Principles of Design GROUP PRESENTATION PROJECT. BW 4/4/16  Identify and describe the Elements of Design found in The Scream by Edvard Munch.


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Presentation transcript:


BW 4/4/16  Identify and describe the Elements of Design found in The Scream by Edvard Munch.

Agenda 4/4/16  Submit Rubric and your Accordion Book into your TABLE’S PORTFOLIO (make sure there is NOTHING inside the portfolio)  Take the Elements of Design Test

BW 4/5  Make a list of Synonyms (words that mean the same or almost the same thing) for the word “ELEMENT.”

Agenda 4/5 1. New Seats 2. Notes on Principles of Design 3. Introduce Group Project 4. Assign Groups and Pick Jobs 5. Write down Job Description & Begin Notes on YOUR Principle

Principles of Design  The Principles of Design describe the ways that artists use the Elements of Design.  These are the concepts that organize, or arrange, the Elements.

8 Principles of Design  Balance  Emphasis  Unity  Variety  Proportion  Scale  Pattern  Rhythm

8 Principles of Design Group Presentation  There will be 8 groups with 4-5 people in each group.  Each group will be responsible for learning about, creating a display board, and presenting information to the class about one of the 8 Principles of Design.

Job: Graphic Designer  Title / Logo Design  Your job is to create a “ logo ” ( title ) for your group’s presentation. It should represent and reflect the guidelines of your group’s Principle. It should be decorative, large, and easy to read. You can draw & collage your logo using markers, colored pencils, construction paper, magazines, and drawing paper. High quality craftsmanship and a demonstration of your group’s Principle are important.

Job: Illustrator  Visual Aid Production  Your job is create a final copy of your group’s Diagram. It will be attached to the group’s presentation board. You can use markers, colored pencils, construction paper, magazines and drawing paper to create your final diagram. High quality craftsmanship and a demonstration of your group’s Principle are important.

Job: Writer  Information Distribution  Your job is to write the definition and/or additional information about your group’s Principle. This information will be attached to the presentation board. You can use markers or colored pencils on drawing paper. Your writing should be very neat, large, and easy to read. The whole class will be copying the information your write down – so be accurate and understandable. (*You will also help the other teammates when finished.)

Job: Gallery Curator  Make Visual Connections  Your job is to first document the artwork and then explain how the artwork demonstrates your group’s Principle. The artwork and explanation will be attached to the presentation board. You should make connections with both the definitions and supplemental information. This job requires outside research on the computer to learn about the artwork. You must include a proper citation of the artwork and 2-3 sentences accompanying the image.

Job: Journalist  Artist Spotlight  Your job is to write a short expose (spotlight news article) on the specified artist. You should include a brief biography and make a connection with your group’s principle. Write 4-5 sentences and include a picture of your artist.

Begin Group Project 1. First, read, write down and discuss the information about your Principle. 2. Next, read the job descriptions once more, and determine as a group what each person’s job will be. 3. In your sketchbook, write down your job title and a brief description of what your responsibilities are.

BW 4/6  Write the Q & A.  What is the difference between an Element and a Principle?

Agenda 4/6  Review Project Objectives & Jobs  Creative Jobs – Sketchbook Drawing of your Logo & Visual Aid  Writing Jobs – Clean off Trifold Board and cover with paper

Job: Gallery Curator  Make Visual Connections  Your job is to first document the artwork and then explain how the artwork demonstrates your group’s Principle. The artwork and explanation will be attached to the presentation board. You should make connections with both the definitions and supplemental information. This job requires outside research on the computer to learn about the artwork. You must include a proper citation of the artwork and 2-3 sentences accompanying the image.

Logo  Familiarize yourself with your principle and the important information.  Draw a logo based off of the Principle’s guidelines.

Diagram  Visual Aid  Examine the Diagram at the bottom of your definition page  Create a FINAL, professional version of this diagram

Diagram & Logo  Diagram & Logo people – spend 5 minutes discussing your idea  Draw your idea in your sketchbook  Start the final design

BW 4/8  Write the Q & A.  What are the pros and cons of a group project?

Agenda 4/7  Finish displays and attach to group’s display board  Presentation Explanation  8 th graders – meet here Monday & Tuesday during 7 th grade testing  7 th graders – meet in the atrium during 8 th grade testing Wednesday & Thursday

Presentations  4 new groups of approximately 8 students  Presentations will happen in a rotation style. Each student in every group will teach their original group’s Principle to the other 7 people in their new group.  Presentations will last 2-3 days.