Watertown Public Schools FY16 Budget Council Chambers 149 Main Street Watertown, MA June 2, 2015
Strategic Goals Support High Academic Achievement The Watertown Public Schools will ensure that each student becomes an accomplished learner in the arts, humanities, mathematics, physical sciences and social sciences. The school system will provide all students with a learning environment that sets high expectations and stimulates thinking, problem-solving, inquiry, creativity, and hard work. Foster the Capacity for Life-Long Learning The Watertown Public Schools will ensure that each student develops a capacity for life-long learning through comprehensive skill development, exposure to a broad universe of knowledge and disciplines, and support for a diversity of learning styles, future plans, and personal interests. Promote Local and Global Citizenship The Watertown Public Schools will ensure that each student becomes informed about and participates in local and world affairs. Students will strive to understand people of different backgrounds and cultures and the interconnectedness of the contemporary world.
Class Size Projection for LowHighAverage Cunniff13 (inclusion) 2621 Lowell Hosmer Middle School High School (FY15) 531
Data as of 3/30/15: 529 In-District Students on Individualized Education Plans
English Language Learners
Budget Priorities Key Focus Area: Physical Environment o Maintain safe, secure, and comfortable school buildings that are conducive to effective learning. o Provide the infrastructure, materials, custodial and maintenance staffing, and systems to efficiently support teaching and learning. Key Focus Area: Academic Programs o Provide an effective system of tiered instruction to meet the needs of all children at every level, along with the appropriate materials and assessments to ensure the maximum achievement of each student. o Offer a diverse selection of classes that meet the needs of all 21st century learners. o Provide a wide range of extracurricular learning opportunities to educate the whole child. o Restore adequate staffing to achieve reasonable class sizes and to ensure that students are fully scheduled and have adequate time on learning. o Provide academic specialists who support teachers and students in expanding and strengthening instructional/learning strategies.
Budget Priorities (continued) Key Focus Area: Student Support Programs o Provide a comprehensive array of special education and student support services designed to increase student success through specialized instruction. An emphasis will be placed on inclusive educational interventions. o Continue to develop responsive mental health programs and services to serve both general and special education students, addressing developmental issues and crisis management. Key Focus Area: Ancillary Services o Restore adequate administrative assistant staffing to support the educational environment
Building For the Future Building for the future 1.Today’s costs next year 2.Prioritize requests: Personnel Non-Personnel 3.Create phasing plan
Budget Recommendation FY16 Request$41,927,115 FY15 Budget 39,232,000 $ Increase over FY15 $2,695,115 % Increase over FY %
Budget Recommendation FY16 Budget Request$41,927,115 FY15 Budget $39,232,000 FY15 Budget Augmented with “One-Time” Funds 750,000 Total Funds Available FY15 39,982,000 $ Increase FY’ 16 Over Total Available FY15 $1,945,115 % Increase FY’ 16 Over Total Available FY’ %
The Budget: Drivers Dollar Increase Percent of Total Cumulative Percent of Total Move Ahead Costs$1,543, % New Positions1,141, Tuitions(970,465)(36.0)63.6 Curricular Materials, Equip., etc. 438, Technology Increase192, SPED Non-Tuition Increase (new only) 142, Utilities66, Other Items141, Total$2,695,115
The Budget: Cost Centers SalariesNon-SalariesTotal FY16Percent of Total District Leadership$2,494,005$1,035,095$3,529, % District Curriculum 1,096,366554,7551,651, High School4,029,8591,370,4315,400, Middle School3,006,31371,2723,077, Cunniff School1,749,59542,6691,792, Hosmer School3,252,21175,2353,327, Lowell School2,085,19448,6562,133, Special Education10,025,5704,084,54914,110, Facilities/Maintenance1,405,8772,084,5833,490, Athletics517,760237,353755, ESL1,358,20534,5801,392, Guidance/Assessment/ Mental Health 1,184,61982,3641,266, Total$32,205,574$9,721,542$41,927,115
Cost CenterPositionFTESubtotal FTESalarySalary Subtotal CunniffLibrarian/Tech0.5 $27,212 Teacher ,329$83,541 District CurriculumFAPA/Coordinator1.0 $76,731 Reading Specialist ,329133,060 District LeadershipPayroll Clerk0.4 18,986 ELLELL teacher0.2 17,534 FacilitiesCustodial/Maintenance ,000 Guidance/Assessment/M ental Health School Adjustment Counselor0.4 34,046 New Positions: Cost Center
New Positions: Cost Center (cont.) Cost CenterPositionFTESubtotal FTESalarySalary Subtotal High SchoolInnovation Specialist (HS AND WMS)0.8 $63,566 CTE Coordinator1.0 76,731 Computer Science Teacher0.2 17,534 Environmental Science Teacher0.2 14,692 Writing Lab Aide ,358199,881 HosmerTeacher1.0 $56,329 Librarian ,02984,358 Middle SchoolArabic Teacher1.0 $56,329 Librarian/Tech ,165 84,494 SPEDPsychologist0.4 $29,526 Psychologist0.6 44,288 COTA0.5 17,700 IAs (Integrated Support Program)2.0 47,211 IAs (Integrated Support Program)2.0 47,211 Teacher (Integrated Support Program)1.0 56,329 Behavior Specialist1.0 56,329 Teacher1.0 56,329 Coordinator HS Community Explorers 5,280 Coordinator MS Community Explorers8.510,560370, $1,141,663
Improvements Achieved with FY15 Funding FY15 One-Time Curricular Allocation DepartmentAmount Career Technical Education$49,261 Elementary Curriculum Total426,631 English as a Second Language17,547 Fine, Applies and Performing Arts5,209 Guidance /Assessment/Mental Health25,856 Physical Education and Health20,513 Secondary English Language Arts18,341 Secondary Math38,035 Secondary Science16,804 Secondary Social Studies22,068 Secondary World Language13,548 Special Education10,009 Technology86,178 Total$750,000 New Teaching Positions Funded by FY15 Budget SchoolPositionFTEs CunniffSpecial Education Teacher1.0 CunniffReading Teacher1.0 CunniffClassroom Teacher1.0 CunniffELL Teacher1.0 CunniffMusic Teacher0.1 Hosmer ELL Teacher (Preschool and Hosmer) Hosmer)1.0 HosmerClassroom Teacher1.0 HosmerLibrary Media Specialist0.5 HosmerMusic Teacher (Preschool)0.4 LowellClassroom Teacher1.0 LowellBehavioral Specialist1.0 LowellSpecial Education0.5 WHSItalian Teacher0.4 WHSEnglish Teacher // Reading0.6 WHSVideo Production Teacher1.0 WHSComputer Science Teacher0.2 WHSAdjustment Counselor0.4 WHSGuidance Counselor0.5 WHSSpecial Education Teacher1.0 WHSArabic0.2 WHS & WMSPA/APE Teacher1.0 WHS & WMSOccupational Therapist (IEP Req.)1.0 WHS & WMSWorld Language Coordinator//WHS Spanish1.0 WMSSpeech Therapist (IEP Req.)0.5 WMSSixth Grade Teachers1.0 Total FTEs18.3
Revenue Trends: All Sources FY13 FY14 FY15 Estimated FY16 Town Appropriation$35,334,900$36,675,000$39,232,000$41,927,115 Plus “One-Time” Funds 210,000750,000 Total Town Appropriation$35,334,900$36,885,000$39,982,000$41,927,115 $ Increase from Prior Year1,194,9001,550,1003,097,0001,945,115 % Increase from Prior Year3.50%4.30%8.40%4.86% Total Grants$1,770,285$2,141,102$2,228,849$1,895,498 Circuit Breaker1,910,4632,107,4332,288,9952,000,000 Fees/Tuition/Special Funds *2,800,5673,074,397** 2,012,4443,000,000 Grand Total$41,816,215$44,207,932$46,512,288$48,822,613 * includes Food Service ** through March 30, 2015
Other Sources Grants Circuit Breaker Other Offsets
Grants & Circuit Breaker Other Sources FY15FY14FY13 Grant NameDeptAward Amount Quality Full-Day KindergartenDoE $104,229 $107,229 Inclusive Preschool Learning EnvironmentsEEC 15,935 14,715 15,705 Academic Support ServicesDoE 8,400 11,800 13,100 Universal Pre-KEEC 63,189 46, ,317 Coordinated Family & Community EngagementEEC 145, ,079 25,732 School TransportationDoE 77,491 Early Childhood Special EducationEEC 35,864 35,047 35,881 Title III - Limited English Proficiency SupportDoE 35,908 44,823 45,933 Occ-Ed Vocational Skills (Perkins Act Alloc.)DoE 30,901 28,982 28,920 SPED AllocationDoE 835, , ,012 SPED Program ImprovementDoE 21,531 11,558 20,082 Title IIA - Teacher QualityDoE 78,237 79,523 82,936 Title IIA Carryover FY14DoE 17,491 Title I DistributionDoE 318, , ,239 Title I Carryover FY14 fundsDoE 121,801 56,980 Title I Carryover FY13 fundsDoE 4,579 Title I CarryoverFed 47, F Physical Education Project Yr 1 & 2Fed 301, ,269 Watertown Healthy Youth ProjectFed 41,684 Title III LEP CarryoverDoE 2,390 1,135 Title II-A CarryoverDoE 3,721 4,650 Tydings Early Childhood CarryoverEEC SPED Early Childhood Program ImprovementDoE 8,000 4,000 4,250 Professional Practice Innovation RTTTDoE 35,000 SPED TransitionDoE 1,600 Title III - English Language AcquisitionDoE 2,063 $2,228,849$2,141,102$1,770,285 SPED Circuit BreakerDoE 2,288,995 2,107,433 1,910,463 $4,517,844$4,248,535$3,680,748
Circuit Breaker Carry-Forward Receiptsto Subsequent Year FY 2016$2,000,000 FY 2015 $2,288,995$1,100,000 (Estimate) FY 2014 $2,107,433$770,800 FY 2013 $1,910,463 FY 2012 $1,562,310 Unanticipated costs (which have become known after the budget was presented) to be handled with balance: Special Education tuition (became known 3/31/15): $66,178(excluding transportation) 3 Minuteman Tuitions (became known 3/31 and 4/4/15): 52,668(assumes students not on IEP) 5 additional Minuteman students on IEPs 22,500 Total $141,346
Other Offsets Athletics$115,000 Bus Fees35,000 WCAC40,000 Town of Watertown29,806 Community Education135,000 Total$354,806 Other Sources
Changes in Proposed Town Budget FY16 School Committee Request$41,927,115 Changes by Town Manager Decrease for State Kindergarten Grant - $100,000 One-Time Curriculum Appropriation375,000 Education Appropriation41,452,000 Total for Education$41,827,000
FY17 Phase FY'17 PHASEFTE POSITION WHS- Dual Certified ELA/Spec Ed Teacher1 WHS- Civics, Psychology Teacher0.6 WHS- World Language Teacher0.4 WHS- Guidance Counselor0.5 DISTRICT- Help Desk Technician1 DISTRICT-Attendance Officer0.5 HOSMER-Nurse1 HOSMER-Secretary0.5 DISTRICT Secondary Spec Ed Coordinator1 DISTRICT- Math Teacher (Elementary)1 CUNNIFF- Guidance Counselor0.5 CUNNIFF Art Teacher0.2 CUNNIFF Music Teacher0.2 CUNNIFF- PE Teacher0.2 DISTRICT- Painter1 DISTRICT- HVAC Technician1 DISTRICT- Carpenter1 CUNNIFF- Custodian1 HOSMER- Custodian1 LOWELL- Custodian1 WHS- Custodian1 WMS- Custodian1 Total16.6