Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi BSc law, RN, RNT, BSN, MSN, CCRN, CRNA, PhD Head of Nursing & Midwifery Department Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences An-Najah National University
Health Policy and Political Action: Critical Actions for Nurses Health Care System (HCS) is in need of change. The experience of nurses are motivating them to take on some form of an advocacy role in order to influence change in politics, laws, or regulations that govern the larger HCS. This type of advocacy necessitates beyond their own practice setting and into less familiar world of policy and politics, a world in which many nurses do not feel prepared to participate effectively
Moving the nursing profession forward It requires that nurses be educated, competent, able to communicate and collaborate with others, use political skills and advocate for the consumer and the nursing profession. Nurses need to base their decision on evidence based practice, whether they are in clinical practice, nursing administration, or nursing educator
Moving the nursing profession forward It requires that nurses be educated, competent, able to communicate and collaborate with others, use political skills and advocate for the consumer and the nursing profession. Nurses need to base their decision on evidence based practice, whether they are in clinical practice, nursing administration, or nursing educator.
Intended Learning Objectives Differentiate between politics and policy. Explain the concept of personalizing the political process. Cite example of source of personal and professional power. Describe how nurses can become involved in politics and policy development at the level of citizen, activist, and politician. Explain how organized nursing is involved in political activities designed to strengthen professional nursing and influence health policy.
Content Policy and politics: What they are and what they are not Politics and power A nurse who knew how to use political power
Nurses and political action Nurses have held major leadership roles This chapter describes how nurses can influence policy decisions and become politically active Explains some of the ways in which nurse leaders have achieved positions of power and influence
Policy and politics what they are and what they are not Policy and politics encompass what happens to us daily in the workplace, in government, organizations and in our communities Politics is the art of influencing decisions, is part of every aspect of our lives, both personal and professional Politics is the outcome of the political process that may be judged as positive or negative
Nurses and political action Policy is defined as principles that govern actions directed toward given ends. Policy statement set forth المنصوص عليها a plan, direction, or goal for action Policies may be laws, regulations or guidelines that govern behaviour in the public arena الساحة Such as in government or in the private arena such as in workplaces, schools,organizations and communities
Nurses and political action Health policies refers to public or private rules, regulations, laws, or guidelines that relate to the pursuit السعي إلى تحقيق of health and the delivery of health services Example- values about smoking changed and so too did thelaws Law limiting smoking and the sale of tobacco products became common
Nurses and political action Policies are the decision, politics is the influencing of those decision State licensure of a registered nurse derives from legislation that define the scope of nursing practice The defined scope determines what a nurse legally can and cannot do Giving intravenous medication and peforming physical assessment are now accepted as actions within the scope of nursing practice
Nurses and political action As a result of changes in education and clinical practice, nursing influenced legislators to change state nurse practice acts to reflect what nurses were qualified to do Administration of narcotic drugs- if nurses do not actively participate in developing regulations, policy outcomes are likely to restrict rather than enhance nursing authority for regulated activities
The personal is political Each individual- woman or man- could use personal experience to understand and become involved in broader social and political issues This concept enabled individuals who did not consider themselves political to gain insight into what needed to be changed in society and how they could help bring about the change It gave power to each individual and resulted in people becoming involved in the political process-usually for the first time
Politics & Power Politics connotes يعني ضمناً power Power is the ability to make something happen. Without power, there cannot be influence To be effective in influencing decisions, an individual must ask- who has the power How is it used, how can it mobilized
Types of power position power- dean Expert power-knowledge that the person has that can influence outcome Power relatedto wealth Power in numbers- a group is more influential than an individual Latent power-is power that underused 2.7 million nursed in united state. Recently recognized the potential power thatbsuch numbers suggest
Power of the media Send massage to a large audience Utilization of media is a powerful political tool for influencing both the public Talk radio The print media TV