Collaboration & Integrated Content-Based Instruction
Collaboration For students to be successful in mastering the domains of language in all content areas, ESL teachers need to collaborate with content-area teachers to plan instruction that scaffolds language learning. For ELL students to be successful in school, their cultures must be embraced and included in school contexts. Teachers need to serve as the bridges between school, mainstream culture, and home cultures.
Collaboration Language learning strategies are used to help language learners acquire and retain new information in and about the target language. Some effective language learning strategies include self-monitoring, repetition, resourcing, translation, key word, note taking, transfer, and cooperation.
Collaboration The SIOP model proposes an integration of scaffolding content and language. The model includes preparation, instruction, and review/assessment as its three main components. ESL and classroom teachers should collaborate to assess students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Collaboration – Assessments Assessments must be useful, meaningful, and equitable. State-mandated testing is complex and challenging for ELLs because the students are so diverse and have different needs. As teachers, we need to advocate for accountability through the use of sociocultural assessment. Some authentic assessments for ELLs include oral interviews, story retelling, writing samples, projects, portfolios, and experiments.
Integrated Content-Based Instruction ICB instruction provides ELL students with learning experiences that facilitate language acquisition and contextualize academic content. ICB method places an emphasis on three key factors: the use of a variety of media the development of students’ thinking skills the use of student-centered instruction
Integrated Content-Based Instruction The more that the students learn and comprehend language related to specific content areas, the more likely they will comprehend future instruction in that content area. Real-world experiences through hands-on activities are an essential approach to integrating language and concept development for English language learners.
Benefits of ICB instruction for ELLs Less time required for practicing information Allows for the concurrent teaching of academic content and second language learning skills Sequence of skills and language introduction bridges gaps and makes concrete connections to background knowledge
Benefits of ICB instruction for ELLs Opportunities for increased social interactions with peers Scaffolds learning by providing repeated exposure to contextualized content and language Attention to the four domains of the student biography (language, cognitive, academic, and social development) increases achievement
Benefits of ICB instruction for ELLs Motivates learners Decreases perceptions of marginalization Promotes the negotiation of meaning
ICB Lesson: Planning Select the theme. Choose topics relevant to the theme. Create language and content objectives. Gather appropriate instructional materials. Arrange the classroom environment.
ICB Lesson: Instruction Preteach key content vocabulary. Build background. Facilitate collaborative learning. Use authentic activities for integrating literacy. Engage CLD students cognitively. Provide visual support and graphic organizers. Develop learning centers.
ICB Lesson: Assessment Provide formative assessment. Provide summative assessment.
Let’s look together at a lesson! Let’s examine a Language Arts lesson plan from one of our 7 th grade teachers on active reading strategies. The ICB instruction modifications are in blue.
Practice Time! Choose a partner and look together at the sample lesson plan. Using the ICB instruction model, what modifications can you make to this lesson plan? Be prepared to briefly share your modifications with the group.
Resources Gottlieb, M., Craney, M., Cammilleri, A., (2007). WIDA consortium: Understanding the WIDA English language proficiency standards: A resource guide. Herrera, S. & Murry, K., (2005). Mastering ESL and bilingual methods. USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc., ESL standards for pre-k-12 students, online edition.