Rubrics Principal Evaluation Model Examples
Note… In the state examples given the Principal/Asst. Principal is evaluated by the “Superintendent” or “Designee” or a “trained evaluator”.
North Carolina
North Carolina cont.
Massachusetts Develop rubrics that provide clear examples of what the Standards and Indicators look like at different levels of performance: exemplary, proficient, needs improvement, unsatisfactory.
Marzano Domain: Data Driven Focus on Student Achievement
Reeves’ Leadership Performance Matrix
Learner-Centered Initiatives
Approved Principal Practice Rubrics for New York State
Timelines Process Principal Evaluation Model Examples
Process MINNESOTAIOWANORTH CAROLINA ILLINOISMASS 6-Step Process 1.Orientation by Sup/Des 2.Pre-Evaluation Planning by Principal 3.Pre-Conference between Sup/Des and Principal 4.Evidence Collection 5.Principal’s Synthesis 6.Evaluation Conference between Principal and Sup/Des 5-Step Process 1.Principal and Sup/Des determine mission, vision and goals & review job description & evaluation process 2.Develop PD Plan 3.Review Processes and forms with new admin 4.Principal and Sup/Des discuss profess on PD plan 5.Principal completes a self- assessment providing documentation and is shred with Sup/Des, new goals are set 6-Step Process 1.Orientation: Sup/Des conducts group orientation with all Principals 2.Pre-Evaluation: Principals will complete self- assessment 3.Meet with Sup/Des to set goals and determine evidence to be collected 4.Data Collection: Sup/Des visit school 5.Prepare a Consolidated Performance Assessment 6.Meet with Sup/Des 4-Step Process 1.Principal sets goals for building system capacity 2.Principal sets goals for improving his/her effectiveness as a capacity builder 3.Principal works to achieve goals 4.Principal participates in an annual evaluation 5-Step Process 1.Self-Reflection and Self- Assessment 2.Goal Setting and Development of a Plan 3.Implementation of the Plan & Evidence Collection 4.Formative Assessment/Eval uation by evaluator to check on progress 5.Summative Evaluation by evaluator
Illinois cont.
North Carolina
Forms Principal Evaluation Model Examples
Forms MinnesotaIowaNorth CarolinaIllinoisMassachusetts Evaluation Conference Summary Professional Growth Plan – Continuous Improvement Professional Growth Plan - Remediation Overall Summary Form Iowa Individual Administrator Professional Development Plan form SMART Goal Worksheet Remediation Target form Principal Evaluation Form Principal Summary Rating Form Individual Summary Forms for each Standard Summary School Principal Evaluation Form North Carolina School Principal: Summary Goal Form Mid-year Evaluation Goal Form Rubric for Evaluating NC Principals/Asst. and Self-Assessment From (required) Principal/Asst. Principal Summary Evaluation Form (required) No forms given
North Carolina
Principal Self-Assessment Form
Principal Self-Assessment Sample Forms