if they have had any illnesses during this past year. This person will give the sheet back to you. * Second person- check mark instead of circling, then write about any illnesses on the back of the sheet. This person gives it back to you. * Third person- underline instead, then write about any illnesses on the back of the sheet. This person gives it back to you. * Do NOT write your names on there, just complete the steps written above. * Whoever is not working on completing this at a particular time, come up to me to find out what your grade in the class is! * Once you have had three people do this for you, complete Analysis questions 1 and 2 (look at page 418). This is due tomorrow at the beginning of class if you don’t finish. * You can use a calculator on your phone to complete Analysis 1 and 2.
* Analysis 1 and 2 within 8 minutes. * You can use your calculator on your phone to do this. * Once done, pass up.
- One uplift you have used before - One uplift you are planning on using the next time your day is going badly - Why it is important to use uplifts daily, especially to create some for yourselves? * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
1. College Stress Cheat Sheet Pamphlet Project- due the day of the test! HW/ Coming up: College Stress Cheat Sheet Pamphlet due next Thursday, the day of the test! Anything else you are missing for this unit is due then, too! Goal(s): Be able to explain ACTIVE and defensive coping strategies listed in your textbook. Be able to create a pamphlet incorporating different terms and concepts we learned this unit, using the textbook and researching sources online. 1. Place the What Stresses Teenagers Lab Activity on the turn in table 2. Work on the bell work.
* Due the day of the test! * You have only two days to work on this in class! * Get started right away!!!
* Choose and list two active coping strategies that we discussed during our bell work that you would like to incorporate into your life to help reduce stress. Explain why you chose those two active coping strategies. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
* Fight and Flight * Type A/Type B * G.A.S. * Group Formation HW/ Coming up: Exceptional Adjustment Project- due tomorrow! Goal(s): Be able to explain the following: the stages of fight and flight, the effects of burnout and the stages of Hans Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome (G.A.S.). 1. Place the Mind Maps on the turn in table. 2. Work on the bell work.
* Complete the t-chart. * You can use your book to help you!
* Fight-or-flight response- body’s immediate, automatic reaction to a stressful situation -release of hormones * When we experience fear- the usual reaction when a stressor involves real or imagined danger * Real- dog about to attack you * Imagined- tiny spider * Example- tiger in the bathroom
* 77qc
* Perceived Control Over Stressors * Predictable vs. unpredictable * Social Support- leads us to believe we are cared for, loved, respected, and part of a network * Individual Differences * Ex. Type A vs. Type B Personality
* 1. Are you continually aware of time? * 2. Are you always in a rush? * 3. Do you lose your patience when things take too long? * 4. Do you always try to do more than one thing at the same time? * 5. Do you tend to use nervous gestures to emphasize your point? * 6. Do you evaluate your life in terms of how much you accomplish rather than what you accomplish? In your notes, answer these:
* Using the text (page 427), in your notes, as you read the Personality Differences section, please create a t- chart and list at least 3 characteristics of a Type A personality on one side and 3 characteristics of a Type B personality on another side. Also, for both, list at least 1 person that you know that you believe has that type of a personality. Put yourself in one of those categories, too! Impatient ? Type A Personality Relaxed ? ? Type B Personality
* G.A.S.- Hans Selye * Correlation between psychological stress and physical illness -Become aware of stressor -Fight-or-flight response -Prepare to fight stressor - Negative consequences of stress appear -Cope or adapt
* When faced with a choice between stress related burnout or breakdown, burnout is generally a better choice. * Burnout is similar to physical exhaustion. * When we do the same physical work over and over again, at one point we become exhausted and the body gives up on being able to do that work for a while.
* Nervous breakdown (or mental breakdown) is when the tension from stress gets so high that the mind and identity of a person break under the pressure. * He/she “lost it.” * Before nervous breakdown * Such people are almost obsessively focused on the things or work that stresses them, and they are unable to deal with even the smallest distractions. They are trying to hold onto their sense of control very tightly, but they feel it slipping and this terrifies them. They might lash out in anger or fall into depression at any time. * During nervous breakdown * The symptoms include erratic behavior which seems to lack any continuity or meaning to an outsider, spontaneous outbursts of emotion, inability of social interaction or even the inability to form coherent thoughts and sentences. How long this state lasts and the severity of it fluctuates depending how well the person picks up the pieces and what kind of new identity he or she chooses to create. * How can stress, a thing which is not physical, break a person? * Stress is a result of inner conflict: we feel like we have to do things we don't want to, and be someone we don't want to be. * We try to delude ourselves and endure (this manifests as stress), but if we find no way to resolve this inner conflict, some part of us has to give up and break down. * What breaks during a nervous breakdown is the identity of a person - it is the way we see ourselves and which determines how we interact with the world around us. The way we think, the way we feel, our behavior, our habits etc. all together form how we see ourselves, and when this perceived identity is torn apart, all that are left are pieces. * Breakdown is the ultimate way to end stress - through self-destruction. * Thankfully, a nervous breakdown is not the end of the world. We are perfectly capable of rebuilding ourselves any way we choose even if it means confronting our inner demons. * What doesn't kill us makes us stronger- a nervous breakdown forces us to look deeply within and create a better 'self'.
* Put up your collages and fully functioning assignment!
Describe a situation that you have encountered in your life that might have led to you experiencing fight- or-flight. Did you fight or did you flee? Explain why. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
Test Study Guide Raffle Grades/ Handing Work Back Out Candy Friday! Does your class qualify this week? Exceptional Adjustment Project Presentations HW/ Coming up: Stress/Time Management HW Activity due Wednesday! Chapter 15 Test- TBD Study Guide due then, too! Anything you are missing and are receiving a 0 in due that day as well! Goal(s): Be able to practice your public speaking, as well as your LISTENING, skills. 1. Work on the bell work.
* Turn the bell works in to the turn in table.
Ms. Bors Chapter 15 Stress/Time Management Homework Activity
* Due the day of the test! * Three points extra credit added to the test score!
* Presentations As you listen to every presentation, for every single one (except your own): write down one thing that you learned that either fascinated you, made you upset, you did not expect, etc… (part of you thought of the day)
* As you watch this, write down at least five ways to reduce stress THAT ARE HEALTHY! * O8Ag
* Write down one thing that you learned that either fascinated you, made you upset, you did not expect, etc… (part of you thought of the day). * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks