Account Structure
A New Account Structure Account structure will change immediately upon migration to the new platform. New group numbers and bill account numbers will be established for all customers. Payroll and benefits systems may need to be updated to account for changes to group numbers. IBC will provide support during the transition from the current account structure to the new account structure. Meeting the changing needs of the marketplace requires increased flexibility in designing and administering benefits
Key Changes Group number functions differently. Customers will no longer be assigned an account number. Group numbers change in length. Changes to Account Structure The group number will become the identifying number that drives billing for products. Each group will receive a bill account number, which will serve the same function as the bill to account currently used. Following migration, all group numbers will be 8 digits.
Cross Reference File IBC will provide a cross-reference file that associates the current group structure to the new group structure. Current CID New CID Customer Name Current Group Name Current Group Number Contracts by Group Contracts by Account Current Account Number New Group Number Current Account Name New Account Name Benefit Coventry Resources, LLC Coventry Corporate Services, LLC Coventry Corporate Services, LLC BC/BS/MM Coventry Corporate Coventry Corporate Services, LLC Personal Choice HD1-HC Coventry Corporate Coventry Corporate Services, LLC Personal Choice D1-N Coventry Corporate Coventry Corporate Services, LLC Personal Choice C2-F2