Lesson 16
Lesson 16 Agenda 1.Unit 2A Roots 2.Can You Picture It? 3.Synonym Snapper 4.Quiz over Unit 2A roots and words Lesson 17
Can You Picture It? Grab a magazine or newspaper from the back counter. Locate one picture that makes you think of one of our words this week. Be prepared to explain why the picture reminds you of that word.
Synonym Snapper You will create vocabulary cards for our Unit 2A words. On your card, write the vocabulary words at the top of the card. Then, list 3-4 synonyms for that word. benevolence kindness generosity compassion
OBJECTIVE: Guess the most words correctly within the time limit. Trade cards with another group. One person is the emcee. He or she should have all the cards. When I say “GO!” the emcee begins reading the synonyms. The other team members have to guess the word. If a team member guesses correctly, place the card in a stack of correctly-guessed cards. If a team member guesses incorrectly (or is taking too long to guess), place the card in a separate stack of incorrectly-guessed cards. When I call time, count how many cards you have in your correctly-guessed words!
For Lesson 17 (tomorrow) Notecards due! Quiz!
Unit 2A Roots and Words
AMBI– on both sides, around Ambi / gu / ous – unclear in meaning Ambi / ent – existing on all sides Ambi / val / ent – wavering between choices/options ◦Valent = Worth;strong Ambi / t – range/limit covered by something (law)
EPI–on, over, attached to Epi / log / ue – the final section after main part“all was well” ◦log=word Epi / phyte – plant, gains nutrients from air/rain, grows on another plant ◦phyte=plant Epi / taph – grave inscription ◦taphos = tomb Epi / thet – descriptive word/phrase attached to or about somebody’s name ◦thet=place, put
HYP/HYPO– “below, under Hypo/chondr/iac -- person overly concerned with health ◦chondr=cartilage Hypo/glyc/emia – abnormal decrease in blood sugar ◦glyc=sugar Hypo/therm/ia – subnormal temperature of body ◦therm=warm, temperature Hypo / thet / ical – assumptions made for the sake of argument/further study ◦thet=foundation, base In Ancient Greece, people believed that certain internal organs were the seat of diseases. Under the cartilage – the breastbone – was believed to be the seat of hypochondria.
THERM/THERMO – warm Therm/al – caused by heat Thermo / dynam / ics – Physics that deals with mechanical actions/relations to heat ◦dynam=power Thermo / nuclear – of/relating to changes in nucleus of atoms, require high temps ◦nuclear=act of nucleus
POLY– many Poly/p – sea invertebrate OR a growth on a mucous membrane Poly/glot – one who can speak/write several languages ◦glot=language Poly/mer – chemical compound formed by a reaction of molecules forming larger ones ◦mer=part Poly/graph – instrument for recording changes in several bodily functions (lie detector) ◦graph=writing Polyp=Greek word for octopus which literally meant “many footed.” Polyps appear attached with little “feet.”
PRIM – first Prim/al – basic/primitive Prim/er – small book for teaching children to read/introductory book ◦Don’t confuse with primer (long “i”sound). Prim/ate – member of group of animals including humans, apes, monkeys Prim/ord/ial – first created/developed, exiting from the very beginning ◦ord=order
HOM/HOMO– same, similar Homo/nym – words pronounced and/or spelled same, but different meaning ◦nym=word or name Homo/gene/ous – of same/similar kind; of uniform structure throughout ◦gene=kind, race Homo/log/ous – developing from same/similar part of ancestor ◦log=word, speech, reason Homo/gen/ize – treat milk so fat is mixed; change something so parts are similar/same ◦gen=birth
DIS– apart, opposite, not Dis/suade – to convince someone not to do something Dis/orient – to cause to be confused or lost ◦orient=to rise (like the sun) Dis/credit – to cause someone to seem dishonest; to damage reputation ◦credit=trust Dis/lodge – to force out of place ◦lodge=place
VOR– to eat carn/i/vor/ous - meat-eating or flesh-eating carn=meat insect/i/vor/ous – feeding on insects vor/aci/ous – having a huge appetite
CARN = flesh carn/age – a mess; remnants of battle in/carn/ate – given bodily form re/in/carn/ation – to be put back into bodily form
CRED - to believe, entrust Cred/ence –mental acceptance of something as true, a belief Cred/ible – able to be believed, good enough to be effective Cred/ul/ity – readiness and willingness to believe Cred/o – a statement of basic beliefs
FID – Faith, Trust Dif/fid/ent – lacking confidence fid=faith, trust Af/fid/avit – sworn statement made in writing Fid/uc/i/ary –having to do with a confidence or trust Per/fid/y – faithlessness, disloyalty
CURR/CURS– to RUN Con/curr/ent – running at the same time (adj) Curs/ory – quickly done (adj.) Dis/curs/ive – “jumping or running” from one topic to another in a disorganized manner (adj.) Pre/curs/or – something that “runs” or happens before something else - usually initiating the following action (noun)
PED - Foot Quad/ru/ped- a four footed animal Ped/i/gree- a lineage; a family tree gree=to gather, to bring together Im/ped/i/ment- something that interferes with progress Ped/estrian- common, ordinary, unimaginative
FLECT – to bend De/flect- to turn away from a fixed course; to alter the path that something is traveling by turning it in a different direction Re/flect/ive- the state of looking back on something, thoughtful, capable of bending rays of light and sound waves Genu/flect- to bend down on one knee and then rise up (an act of respect) genu=knee In/flect/ion- the process of changing the pitch, tone, or loudness of the voice
POST – after, behind Post/erior- backside Post/hum/ous- happening after someone has died; something eventful like being published etc. hum=earth, ground, man Post/modern- 1970’s styles in architecture and design that revisited traditional styles and techniques Post/mortem- following the death of the body mort=death