2 Communicative Language Teaching Resources for English Language Instructors Michael Cahill Thomson Learning
4 Senior Product Manager Thomson ELT Michael Cahill
5 Teacher Trainer EditorConsultant Manager
6 University Language Training Centers Primary School
7 Taipei Washington D.C. Kuala Lumpur
8 English Language Teaching (ELT)
9 In-Company Primary Secondary Tertiary Training Centres English Language Teaching (ELT)
10 Introduction Work with Teachers Listen to Teachers Make Better Resources
Warm-up Warm-up
12 USA13Music34 Thomson ELT Singapore 1.6 answers 2.Work with a partner 3.Think of 6 questions with these answers 4.You have 2 minutes
13 MotivatingInterestingFunctional
Communicative Language Teaching
15 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching 4.Vocabulary 5.Classroom English 6.Error Correction 7.Teaching Resources 8.Q & A Training Schedule
16 David Nunan
17 David Nunan Director and Chair of Applied Linguistics English Centre, University of Hong Kong Director of Research and Development NCELTR Coordinator of Postgraduate Programs in Linguistics Macquarie University
18 David Nunan President TESOL Tutor / Course Coordinator / Curriculum Designer / Lecturer / Professor
19 David Nunan Curriculum and materials development Classroom-based research Discourse analysis
20 David Nunan
21 David Nunan
22 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching Training Schedule
Communicative Language Teaching
In Communicative Language Teaching, interaction in the target language is both the means and the ultimate goal of language learning.
26 Common Problems “My students can’t remember all the vocabulary” “My students don’t like to speak English” “We don’t have enough time to cover everything.”
27 Forgetting curve Why can’t I remember? Nothing I do seems to work. Should we complain to the principal?
28 LEARNING to Ride a Bike Hear someone talk about it on the radio See a video with examples ( no sound ) See a video with examples ( with sound ) Discuss with people who are also learning it Experience it directly & practice
29 FACT of what we hear of what we see of what we both see and hear of what we discuss with others of what we experience directly or practise 10%15%20%40%60% We learn & remember : 10% 15% 20% 40% 60%
Communicative Language Teaching
31 hear Experience directly Learn by doing Relate to personal lives Being involved see Class Individual Communicative teaching Feedback : ( 2 way )
33 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching 4.Vocabulary Training Schedule
35 My students can’t remember all the words.
36 LEARNING FACT Research shows: 80% of what we forget is lost 24 hours after learning!
37 1.Students don't understand the word(s) fully. 2.Students don't get enough time to use & practice the vocabulary. 3.Students don't record & store the vocabulary well. Why do students forget vocabulary?
38 Possible solutions 1.Word lists 2.Mind mapping 3.Vocabulary books 4.Brainstorm+
39 Word Lists
40 1. Self-test Cover Chinese or English ( ) I know. ( ) I don’t know.
41 2. Test your partner How do you say…in English? How do you say…in Chinese?
42 3. Review the list at the beginning / end of class As a class In pairs Silently
43 4. Use as a Learning Resource Use the list when doing exercises and activities
44 5. Find the words Ss find the words in each unit and circle them.
45 Word Lists Self check
46 Possible solutions 1.Word lists 2.Mind mapping
47 Word Lists drive shark future off win gift got visitor ate pool outdoor else end happy
48 Mind Map Describing People Height tallshort Hair Personality Body longshort straightcurly thin light outgoingquiet funnyserious fat heavy
49 Advantages of Mind Maps 1. Word relationships 2. Personalization 3. Both sides of the brain
50 Mind maps - tips simple & easy to understand different colors opposites pictures collocations ( e.g. verb & noun ) sub-groups
51 Food
52 Mind mapping 1)Put them on the classroom wall 2)Put them where they can see it every day
53 Possible solutions 1.Word lists 2.Mind mapping 3.Vocabulary books
54 Labelled pictures
55 Mind maps
56 Definitions & examples
57 Double-sided cards
58 Possible solutions 1.Word lists 2.Mind mapping 3.Vocabulary books 4.Brainstorm+
59 General Brainstorm 1. Groups of 3 to Give a topic, theme, or review lesson. 3. Set a time limit. 3. The group which think of the most correct words is the winner.
60 A-Z brainstorm 1. Groups of 3 to 5 2. Write 1 word with each letter of the alphabet. 3. Set a time limit 4. Can skip letters. 5. Award points for words. 6. Write any “new” words on the board. 7. Open the book!
61 A-Z brainstorm Book 1 page 25 – Sports page 41 – clothes page 31 – food & drink Book 5 page 52 – adjectives to describe vacations ( e.g. fun) page 94 – countries page 118 – adjectives to describe animals Book 3 page 59 – Jobs
62 Hot Seat
63 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching 4.Vocabulary 5.Classroom English Training Schedule
64 Common teacher concerns My students feel that the English they learn in class is not for REAL purposes. My students get bored of listening to me How can I give my students the chance to LEARN more English? My students speak too much Chinese in class
65 Common teacher concern My students don’t like to speak English.
66 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching 4.Vocabulary 5.Classroom English 6.Error Correction 7.Teaching Resources 8.Q & A Training Schedule
67 Error Correction Techniques
68 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching 4.Vocabulary 5.Classroom English 6.Error Correction 7.Teaching Resources Training Schedule
70 FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions Listening Speaking & Pronunciation Reading Writing Vocabulary Assessment Class Management I have questions.
71 Item Teacher Training Materials
72 Teaching Resources Order Books GFI Teachers Online Courses Order Books
73 Contact Us Beijing Office Shanghai Representative Wuhan Representative
74 1.Warm-up 2.David Nunan 3.Communicative Language Teaching 4.Vocabulary 5.Classroom English 6.Error Correction 7.Teaching Resources 8. Q & A Training Schedule
75 Q & A