GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 Recycle is what we do with products we use daily. Recycling is the conversion of waste products into new materials. This is done to extend the life of a product that seems to have no further use. Recycling means reusing a product, but sometimes it will need reprocessing or treatment. RECYCLE PRIMARY RECYCLING The second hand use of items is a type of primary recycling, as they are simply being used again. Examples include charity shops, ebay, passing items to friends and family SECONDARY (PHYSICAL) RECYCLING This is the process by which waste materials are recycled into different types of products. For example a large corriflute sign could be cut down and used for plant labels in the garden. The changes the product will go through will depend on the main fibre or material. Some products can be left to biodegrade to become something else. TERTIARY RECYCLING This is when products are broken down and the materials re-formulated – for example plastic bottles can be recycled into fibres and then respun into polyester fibre to make fleeces and coats. Car tyre can be broken down to make numerous products, such as mousemats, or the material used on the ground in childrens playgrounds MATERIALS Nowadays, most items can be recycled, including: glass, paper, metals, wood, textiles, electronics, tyres, plastics, food waste, plant materials etc. WHY Everything we dispose of has to go somewhere – out of sight out of mind! We are rapidly filling up landfill sites as the ‘consumer society’ grows. Wasting valuable resources. Wasting energy. When designing and manufacturing new products we need to consider how they can be recycled at the end of their lifecycle and if we can use recycled materials to make them.
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 RECYCLE SECONDARY (PHYSICAL) RECYCLING Flip-flops made from recycled car tyres
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 A new product progresses through a variety of stages from the original idea to its final decline, where it might be discontinued or disposed of. Designers must consider the impact of a product on the environment and its impact on society as a whole. The main stages are: The raw materials: how are they harvested/made? The production process: how is the product made? Transport and distribution: you need to consider what, how, where and the cost. Uses: what are the intended uses of the product? How will it be used by the client/customer? Recycling: how can the product be recycled? Care and maintenance: what is needed how much, and is it environmentally friendly? Disposal: the waste from manufacturing or the product itself. Is it recyclable or biodegradable? REDUCE -1 Product Lifecycle
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 The eco-footprint of a product is the term used to refer to the measurement of the effect of our actions on the environment. As a designer you must consider the effect of your ideas on the environment from the first stages of the design ideas, through to the making and final disposal or recycling of the product. The footprint involves showing that you have designed the product with the environment in mind and have tried to minimise the damage caused by the various stages throughout the products lifecycle. REDUCE -2 Eco Footprint CARBON OFFSETTING is used by some manufacturers as an additional way of paying back for the ‘damage’ their products cause during their lifecycle. They can ‘buy’ credits – in effect extra taxation. They can contribute to environmental projects
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 Built in Obsolescence is where the product has been designed to last for a set (often relatively short) period of time. The functions of the product have been designed to fail after a certain time limit. Often such products are not designed to be economical to repair. The consumer is then under pressure to purchase again. This built in obsolescence is in many different products from vehicles to light bulbs and clothing, and in food, with ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ dates. Manufacturers often invest money to make a product obsolete faster, by making it with cheaper and less reliable components. Some manufacturers bring out ‘new models’ with improved features, making old models obsolete and less desirable. REDUCE -3 Built in Obsolescence
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 The consumption of non-renewable energy resources such as coal and oil is causing an energy crisis. These resources will eventually run out. Using non-renewable resources adds to pollution problems as products made from oil often take a long time to break down in the environment. REDUCE -4 Energy and Waste in Production Processes The transportation of products is a high user of oil and petrol – refined fossil fuels. ‘Green Energy’ – alternative energy sources - is considered more environmentally friendly and non polluting. Energy can be generated from natural renewable resources such as: Wind power Solar power Geothermal Hydro-power Tidal/Wave Hydrogen
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 We often overlook how much we waste as consumers, whether it be consumable products or power sources, such as electricity or packaging for example. Waste management is an increasing problem, from chemicals that get into the water system and beyond, to paper, card and plastics from packaging. Switching off televisions and computers and not leaving them on standby for example can help us reduce the amount of energy we waste. Reusing carrier bags, or buying locally made products all helps reduce material waste and bring about a more eco-friendly footprint. Manufacturers now have to follow strict guidelines on how to get rid of waste materials including effluent. Research is ongoing into methods of waste and pollution management. REDUCE -5 Materials: Waste
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 REDUCE Nike used to have dozens of different, Complicated shoeboxes, now they have one design which uses no glue or staples
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 Reuse: Take an existing product that has become waste, and use the material or parts for another purpose, without processing it REUSE Products that can be reused either for the same purpose or a new purpose Products that are designed to be Reused result in less waste. This leads to conservation of materials and resources. Many places locally in the UK collect unwanted products, and repair them and redistribute them for further use. Products that can be adapted to suit an alternative use Some local areas have set up their own websites and organisations for the reuse of unwanted items: these are used and run by groups of people who actively aim to adapt existing items for alternative uses.
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 REUSE Products that can be adapted to suit an alternative use
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 Within your lifestyle, and that of others around you, you need to rethink about your lifestyle and the way in which you buy products and the energy needed to use and produce them. Society is constantly evolving and changing, and you can evaluate how you could make a difference RETHINK How is it possible to approach design problems differently? What ideas can you develop to ensure a difference? Using an existing product that has become waste, using the materials or components for another purpose without processing them. What could be designed?
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 The processing, manufacture and transport of products uses a huge amount of energy and can produce vast quantities of waste. You need to look at the sustainability of a product from an environmental and a social viewpoint. How is the product made and can we ensure that little or no harm is created in the environment by the method of manufacture? Sometimes a choice or compromise between the performance required of the product and its impact on the environment needs to be considered and debated REFUSE Issues relating directly to Sustainable Design Materials we should refuse to use Why should you refuse to use some products? There are a variety of reasons. It may be because the product is made unnecessarily from a manmade source instead of a natural one. It might be because of the toxic chemicals used in the product. What about the manufacturing process itself – has it been made under appropriate safety regulations? What about the rights of the workers and the conditions they have been working in? Packaging and transport – distances and costs. It might not be good for you! (eg. high fat content)
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 REFUSE Biodegradable ‘Jute’ shopping bag
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 REFUSE Some T-Shirts are now made from Organic cotton
GCSE Graphics Design & Technology PK 2012 Today’s throwaway society means that it is quicker and easier and often cheaper to throw away something rather than repair it. Many products are designed to become obsolete (built in obsolescence), encouraging consumers to repurchase rather than repair. REPAIR Some products you can repair yourself, some can be taken to repair shops. Some products are beyond repair, or would cost too much to fix. Unwanted electronic and electrical equipment is the fastest growing waste area, why? The need to change attitudes to this is pressing. How might this be achieved?