Hawkeye CCD University Snapshot February 22, 2016
Overview of KLI-4104 Quad-Linear Array (G, R, B, L) High Resolution: Luma (Monochrome) Array with 5 um Pixels with 8,160 Count (Active Pixels) Luma Channel has 4 Outputs High Resolution: Color (RGB) Array with 10 um Pixels with 4,080 Count (Active Pixels). Buying CCD with no RGB filters for our application. Each Color Channel has 1 Output Two-Phase Register Clocking Electronic Exposure Control
KLI-4104 Linear Array Arrangement Overview of KLI-4104 KLI-4104 Linear Array Arrangement
KLI-4104 Channel Alignment Overview of KLI-4104 KLI-4104 Channel Alignment
Anatomy of a CCD Sensor Photo sensitive elements - Photo diodes Accumulation area Horizontal readout register Resettable floating diffusion node for charge-to-voltage conversion Source follower buffer Clocks for controlling charge movement
Anatomy of a CCD Sensor CCD Block Diagram Photo Diode & Accumulation area CCD Block Diagram Direction of Shift Transfer Clocks Floating Diffusion Output Amplifier Serial Clocks Serial Register Reset Clock
How Does a CCD Work? Water Bucket Analogy Photons Photo Diodes Transfer Clocks Floating Diffusion and Output Amplifier Serial Clocks Serial Register Water Bucket Analogy
How Does a CCD Work? CCD Cross Section
Function of CCD Pre-amplifier Low Pass Filter Gain IN OUT CCD pre-amplifier provides gain and low pass filtering The gain is set to match the CCDs full well signal output to the ADC input range. The filtering is to reduce broad band noise from the CCD output amplifier.
ADC AD9826 Block Diagram
ADC AD9826 Features 16-Bit 15 MSPS A/D Converter 3-Channel 16-Bit Operation up to 15 MSPS Correlated Double Sampling 1~6x Programmable Gain +- 300 mV Programmable Offset Input Clamp Circuitry Internal Voltage Reference Multiplexed Byte-Wide Output w/ tri-state enable 3-Wire Serial Digital Interface 3 V/5 V Digital I/O Compatibility Low Power CMOS: 400 mW (Typ)
Specific Features supported in this ADC Improve Signal Fidelity DC Restore Allows simple AC coupling for level shifting of input signal. Input Offset Adjust Allows CCD input signal to be offset to fully utilize the ADC input range. Programmable Gain Easy fine tuning to match input signal to ADC range Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) Allows removing the CCD reset offset to greatly decrease the noise of the CCD measurement.
Other Features simplify use of ADC Internal Voltage Reference Eliminates extra circuitry. Multiplexed Byte-Wide Output w/ tri-state enable Allows a multiplexed byte wide output bus for multiple ADC with no external circuitry 3 V/5 V Digital I/O Compatibility Data receiver will be 3.3V logic. Allows easy data connectivity without level translation.
Camera Block Diagram – Single Channel, One CCD Preamplifier ADC Camera Front End Single Channel of One CCD IN OUT Analog Clocks Clock Drivers Digital Clocks Computer Spacecraft Interface Image Upload Bus Timing Generator CPU Camera Control Bus Power Supply Memory Spacecraft Power Bus FPGA CPU
HawkEye Camera has 3 Output Channels per CCD, and 4 CCDs Each linear array CCD has outputs of which 3 are used Each ADC has 3 input channels Total instrument has 8 bands, two per CCD One area array CMOS Sensor used for finder scope Total of 12 output channels to be digitized for science data
Camera Front End – All CCD Channels, One CCD Preamplifiers ADCs IN OUT To Computer CCD IN OUT Analog Clocks Clock Drivers Digital Clocks Camera Front End
HawkEye Camera has 1 Computer reading out all 4 CCDs Computer supports 4 CCDs, with 4 ADCs devices digitizing 12 ADC channels total per computer Computer supports 512 MByte of DRAM The image from a single CCD requires 87 MBytes of memory Each computer required to support 2 CCD images for total of 174 MBytes Memory left for OS is 338 MBytes
Complete Camera Block Diagram – All CCD Channels, All CCDs Camera Front End Computer Image Upload Bus Camera Front End Camera Control Bus 4 CCDs, 4 Clock Drivers and 12 Preamplifiers Total of 4 CCDs for Complete System Computer will also control the Finder Scope
How Does a Digital CCD Camera Operate? CCD cameras convert light intensity to a digital number. One number for each pixel in the image To use a CCD to create a digital image a controller or computer must control many processes in detailed sequences A State Machine is a technique commonly used to control many processes and sequences A camera operation timeline and description of a State Machine will follow
CCD Camera Operation Timeline CCD Operation Timeline Interleaved All Image Lines Captured? Image Aggregation (and / or) Download Flush CCD Image Line Capture Integration Time ? Yes No
CCD Camera Operation CCD Flush Flush CCD to prepare for image exposure Clock transfer clocks to remove charge from photo diodes (due to dark current or photons) Clock serial clocks to remove charge from serial register Clock reset clock to keep floating diffusion node from saturating Flushing CCD prepares it for image integration time
CCD Camera Operation Integration Time Integration time is the time the CCD is allowed to accumulate charge in the photodiodes to create one line in an image. Transfer clocks are kept in their default state. Serial and reset clocks are clocked to keep dark current from building up in the serial register. After the first line is transferred to the serial register the integration and line capture operation are interleaved.
CCD Camera Operation Image Line Capture The transfer clocks are clocked to move the photodiode charge to the serial register (ending the integration time) The serial and reset clocks are clocked to reset the floating diffusion node and then transfer one pixel at a time to the output amplifier The ADC clocks are clocked to capture each pixel and convert it to a digital value Process continues for each line in the image All arrays in each CCD are read out simultaneously
Correlated Double Sampling is used to reduce Readout Noise by about 5X Reference Clock SHA CCD Signal + CDS Out - SHA Data Clock Correlated Double Sampling is a method to measure electrical values such as voltages or currents that removes an undesired offset The output of the sensor is measured twice: once during reset and once to capture the signal
Timing of Correlated Double Sampling Process Reset Feedthrough CCD Waveform Reference Data 3-Channel CDS Mode Timing
CCD Readout Control Signals Transfer (Vertical) Clocks Moves charge from photodiodes to serial readout register. Serial (Horizontal) Clocks Moves charge along the serial register towards the floating diffusion node and output amplifier. Reset Clock Resets the floating diffusion node (FDN) to the RD voltage bias level. Reset Drain Bias Zero signal reference level for the FDN
CCD Control Signals Line Timing Vertical Transfer Shorten Integration Time Integration Time Exposure / Integration Time Controls Each CCD channel has a LOGx input that will flush the Photodiodes while it is set to the active level.
CCD Control Signals Photodiode-to-CCD Transfer Timing Horizontal Clocks Transfer Clocks Transfer clocks transfer charge from the photodiodes to the serial readout register.
CCD Control Signals Output Timing Horizontal Clocks Reset Clock Video Out ADC Ref Clock ADC Sample Clock Two horizontal, 1 reset and 2 ADC clocks are used to capture a single pixel data value.
What Part of the Camera is Involved with Timing Generation? CCD Preamplifier ADC IN OUT Analog Clocks Clock Drivers Digital Clocks Computer Spacecraft Interface Image Data Bus Timing Generator CPU Camera Control Bus Power Supply Memory Spacecraft Power Bus FPGA CPU
CCD Control and Data Capture Requires Accurate Timing CCD readout and ADC Clocks For accurate exposure control the CCD and ADC clocks must be precise and stable. Microprocessor generated clock timing is not stable enough due to interrupt handling delays and other multitasking duties of the computer. CCD and ADC clocks must be generated in digital hardware such as an Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
What Are FPGAs? An array of logical elements that allow you to create many logical function from simple “AND” and “OR” gates to memory elements, even hardware based digital signal processing The elements can be arranged to create very complex logic Multiple channels can be clocked and data captured in parallel
Creating a CCD Clock in a FPGA Counter A Digital Comparator A=B Flip-Flop Set Clock Rising Edge Register Reset Clock Out B (A) All logic controlled by clock A Digital Comparator Clock Falling Edge Register A=B System Clock B (B) One way to make clocks in a FPGA
Creating a CCD Clock in a FPGA - Explanation Counter: a free running counter that counts up for each system clock rising edge. Clock Rising Edge Register: holds the count value for which we want the CCD clock to transition to a high state. Digital Comparator (A) compares the value in Counter and the Rising Edge Register sets its output high when the values are equal Otherwise the output is low. The output of Digital Comparator (A) sets the Flip-Flop so its output goes to the high state. The same process is followed for the Falling Edge Register and comparator Comparator B’s output resets the Flip-Flop causing the output to go to the low state.
CCD Clock Drivers A CCD Clock Driver level shifts a digital clock so it can drive a different voltage range and with increased current drive capabilities For Example the driver accepts a 0 to 3V digital clock and outputs a clock that swings + and – 12V that can drive a large capacitive load Most of the clocks on the KLI-4104 CCD require a 0 to 7.25V and must drive up to 660pF capacitance
Finderscope CMOS Sensor Data Requirements Finder Scope uses 752 x 480 interline transfer area CCD from Micron, MT9V034. Must take one image every 10 seconds during large image capture. Must store 10 to 11 images per large image. Image size is 752 x 480 x 1Byte = 361 KBytes Total storage required is 361K x 11 = 3.97 MBytes
Finderscope Subsystem The Finderscope is a separate camera that will require dedicated timing generation, clock drivers, ADC, memory and CPU The CMOS sensor is not mounted on main CCD board, but instead is near CubeSat side of package Camera clocks and A/D converter are all internal to CMOS sensor – interface is simple
The CPU Organizes Camera Operation The CPU will organize all camera functions The camera should be constantly listening for camera commands on the camera control bus When commands are received without errors the camera will acknowledge the command and when appropriate change the state of the camera Camera functions can be controlled by a software state machine
A Camera has many states of Operation Examples of camera states in a state machine are: Idle Prepare to take an image Initiate integration time End exposure Readout image Each camera state will control hardware and the sequence of events to operate the camera.
State Machine Logic is used for each Task Idle Prepare to take an image Initiate integration time Last State … State 0 State 1 State 2 State n Camera operations are controlled by state machine logic programmed in both hardware and software.
State-full Control of all camera functions Each state handles a set of camera controls to operate the camera. Examples are: In Camera Idle State: Make sure mechanical shutter is closed. Continually flush CCD sensor so it is prepared for the change to image capture state. Poll camera control bus for commands
Computer Requirements Computer must be able to acquire, store and manipulate large amount of image data The 1800x4000 pixel image from a single pass requires 58 MBytes of memory Max image size is 1800x6000: 87 MBytes Each computer is required to support 2 CCD images for total of 174 MBytes Needs a DRAM interface
Computer Requirements The computer must be able to acquire, store and manipulate nearly 512 Mbyte of data in a Dynamic RAM (DRAM) Must have adequate computational power to handle image data, camera control and high speed communications with the spacecraft simultaneously Effective sampling rate is = 1.02 Mpixels per second for each CCD channel Data is summed before storage – data rate saved is 900 Kpixels per second for all 4 CCDs At this time it appears the Xilinx ZYNQ processor can keep up with real time aggregation of the data if desired