Test Administrator Training Spring 2016 Online Tests February 2016
Spring Testing Dates Districts select 15 consecutive school days for testing that includes makeups. Our district’s English language arts window is _____ through ______. Math, science and social studies window is _____ through _____.
Elementary and Middle School Test eligibility for grades 3-8 is based on student’s enrolled grade. Accelerated testing Testing times
State Test Grades and Subjects Students Grades 3-8 English Language Arts and Math Students Grades 4,6 Social Studies Students Grades 5,8 Science
High School End-of-Course Tests See guidance on page 16 of Directions for Administration Manual. Testing Times
Scheduling Administrations Each test has two parts: part 1 and part 2 Each test has two parts: part 1 and part 2
Make-Up Testing At least two scenarios for make-up testing:* 1.) A student is absent on the day of testing; 2.) A student cannot complete the test during the scheduled session. *Make-ups must occur within the district’s test window.
Test Security Review district’s written procedures for security. It is illegal and unethical to copy or disclose any test content. Review district’s written procedures for security. It is illegal and unethical to copy or disclose any test content.
Electronic Device Policy Review school policy on electronic device usage during and after test sessions for students. Test administrators may have a cell phone for test-related actions.
Test Security Violations Refer to page 10 in the Directions for Administration Manual. Contact your building test coordinator if you believe a violation has occurred. Review the Test Incident Guidance Document.Test Incident Guidance Document
Ethical Use of Tests Is this activity or behavior an ethical practice? YesNo Using state practice tests -- without teaching learning standards measured by the tests X Using state practice tests after students receive instruction on learning standards and item formats X Making copies of tests and/or preparing a student study guide based on the tests X
Ethical Use of Tests Is this activity or behavior an ethical practice? YesNo Preparing students for tests by incorporating Ohio’s Learning Standards in the appropriate subject curriculum X Changing answers that students have marked, written, typed or gridded in X Using test results as one means of evaluating the effectiveness of curriculum X
Ethical Use of Tests Is this activity or behavior an ethical practice? YesNo Hinting that a student should reconsider his test answer(s) X Encouraging under-performing students to stay home during standardized test administration X Excluding scores of under-performing students from public reports X
Ethical Use of Tests Is this activity or behavior an ethical practice? YesNo Correcting student responses so student will be in a gifted program X Setting a testing schedule that does not allow students the maximum time allowed for the test X Providing teachers and counselors with information they need to interpret test results X Revealing test scores of one student to another student X
Test Eligibility and Testing Time Sample text sample text sample text 1 After Testing Policy Review district/school policy for students who complete the test prior to the end of the scheduled testing time. After Testing Policy Review district and school policy for students who complete the test before the end of the scheduled testing time.
Test Administrator Criteria Employee of the district Holds a license, certificate or permit issued by the department Employee of the district Holds a license, certificate or permit issued by the department
Test Administrator Responsibilities Having a teacher or test administrator user account. Staying aware of test security procedures and following them at all times. Becoming familiar with accessibility features and accommodations available for students.
Test Administrator Responsibilities Having access to student information needed for student sign-in on test day Knowing how to establish, approve, monitor and stop test sessions Downloading the Online Testing Checklist
Before Testing Verify user account Have student information for test day Update accessibility features under student test settings Verify technology preparedness Understand functions of the online system
Before Testing Calculators Math reference sheets Periodic table and reference sheet for the physical science test Blank paper
Before Testing: Administration Preparations Seating arrangement should not crowd students. Room should be free of “clues” (e.g., maps and charts). Have oral script and student information.
During Testing: Actively Monitor Test Sessions Walk around the room. Ensure students are taking the correct test. Ensure students are on task.
During Testing: Actively Monitor Test Sessions Observe students; watch for activities that might be considered cheating. Monitor time and test completion per student.
During Testing: Breaks Students must not talk during breaks. Restroom breaks are one student at a time. Breaks do not reduce testing time.
During Testing: Student Becomes Ill Pause student’s test. Note how much of the testing time has elapsed
During Testing: Disruptions Pause testing for affected students. Note how much testing time has elapsed. Remove student.
Test Status Requests Grace period extension Reopen a test InvalidationReset Test Status Requests
After Testing: Ending Session Click the red [stop] sign Logout of the Test Administrator Interface Collect test materials
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