Town of Oro Valley Oro Valley Stormwater Utility Commission Overview
Stormwater Mission To provide safe and efficient management of the Stormwater Utility, to promote and protect life and safety, water quality, and the Town’s working and natural environments before, during, and after the occurrence of storm events in accordance with all Town codes, standards and policies. Town of Oro Valley
Stormwater Infrastructure 18 miles of FEMA designated floodplains/levees, 4.5 miles of underground storm pipe, 5 miles of public drainage easements, 460 street catch basins/inlets, 180 culverts, 77 detention basins, 53 first flush devices, and 191 outfalls, and 215 lineal miles of mapped washes. Town of Oro Valley
Stormwater Responsibilities Inspection and preventative maintenance; Facility repair and replacement; Recordkeeping; Emergency response; Determination of responsibilities; and Suitably trained and sufficiently available staff. Town of Oro Valley
Program must address Detention structures; Drainage ways (washes, and ditches); Storm sewers and culverts; Inlets and catch basins; Outlet structures; And Streets (sweeping).
Stormwater Maintenance Stormwater facilities operate effectively only if they are properly maintained. Regular maintenance prevents system failures and decreases the risk of stormwater damage. Inspection and maintenance programs must be established for all stormwater facilities. Town of Oro Valley
Stormwater Utility Fee System E. Purposes of the Fund. 1. All costs of implementation and administration of the Stormwater Management Plan, including the establishment of reasonable operating and capital reserves to meet unanticipated or emergency stormwater management requirements. There shall be a reserve fund of fifteen percent (15%) of the collected annual stormwater fees as specified under Section of this code Inspection and enforcement activities. 3. Billing and administrative costs. 4. Other activities that are reasonably required to accomplish the mission of the Stormwater Management Plan. Town of Oro Valley
Personnel 3.85 FTE Full Time Mike Todnem P.E.Stormwater Engineer Fritz LaosStormwater Civil Engineer Rob WilsonStormwater Civil Engineer Technician Part Time Phil TrenaryOperations Manager Carmen RyanStormwater Support
Stormwater Staff - Tasks Town of Oro Valley
Outside Professional Services Maintenance Stormwater Operations – Buffelgrass – Stormwater Cleanup – Chipping – Vegetation –Wash Clean up – Sweeping – Weed Spraying – Grading shoulders & roads Town of Oro Valley
Outside Professional Services Administrative Support Billing Services - –Monthly Processing –IVR/On Line Processing –Delinquent Billing Processing –Credit Card Processing Financial Services - –Human Resource Management –Annual Financial Audit / Support –Invoice Processing –Payroll –IT Service Computers, software, etc –Legal Service and Review Town of Oro Valley GIS Services – Mapping ALL Stormwater Utilities CFS Flows Interactive Maps
Stormwater Maintenance Small Capital Projects Highland Wash Lambert Lane Culvert Cleaning – Contract Northern Avenue Town of Oro Valley
Vehicle Reserve Capital replacement cost for equipment –Placed in reserve to be used for future Stormwater equipment purchase
Thank you