Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics 2008/09 Introdução à Engenharia Biomédica IST/FMUL – MEBiom 1º ano / 1º semestre
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Introduction The Muscle - Types of muscles; - Anatomy and Physiology. Mathematical Models - Hill’s Model; - Other models. Muscle Redundancy problem - Definition - How to solve it. - An optimization problem - Optimization Criteria Applications of Muscle Modeling Future Directions Conclusion
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Importance of Musculoskeletal system Improvement of movement Analyzing the muscle to develop better applications and improve impaired people’s quality of life
Produce force Cause motion Maintain the normal body-temperature Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Skeletal muscle Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
CharacteristicsSkeletal Types of muscle Smooth Cardiac Location Disposed over the skeletal system Walls of hollow organsHeart Cell-shape Very long and cylindrical Fusiform Cylindrical and branched Function Body movement Regulation of the blood vessels’ diameter, the size of the eye pupil,… Pumping blood Control ConsciousInconscious Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Multiple Fiber simulation Wave summation Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Invasive Procedures Non-invasive Procedures Models: - Social Sciences; - Natural Sciences; - Engineering Problems To study Muscle Dynamics… Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Buckle-gage Transducer EMG Indeep and EMG Electrods Mathematical muscle model
Muscle Dynamics Models By HuxleyBy ZahalakBy HatzeBy Zajac By Hill By Chapman and Baildon Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Frog’s sartorius muscle experiments - The Heat Production Contributions for Computational Modeling Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Archibald V. Hill
Contributions for Computational Modeling The parity between muscle and a spring-like structure working in a linearly viscous manner Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Archibald V. Hill
Contributions for Computational Modeling Model of a damped spring-like property in series with an undamped string Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Archibald V. Hill
Contributions for Computational Modeling Hill’s Model Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Archibald V. Hill
Contributions for Computational Modeling The CE in series and in parallel with passive, lightly- damped elastic tissue was understood. Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Archibald V. Hill
Contributions for Computational Modeling Hill’s explicit definition and technique for estimating excitation-activation dynamics Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Archibald V. Hill
Hill’s Model Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Hill’s Model Force-Length Relationship (a)Force-Velocity Relationship (b) Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Hill’s Model Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Hill’s Model Advantages The better balance between simplicity and fidelity Can easily be put in practice Obtained using measurements obtained in experiments on muscles Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Hill’s Model Disadvantages The analogy to a viscoelastic system The restrictions of the model Some concepts exclusively created to the model Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Muscle Redundancy problem – More Muscles than the ones needed In the body – Central Nervous System Muscle Models – Attempts to distribute the equations by the different forces generated Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Reduction Methods – Reduction of the number of unknown forces until reaching the number of equations – The contribution of some structures is ignored – Functional and Anatomical assumptions – Prediction of Forces Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Optimization Methods – Several Criteria – Solution that minimize the selected criterion – Fulfill with the system’s Equations of Movement Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Constrains – Equations of Movement – Muscle Length and Force production Limits
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Polynomial Sums Soft Saturation Min/Max Criterion Maximum Endurance Pseudoinverse Algorithm
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Analysis of human locomotion and muscle pathologies Ergonomics Man-Machine Interface
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Simulations using muscle models Studies of physical limitations, muscle pathologies and movement optimization Applications in sports Applications in the medical field
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso To optimize ergonomic design the human body needs to be taken into consideration Modeling the musculoskeletal system provides a major insight into the working conditions of the human body Muscle modeling’s analytical approach is complementary to empirical investigations Comfort Health and safety Goals : and It may revolutionize ergonomic design!
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Example of this modeling application in a seated human: Biomechanical analysis of numerous parameters
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Studied to support investigations in robotics Integration between a human and a robotic machine Biomedical, industrial and aerospace applications Decision making and specialized sensing mechanisms Power, accuracy and speed
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Example: Exoskeleton Machines Powered mobile machines Power supply that supplies at least part of the activation-energy for limb movement Human control of the task Mobility assistance to the users (prosthetics and orthotics) Powered Prosthetic Active Ortho
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Bring together different researchers, as this is an interdisciplinary area Collect more experimental data to ensure the veracity of muscle modeling Increase the efficiency of the present models, correcting the problems in Hill’s model in a balanced way
Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso Mathematical models are a very useful and completely non-invasive technique to study the muscle’s dynamics This area has seen a fast growth, and several models have been proposed to model the musculoskeletal system Considering all the aspects that have to be taken in mind in muscle modeling, Hill’s Model continues to be the key model to perform these studies It is reasonable to assume that new and more efficient muscular models will be proposed in a short term period of time…
Prof. Miguel Tavares da Silva, Departamento de Mecânica, IST Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso
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Obrigado pela vossa atenção! Computational Models to Simulate the Muscle’s Dynamics Jonathan Ribeiro / Pedro Chagas Pedro Pinheiro / Pedro Afonso