Core Dartmouth Activities Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D., ABPP-CN John D. West, M.S. Robert M. Roth, Ph.D. Brain Imaging Laboratory Dartmouth Medical School / DHMC NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing
Overview National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Volumetric ROI studies Diffusion tensor imaging ROI analyses Tractography Functional magnetic resonance imaging Planned applications Related work Current Collaborations
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing ROI Volumetric Studies Manual Tracing and 3D Modeling of ROIs using Slicer ROIs: Hippocampus Amygdala Entorhinal cortex Caudate nucleus Putamen Nucleus accumbens Thalamus Fornix Mammillary bodies
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing ROI Volumetric Studies Illustration of 2D Traces and 3D Models of ROIs
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Diffusion Tensor Imaging FA in Uncinate Fasciculus ROI in Schizophrenia using Slicer Based on Kubicki et al., 2002
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Diffusion Tensor Imaging Healthy Control Patient with Schizophrenia C1 - rostrum and genu C2 - anterior truncus C3 - middle truncus C4 - posterior truncus C5 - isthmus and splenium [Wang et al. 2005] Integration of Corpus Callosum Subregion ROIs with Tractography
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI Cognitive Task Development and Validation: Probing Frontal-Temporal Circuitry Primary Tasks: Working memory Episodic memory Semantic memory Secondary Tasks (other Circuitry) Self-reflection Reward Planning
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI Prospective Data Collection on 1.5T Magnet: Interim Analysis of Patients with Schizophrenia and Controls Controls Patientsp (n=8) (n=13) Age (yrs.) 30.8 (7.1) 36.4 (10.3) NS Educ (yrs.)* 16.9 (2.4) 14.6 (1.9).05 Sex (M,F) 3, 5 9, 3 NS WRAT Reading111.5 (4.7) (10.5) NS CVLT-II Total (6.4) 38.6 (10.4).001 * matched for parental SES
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI n-Back Working Memory Task
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI FMRI Activation During 3-Back in Schizophrenia Controls N = 8 Patients N = 12 Simple Effects p =.01
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI FMRI Activation During 3-Back in Schizophrenia Controls > Patients p =.01 Patients > Controls
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI Verbal Encoding/Retrieval Episodic Memory Task
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Functional MRI FMRI Activation During Continuous Auditory-Verbal Recognition Memory (new > old words) in Schizophrenia Patients N = 7 p =.01
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Collaborations and Progress fMRI in Slicer – fMRIEngine - Wendy Plesniak and Haiying Liu Met Dec. 14 th, 2005 to discuss progress and future improvements to be made Have supplied motor data from two controls to test results from module and compare with results from SPM2 fMRI tasks – Brigham group Porting of our tasks to BWH Meeting with Marek Kubicki on Dec. 20 th, 2005 to demonstrate our tasks and how we utilize them Training session at BWH Tara McHugh visited to get in depth training in Slicer for tracing structures – Dec. 1 st, 2005
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Collaborations and Progress Working with Steve Pieper to test 64-bit Linux version of Slicer Worked with Steve Pieper, Gordon Kindlmann, Xiaodong Tao, and Josh Snyder to convert Dartmouth DTI data to nrrd format and solve lingering orientation issues DTI Path of Interest – MGH – David Tuch and Josh Snyder Request from Andy Saykin to find the optimal path between two or more ROIs in a tensor image Collaboration to implement DTI Path of Interest Program at Dartmouth Successful initial results on NAMIC01 healthy control by both Josh Snyder at MGH and John West at Dartmouth Plans: integrate functional ROIs derived from fMRI tasks
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing DTI Path of Interest – Initial Results Collaboration with David Tuch & Josh Snyder (MGH) Description – program finds the optimal path between two or more ROIs using probability statistics Implementation C-code, Matlab and FSL scripts to generate optimal path Slicer for visualization and tracing of input ROIs Full implementation in Slicer as module is a future project Initial results from NAMIC01 healthy control
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing DTI Path of Interest – Initial Results Hippocampal ROI to Ventral Prefrontal ROI Uncinate Fasciculus
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing DTI Path of Interest – Initial Results Receptive Speech Area ROI to Expressive Speech Area ROI Arcuate Fasciculus
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing DTI Path of Interest – Initial Results Hippo ROI to Expressive Speech Area ROI Using Receptive Speech Area ROI as Guide Arcuate Fasciculus
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Planned Applications Integration of fMRI and DTI data, including tractography (see tool “wish list”) Effective and functional connectivity during cognitive tasks (see tool “wish list”) Examine structural (ROI, DTI) and functional (fMRI) correlates of symptoms and cognition Expand use of methods to other populations bipolar disorder, OCD, MCI, MS, TBI, Epilepsy, others
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Dartmouth Brain Imaging Laboratory Andrew J. Saykin John West Laura Flashman John MacDonald Nancy Koven Heather Pixley Heather Wishart Jo Cara Pendergrass Brenna McDonald. Tara McHugh Robert Roth. James Ford December, 2005
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Neuroimaging Research Center 3T Magnet
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Neuroimaging Research Center 3T Magnet