Community Health Nursing: An Overview
Outline: 1. Community Health Nursing a.Philosophy b.Concepts c.Objectives d.Goal e.Principles 2. Health a. Factors Affecting Health 3. Public Health
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING According to Jacobson: It is a learned practice discipline with the ultimate goal of contributing to the promotion of the client’s OLOF (Optimum Level of Functioning) through teaching and delivery of care.
CHN has a tremendous impact on human well being. Its responsibilities extend to the care and supervision of individuals and families in their homes, places of work, schools, clinics. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING
HEALTH WHO defines Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of a disease or infirmity.
HEALTH FACTORS AFFECTING THE OLOF OR HEALTH : 1.Political – they have the power and authority to regulate the environment -safety, oppression and people empowerment -Ex. Increase in crimes, lack of safety
HEALTH 2. Behavioral – certain habits that affect the individual’s health
HEALTH 3. Hereditary - transmission of genetically linked diseases
HEALTH 4. Health Care delivery system – primary health care PHC (effective provision of health services) that are comm based, accessible, acceptable, sustainable, and affordable.
HEALTH 5. Environmental influences Air, food, water waste, urban/rural, noise, radiation, pollution.. Ex. Comm dse d/t poor sanitation
HEALTH 6. Socioeconomic influences - families from the lower income groups are the ones mostly served in public health services and by Community Health nurses
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING According to WHO: It is a special field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public health and some phases of social assistance and functions for the promotion of health, improvement of social and physical conditions and rehabilitation of illness and disability
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING PRINCIPLES by Mary S. Gardner and Cobb/Jones Leahy 1.CHN is based on the recognized needs on recognized needs of communities, families, groups and individuals. 2.The CH nurse must fully understand the objectives and policies of the agencies she represents.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 3. in CHN, the family is the unit of service. 4. CHN must be available to all.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 5. Health teaching is the PRIMARY responsibility of the CH nurse 6. the CH nurse works as a member of the health team
7. there must be provision for periodic evaluation of CHN services 8. Opportunities for continuing staff education programs for nurses must be provided by the agency. 9. The CH nurse makes use of available community health resources.. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING
10. The CH nurse utilizes the already existing active organization in the community 11. There should be accurate recording and reporting in CHN
Philosophy: According to Margaret Shetland, the philosophy of CHN is based on the worth and dignity of MAN COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING
A philosophy is defined as “a system of beliefs that provides a basis for and guides action.” A philosophy provides the direction and describes the whats, the whys and the hows of activities within the profession.
Remember this word H.U.M.A.N.I.S.T.I.C.
H – Humanistic values of the nursing profession uphold U – Unique and distinct component of health care M – Multiple factors of health considered A – Active participation of clients encourage N – Nurse considers availability of resources I – Interdependence among health team members practiced S – Scientific and up-to-date T – Tasks of Community Health nurse vary with time and place I - Independence or self-reliance of the people is the end goal C – Connectedness of health and development regarded
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Concepts: 1.The focus of CHN is on health promotion 2.CHN practice is extended not only to the individual but also the whole family and community
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 3. CH nurses are generalists in terms of their practice through life’s continuum 4. Contact with the client and family may continue over a long period of time.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 5. The nature of CHN practice requires that the current knowledge derived from the biological and social sciences, ecology, clinical nursing and community health organizations be utilized
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 6. The dynamic process of Nursing provides periodic measurements of progress and continuum of the cycle until the termination of nursing is implicit.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING GOAL: The ultimate goal of community health services is to raise the level of health citizenry
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING OBJECTIVES 1.To participate in the development of an overall health plan for the community and in its implementation and evaluation. provide quality nursing services to individuals families and communities.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 3. To coordinate nursing services with various members of the health team, community leaders and significant others, government and non government agencies/organization in achieving the aims of public health services within the community 4. to participate, conduct researches and disseminate the results for the improvement of care
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING 5. providing opportunities for continuing health education for staff development
Basic Principles of CHN The COMMUNITY is the PATIENT. The FAMILY is the UNIT OF CARE In CHN, the CLIENT is considered as an ACTIVE PARTNER, not a passive recipient of care CHN practice is AFFECTED BY DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY, in particular and CHANGES IN SOCIETY, in General The goal of CHN is achieved through MULTI- SECTORAL EFFORTS CHN is a part of Health Care System and the larger human services system
The PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE (PHN) Public Health Nursing is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort for the sanitation of the environment, control of communicable diseases, education of individuals in personal hygiene, organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease
Roles of Public Health Nurse Clinician or Health Care Provider - Utilizes the nursing process in the care of the client in the home setting through home visits and in public or government health facilities
Health Educator - Utilizes teaching skills to improve the health knowledge, skills and attitudes of the individual, family and community and conducts health information campaigns to various groups for the purpose of health promotion and disease prevention
Coordinator and Collaborator - Establishes linkages and collaborative relationships with other health professionals, government agencies, private sector to address health problems
Supervisor - Monitors and supervises the performance of midwives and other auxiliary health workers - Also initiates the formulation of staff development and training programs for the staff and other auxiliary health workers
Leader and Change Agent - Influences people to participate in the overall process of community development
Manager -Organizes the nursing service component of the local health agency or local government unit Researcher - Participates in the conduct of research and utilizes findings in practice
Specialized Fields of CHN Community Mental Health Nursing -A unique clinical process which includes an integration of concepts from nursing, mental health nursing, social psychology, community networks and the basic sciences
Occupational Health Nursing - The application of nursing principles and procedures in conserving the health of workers in all occupations School Health Nursing – the application of nursing theories and principle in the care of the school population
End of Discussion