History -Began about 2,500 years ago Siddhartha Gautama - Raised a Hindu prince & became enlightened - Ran away and saw 4 things: 1) a funeral, 2) a sick man, 3) an old man, 4) a religious man w/ few possessions -The Great Enlightenment is when Buddha gained wisdom and became free from suffering. (Suffering caused by desire.) -The Buddha= “The Enlightened One” Split into two main sects: Theravada: Enlightenment achieved on your own Mahayana: Enlightenment achieved with help from others
Beliefs Compassion Dharma- the truth or law of Buddhism (Four Noble Truths & Eightfold path) Karma- the result of your actions Buddhists believe in reincarnation birth life death Nirvana: a state of being where there is no suffering Dalai Lama: Political & spiritual leader
Sacred Writings/Symbols Tripitika: written down collection of Buddha’s words and guidelines for life – Most teachings were eventually written down on palm leaves; these were kept in the Three Baskets of Wisdom Sutras: Collected after Buddha's life Symbols: Lotus flower= enlightenment Long ears= sign of compassion Dharma wheels, prayer flags Bodhi tree- where Buddha achieved enlightenment Position of hands= represent different things
Spiritual Places Monastery : Place of study / life for monks & nuns. Temples: Public place of worship. Shrine: Private place of worship in homes. Stupas / pagodas: Where Buddhists store holy items.
Practices/Traditions 4 Noble Truths 1.Suffering is universal (everyone suffers) 2.The cause of suffering is desire (we all want things we don’t have) 3.The way to end suffering is to eliminate desire 4.The way to end desire is to follow the… Noble Eightfold Path Have right: 1) Thoughts, 2) Livelihood, 3) Speech, 4) Actions, 5) Understanding, 6) Effort, 7) Concentration, 8) Mindfulness
Holidays O-bon (Japanese): Celebration for spirits of the dead & ancestors Vesak Celebration in May: Buddha’s birth & enlightenment