Introduction to Figurative Language: Symbols & Metaphors
The Texas flag is a symbol for ? The star in the flag is a symbol for ?
The flag is a symbol of our state – Texas The star is a symbol of the lone star state. Symbols are a type of Figurative Language. -Figurative language or symbols stand for something or represent something.
The skull and cross bones symbolizes what?
Answer: Death, Caution or Danger. Figurative Language or symbols represent or describe something deeper. They are not the face or surface value, but the deeper meaning – not literal
This statue symbolizes or stands for what meaning?
Possible Answers: Carry a lot of burden or responsibility; Suffering The best or most effective symbols are images or meanings that are familiar to us. Symbols are used to try to help the reader or listener understand by giving them an image or mental picture.
Poets use familiar images or words like ‘a path’. What does ‘a path’ symbolize in literature/stories?
Practice: What do these symbols in literature mean? 'Light' in literature is a symbol or metaphor for? Good, wisdom, purity, virtue 'A path or road' in literature is a symbol or metaphor for? How you live your life. Your path in life. A closet? Hiding something, fear
Every been so hungry you can eat one of these?
Of horse..., I mean, of course not. “I am so hungry I could eat a horse”, is a figure of speech or metaphor. Metaphors or figures of speech are a form of symbol. They are images, words, or phrases that represent something or some meaning other than just themselves. The figurative or metaphorical meaning: “I am very hungry.”
The literal meaning: That is a meal for a lion –literally.
“My dad always catches me right before I do something.” It’s as if he has eyes in the back of his head. Figurative or metaphorical meaning: My dad is very observant or aware of everything I do. Literal meaning: next slide--->
“Eyes in the back of his head.” – Literally!
"A wave of terror washed over him."
Metaphors A good metaphor – when you use words or images that most people are familiar with or know. ‘The terror’ is not actually or literally a wave, but a wave is a good way of describing the feeling of terror because most people can imagine what a big wave hitting them would feel like. ’A wave of terror hitting you’ is scarier than ‘a drop of terror hitting you’.
Are you terrified?
Bibliography All photos from Creative commons Figure on beach – S. Parish on Google -mexican flag – kalavinka on Flickr -Atlas –Olga Diez on Flickr Path of life by Mara-earth light- Purple horse by gui.tavares Lion eats horse – Luke Robinson on Google Eyes in head- Random Places on Flickr Drop - adwriter Funny metaphors from: articles/2222/ Powerpoint created by: Joe Tedesco