Running for City Office Filing Papers turned into city auditors office Candidates file: Petition/Certificate of Nomination Statement of Interests Deadline is 4:00PM on the 64 th day before the election. For the June 14 election this date is Monday, April 11 th City auditor to immediately forward candidate information on to county auditor for ballot creation
Running for City Office Is the candidate the only one that circulates the petition? No. Any qualified elector from the city may help in gathering signatures. Does somebody actually have to be with the petition or can we just sit one on a counter somewhere? No one needs to maintain custody of the petition, however it is advised that a qualified elector do so. Not having a circulator tends to result more signatures being thrown out.
Running for City Office Where do I get candidacy forms? Forms are available from the city auditors office or
Ballot Questions Language also due on the 64 th day before the election Also to be immediately forwarded to the county auditor This June the question for whether or not you will publish your minutes has to appear on the ballot.
What is a Joint Powers Agreement? State law requires that cities enter into an agreement with the county to run regular elections. Might be a good idea to review the agreement from time to time. Make sure it is clear who has the responsibility of publishing notices
Election Board/Canvassing Board Election Board – Who the voter interacts with Clerks (not actually members) check people into the pollbook Judges issue ballots voters, canvass write in votes at end of the night Inspector acts as a “manager” of the polling place Canvassing Board Reviews the aggregate of the Election Day results to ensure accuracy Reviews absentee ballots rejected by the election board and late arriving absentee ballots. Determines if they should be counted Certifies results Must meet on the 6 th day after an election
ID Requirement Eligible forms of ID are ND Driver’s License ND Non-Driver’s ID (issued from DOT, looks like a Driver’s License) Tribal ID card issued from a tribe in North Dakota Long Term Care Certificate (available from any ND long term care facility)
Absentee Voter must fill out an application, can apply up to day before the election Ballots available 40 days before the election Ballots must be postmarked by the day before the election to be eligible Three Envelopes Outgoing envelope containing ballot and other two envelopes Secrecy Envelope Return envelope with affidavit on the back
Tabulating Absentee Absentee ballots sent to the election board Election board compares signature from the affidavit to that on the application After verifying the signature matches open the return envelope and remove the secrecy envelope After all return envelopes are removed then begin opening secrecy envelopes. Tabulate ballots
Campaign Finance Required for cities with a population of 5,000 or more “Campaign Contribution Statement County or City” form available on
What if there is a tie? First there is a recount (recount guidelines available on If there is still a tie then names are drawn at the time and date set by the filing officer
If someone turns down the office A vacancy occurs and the procedures of or are to be followed to fill it The office does not just go to the next highest vote getter (although they could be appointed)