Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Increasing the Blend Game-Based Learning OLTA – EM ACL Action Research Project 10 February 2015 Vikki Trace and Eileen Kirk Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service (DACES)
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Games Based Learning (GBL) 1 day workshop for tutors In this session you will gain hands on experience using and developing game based learning – using the e-trees gaming tool. Outline for the Day 9:30 – 10:00 Refreshments available / Initial Assessment Task 10:00 Introduction to “Increasing the Blend” Introduction to GBL and Branching Scenarios Play DACES e-trees game 11:30 Break 11:45 Storyboarding your branching story 12:45 LUNCH (not provided) 1:30 Use the e-trees tool to develop your branching story 3:00 Break 3:30 How to incorporate your branching story effectively into your learning programmes Your Next Steps 4:00 Close *
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Increasing the Blend - Project Aims Further develop and embed the use of effective e-technologies in teaching, learning and assessment practice across the ACL Services Increase the number of tutors taking part in CPD to develop their blended learning practice Increase the number of interactive, online resources to support learner, employer and workforce development. Increase the effective use of Virtual Learning Environments to support learning outside of the classroom at a time and place that suits the learners Provide support and assistance for tutors taking part in these CPD mini projects via coaching and/or mentoring Develop a framework, guidelines and training resources to equip tutors to effectively implement Blended learning as a part of their teaching, learning and assessment toolkit
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Increasing the Blend – Project Impact Short Term Impact: ACL tutors to gain and enhance their skills, knowledge, and creativity in using technology effectively to develop innovative learning resources that engage and motivate learners ACL tutors to increase their online tutor capabilities and to be on a progression path towards more advanced online tutoring skills ACL learners will gain increased value and motivation from their learning particularly dispersed, disadvantaged and vulnerable learners ACL learners will gain experience and confidence in using learning technologies to access and improve learning outcomes and increase learner motivation and autonomy
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Increasing the Blend – Project KPIs Key Performance IndicatorsTarget Number of Practitioners engaged/participating50 across all partners Number of Learners engaged150 Number of Case Studies demonstrating effective practice10 (2 per partner) Number of research/evidence based reports1 final report Number of CPD Resources produced10 (At least 2 per partner)
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Increasing the Blend – Project Outputs Maths and English online learning courses/resources suitable for learners from entry level to level 2 to access Games Based Learning (GBL) scenarios to be developed in a variety of curriculum/CPD areas for leaners and tutors to access online Award and Certificate in Education and Training available as a blended course for tutors – enabling access to tutors 24/7 at a location of their convenience A blended learning best practice toolkit for tutors to access Across Service T+L Conference to showcase innovative blended learning practice developed during the course of the project, to be accessible online and face to face
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Increasing the Blend – Your Role Develop Blended Learning Contents for one of your courses Use with your learners Get feedback from your learners Reflect on your learning experience Complete project paperwork OTLA1 Blended Project – Proposal Form OTLA1 Blended Project – Proposal Form OTLA2 Project - Activity Log/Record OTLA2 Project - Activity Log/Record OTLA3 Project - Activity Reflective Report OTLA3 Project - Activity Reflective Report
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department What is Blended Learning?
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Is a game-based learning application (GBL) using branching scenarios that will permit tutors to develop and use their own branching scenarios and content with their learners. Game Based Learning Application
Why use Games Based Learning? Average 21 yr old has spent 10,000 hours gaming By 2015, Over 1 Billion USD to be spent by corporations on GBL (Gartner) By 2015, GBL used by 70% of Global 2000 companies (Gartner) Addictive! Drugs like! (dopamine)
EncouragementLearning Exhilaration Excitement Motivation Inspiration Knowledge Pleasure Understanding Engagement Drive Entertainment Enjoyment Fun What can Games Based Learning offer?
Serious games create fun Fun enhances motivation Motivation leads to immersion Immersion allows experimentation Experimentation produces understanding Which Promotes Active Learning
Are games really good for adults learning? Adults learn experientially Adults want relevance Adults learn best when learning is of immediate value Adults tend to be self- directed Adults approach learning as problem solving Engagement Interaction Story building Goals Objectives Motivation Rules & immediate feedback Fairness Balance Challenge Competition Conflict Key characteristics of adult learning Key characteristics of games
What about branching scenarios? Interactive dialogue simulations Learner as story protagonist Common beginning, multiple endings Different paths (branches) …that may or may not meet
A simple branching structure
start ending A game based on a branching scenario
What is the added value of using GBL? Offers Realism Higher control & responsibility Strengthened sense of attachment
Do adults learn better using games? Simulation of real-life (grey areas) Self-assessment (trial and error) High replayability (application of knowledge)
Building a Branching Story – using e-trees tool eTrees Tool eTrees Tool
The 4 dimensional framework for selecting and using GBL in Teaching, Learning and assessment Context Pedagogy Learner Representation The 4 factors that need to be considered when selecting and using games for learning Source: de Freitas & Oliver, 2006
Guidelines for effectively incorporating GBL into your Teaching, Learning and assessment practice 1.Plan learning activities as a whole 2.Make the game a part of learning rather than an end in itself 3.Link to assessment (Initial, formative and summative) 4.Use a blended learning approach 5.Allow learners and learner groups time and scope for exploring the game environment freely 6.Provide opportunities for reflection on learning, through discussion – both online and face to face 7.Ensure that appropriate learner feedback is in place 8.Ensure there are opportunities for collaborative group work (on and off line)
Methodology for delivering effective GBL Define the learning outcomes – prior to and at the start of learning sessions Select a set of activities to include the game, to support the required learning outcome(s) with an appropriate form of assessment (initial, formative and summative) Consider the sequencing of the game within a set of learning activities and assessment processes Carry out the session(s) with proper consideration to outlining the session, learning outcomes desired and post session reflection Undertake assessment of the participants (self, peer, trainer based, or a combination of these – throughout the session(s)) Evaluate the effectiveness of the session (using learner feedback and evidence of attainment) Review, re-organise, re-design the session and the learning activities according to feedback received and learner attainment
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Your Next Steps 1.Plan which learner group and which content to use to develop your online game 2.Complete an OLTA1 form – send to project lead 3.Develop your game 4.Access support through a T+L Coach 5.Use your game with your learners 6.Get feedback from learners 7.Adapt game according to learner feedback 8.Reflect on your learning 9.Complete the OLTA3 form – send to project lead
Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Thank you! Vikki Trace and Eileen Kirk Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service (DACES)