Modern and Contemporary 1900-Present
Modern and Contemporary The turn of the century (19 th -20 th ) was full of “isms”. Time of diversity of styles, experimentation and creativity within the art world. Many of these “isms” reflected the political, social, literary, philosophical, industrial, and scientific influences in a rapidly changing world.
Examples of “isms” during this time Expressionism Fauvism Cubism Futurism Surrealism Automatism Constructivism Minimalism abstractionism
All of the different movements during this time. – They may have borrowed some small technique or style from past movements But they still maintained their own identity During this time there was optimism however there was also dark times reflecting the turmoil of the times There were challenging political forces that thrust artist into the unknown and artist translated their interpretations of what was happening through various forms of artwork.
Techniques of this time… Use of color in expressionistic manner The fragmentation of objects The non-objective creations of lines and shapes The repetition of form to create movement Analytical definition of objects
Art in the 20 th century America also reflected the diversity of American citizens. Jacob Lawrence began portraying the everyday lives of African Americans: – Paved the way for generations of new African American artist. – Confrontation At the bridge, 1975.
Mexico’s great muralist Diego Rivera ( ) was a revolutionary painter who took art to the public in a big way, social relevance. Flower seller Explored the Struggles of the Working class. Reintroduced fresco
Mural by Rivera
Influences… The Russian Revolution and World War I spread fear around the world Scientific advancements were numerous Many medical advancements were taking place during this time Philosophical way of thinking and rise of psychology
Influences cont… The world was becoming smaller with the advancement of technology in mass communication. Knowledge about other places and people was available easily.
Artist: European Artist: European Salvador Dali ( ) A great surrealist, born in Spain Surrealist movement was greatly influenced by theories of psychiatrist Sigmund Freud and belief that dreams were windows into the subconscious mind. Surrealism: 20 th century art movement that produced works containing elements of dreams, fantasy or irrationality. Many surrealist painting are unconventional and startling as dreams.
The persistence of Memory
Swans reflecting elephants
Pablo Picasso Played a role in almost every 20 th century art movement. Created around 22,000 works of art in his life time in a variety of media: sculpture, ceramics, mosaics, stage design, graphic arts. He experimented with abstraction and use of color Known for his color periods: a Blue Period and a Rose Period
Blue Period
Rose Period
Picasso cont… Picasso was intrigued by African art and masks – This led to the beginning of his ideas of Cubism Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque developed Cubism Cubism: A 20 th century art movement in which the subject matter is broken up. Analyzed, and reassembled in abstract form, emphasizing geometric shapes.
Georgia O’Keefe American artisit She was an art teacher Famous for painting large flowers Also, for creating large scale abstraction using natural form White flower on Red Earth
Cow’s Skull
Andy Warhol Began making work of everyday images from pop culture Commercial artist and printer Became famous for his Campbell soup can images Was famous for Pop Art and focused on celebrities and everyday objects of mass production
Pop Art: An art style, also known as Neo-Dada developed in the 1950’s. Pop artists depicted and satirized popular culture such as mass media symbols, comic strips, fast food, billboards, and brand name products.
Andy Warhol
Dorothea Lange Influential photographer and photo journalist Lange's photographs humanized the tragic consequences of the Great Depression and profoundly influenced the development of documentary photographs. Main photographer of the Depression Era.
Migrant Mother
Frank Lloyd Wright American architect, writer, interior designer and educator Promoted organic architecture His work includes original and innovative examples of many different building types, including offices, churches, schools, sky scrapers, hotels, and museums.
Frank Lloyd Wright ( ), Fallingwater, Kaufmann House, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, What is Architecture