SEN 460 Software Quality Assurance
Bahria University Karachi Campus Waseem Akhtar Mufti B.E(CSE) UIT, M.S(S.E) AAU Denmark Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Contact: Mobile: File access:
SEN 460 Software Quality Assurance Text book Software Quality Assurance From theory to implementation By DANIEL GALIN
Chapter 2 What is Software Quality?
What is software quality? Software – Code (computer program) – Procedures (methods or functions) – Documentation. – Data. Software quality is measured by its errors, faults and failures.
What is software quality? Errors Faults Failures
What is software quality? Errors Faults Failures Errors in a program should not cause a system to crash. System should still continue functioning.
What is software quality? Errors Faults Failures continue Robust or fault tolerant system
Causes of software errors? Faulty definition of requirements. Client—developer communication failures. Deliberate deviations from software requirements. Logical design errors. Coding errors. Non-compliance with documentation and coding standards. Shortcomings of the testing process. Procedure errors. Documentation errors.
What is software quality? Software quality means conformance to requirements. (Philip B. Crosby, 1979) Is this definition correct?
What is software quality? SQA – expended definition. A systematic, planned set of actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the software development process or the maintenance process of a software system product confirms to established functional technical requirements as well as with the managerial requirements of keeping the schedule and operating within the budgetary confines.
Software quality assurance Vs Software quality control? Answer to ex-5, page 31. Quality control: “A set of activities designed to evaluate the quality of a developed or manufactured product.” Quality control is a set of managerial tasks whereas quality assurance is a set of technical tasks.
Objectives of SQA activities Software development and maintenance: Conformance of functional technical requirements. Assuring managerial scheduling. Budgetary requirements. Reducing the cost of development, maintenance and SQA activities.
Software quality assurance and Software Engineering How both are different?
Exercises chapter 2 Solve: 2.2 (1) and (2). 2.3 (1) and (2). * 2.6 (1) and (2).