3 rd Nine Weeks Social Studies Review Chapter 9 and 10
1927 was a fundamental year in motion pictures, because it brought the first ___. film with sound or talkie
Name given to the fear of Communist infiltration after the Russian Revolution. Red Scare
What does buying on margin mean? buy stocks at full price
Who authorized $1.2 billion in aid to different financial institutions in the first year of the Depression, but refused to give direct assistance to individual Americans? Herbert Hoover
What did Warren G. Harding’s promise in his campaign? restore normalcy, or stability and prosperity.
What was the main reason Herbert Hoover was elected by a large majority of votes? Hoover promised to continue the economic boom.
Why were some American writers of the 1920s called the “Lost Generation”? They expressed feelings of separation from American society.
The Scopes Trial represented the conflict between what two groups? fundamentalist beliefs and scientific ideals about evolution.
Name the 1928 pact in which the United States and other countries agreed not to engage in war. Kellogg-Briand Pact
What did critics think went too far concerning the New Deal? The new laws gave the president too much authority.
Why were businesses hurt by the stock market crash? lost their savings in failed banks and had to close or cut back.
What was the affordable automobile invented by Henry Ford? Model T
Which group suffered most in the Dust Bowl? farmers
Name the painter famous for creating detailed paintings of flowers. Georgia O’Keeffe
The Scopes Trial represented the conflict between what two groups? fundamentalist beliefs and scientific ideals about evolution.
What did the TVA hire people to do? build dams and generators that provided electricity.
Why didn’t Native Americans have access to adequate legal protection from the government until 1924? were not citizens of the United States.
What was the main goal of Marcus Garvey’s black nationalism was for African Americans? have their own businesses and have their own communities.
Republican candidate for vice president in 1920 Calvin Coolidge
Why did Herbert Hoover lose the election in 1932? The people lost confidence in him or blamed him for the Depression.
What ended Prohibition in st Amendment
______ authorized $1.2 billion in aid to different financial institutions in the first year of the Depression, but refused to give direct assistance to individual Americans. Herbert Hoover
The system that uses conveyor belts to move parts to different groups of workers was known as what? moving assembly line
What were people who leave their home countries to live elsewhere called? Expatriates
Name the African American educator appointed to Roosevelt’s administration. Mary McLeod Bethune
What did Ernest Hemingway, like many others of the “Lost Generation: criticized? American society.
What was the name given to young women who challenged society’s ideas about womanhood? flappers
Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath, the story of a family of farmers forced to move in search of work? John Steinbeck
Name given to the fear of Communist infiltration after the Russian Revolution. Red Scare
What does buying on margin mean? buy stocks at full price
Who authorized $1.2 billion in aid to different financial institutions in the first year of the Depression, but refused to give direct assistance to individual Americans? Herbert Hoover
What name was given to the flourishing of African American literature and art in the 1920s? Harlem Renaissance
Name the African American educator appointed to Roosevelt’s administration. Mary McLeod Bethune
What did Ernest Hemingway, like many others of the “Lost Generation: criticized? American society.
What was the name given to young women who challenged society’s ideas about womanhood? flappers
Who wrote The Grapes of Wrath, the story of a family of farmers forced to move in search of work? John Steinbeck
Name given to the fear of Communist infiltration after the Russian Revolution. Red Scare
What are you supposed to bring to class with your tomorrow to use after the test? What else do you need to bring EVERYDAY! You were still supposed to whisper