Personality: Humanistic Perspective Humanism – theoretical orientation that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, esp. their freedom and their potential for personal growth.
Humanism Development Critics Freudian Theory & Behaviorism backlash Criticized for being dehumanizing. – Freud: behavior dominated by primitive, animalistic drives. – Behaviorism: preoccupied with animal research and its mechanistic view of personality. psychoanalytic and behavioral: too deterministic; fail to recognize unique qualities of human behavior In Contrast: Carl Rogers & Abraham Maslow took an optimistic view towards human nature. Assume: 1.People can rise above their primitive animal heritage. 2.People are largely conscious and rational beings who are not dominated by unconscious, irrational conflicts. 3.People are not helpless pawns of deterministic forces.
Carl Rogers’s Person-Centered Therapy human potential movement: self-realization through sensitivity training, encounter groups, and other personal growth exercises emphasis on person's subjective p.o.v.: person-centered theory
Rogers’s Person-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers Actualizing Tendency – innate drive to maintain and enhance the human organism! All other biological/social motives are secondary.
Personality Structure: The Self Self-Concept: collection of beliefs about one’s own nature, unique qualities, and typical behavior. (a collection of self-perceptions) – Ex. “I’m pretty” You are aware of your self-concept! Incongruence: the gap between your self- concept and reality. Congruence: reasonably accurate self-concept with to reality.
Development of the Self Focused on how childhood experience shaped incongruence/congruence – Conditional affection v. unconditional affection – Block out unpleasant exp. -congruence – incongruence
Anxiety and Defense Experiences that threaten self-concept lead to anxiety. Individuals behave defensively in an effort to reinterpret their experience so that it appears consistent with their self-concept.
Maslow’s Theory of Self-Actualization Hierarchy of Needs – a systematic arrangement of needs, according to priority, in which basic needs must be met before less basic needs are aroused. – satisfaction activates need at the next level.
Need for Self- Actualization – need to fulfill one’s potential. Self-Actualizing Persons – people with exceptionally healthy personalities, marked by continuous personal growth.
Evaluating Humanistic Perspectives Good Person’s subjective views are more important than the objective reality. Foundation for positive psychology. Criticism Poor testability – Define personal growth? Unrealistic view of human nature. – Maslow’s = perfect people? Inadequate evidence