CLIENT RESEARCH 2013: Cheltenham Core Principles Personal Training & Development
!MKR Business Context About the Researcher !MKR is Louise Montefiore Kennedy Louise is a dualist (qualitative/quantitative) researcher with ten years consulting and client service experience in the market research industry. Prior to going freelance in 2010, Louise worked agency - side at Sweeney Research and TNS Global. As a long term member of the AMSRS, Louise abides by the AMSRS Professional Code of Conduct 2 Core Principles (CP) is a boutique personal training business in operation since September CP prides itself on providing fitness services by professionals in expert designed studios. With the aim to keep the ‘voice of the customer’ at the centre of the business, Core Principles commissions a client survey each year to ensure that: clients have an opportunity to provide feedback about Core Principles services the owners can use an evidence based approach to service & operational decision making Core Principles| Client Research 2013| Cheltenham
!MKR OverallReputation Communication Research Objectives The research aims to understand the views of Core Principles clients. More specifically: Understand how clients feel about the quality of personal training and classes Obtain guidance on how clients want to received different sorts of information from Core Principles 3 Studio environment Assess the overall reputation of Core Principles and client’s likelihood to recommend CP Training & classes Investigate how people fell about the studio environment, facilities & equipment Core Principles| Client Research 2013| Cheltenham
!MKR Personal training skills 6 Q3/Q6. How satisfied are you…… Base: n=17 At Cheltenham, across all PT skills the results are good but there is need & room to improve. At the heart of the Core Principles PT offering should be a solid foundation of understanding client’s needs & the knowledge to get them where they want to go Overlaid on that foundation is the expectation for professional, clear instruction and an engaging approach to keep people motivated
!MKR Classes mostly well regarded. Newer offerings may need time to gain traction with clients 8 Q8. Shown below is a list of the classes on offer. Please indicate how you feel about the one’s you attend Base : as shown for each class n=15 n=13 n=17 n=13 n=11 n=8 n=12 n=8 n=7
!MKR Some Class sizes may be too crowded, others need more people 9 Q9. Thinking about the classes you regularly attend, would you say the number of people is Base : as shown for each class n=12 n=5 n=6 n=8 n=4 n=11 n=10 n=9 n=13
!MKR Comments about Classes…….. 10 “I would give spin a go if the class happened at a time other than 5.30am, say 6 or 7am” “there should be more classes and not just at 5.30am” “There should be two classes at 9.15am on Saturday as it is too busy” “Always varied & challenging” LOAD UP SPIN HIIT “Can be a little repetitious at times -but overall very good” PILATES “…would like an evening option to attend pilates….. “ BOXING “…would like a 6pm class maybe..” “…this gets very crowded as well...” “…more boxing bags...” THT “…seems to be the same class, same exercises every week …its boring” “…Any more than 8 and we start to get in each others way and there isn't sufficient equipment for all participants”
!MKR Clients generally rate all aspects of Studio well 12 Q11. Shown below are different aspects of the studio. Please indicate how you feel about each one, Base: n=26 There is some concern about the equipment not being kept clean and that some clients train without using a handtowel
!MKR Comments on Studio Facilities 13 “Lockers may be good, but I do trust the other members so it's probably ok” “none of the mats have been cleaned since they were bought..” “those mats need some love” “need to clean the orange mats” “It should be COMPULSORY for EVERYONE to carry a towel and wipe down equipment, "puddles" etc. Should introduce a no towel no train policy!!” “The mats look like they need a clean” “no one is ever asked to clean their equipment and some people don’t bring towels and it is disgusting” “do the mats get cleaned regularly??” “need to enforce hand towels across the board” FLOOR MATS SECURITY HAND TOWELS
!MKR Current level of Communication from CP is fine 15 Q13. Would you say the amount of communication you receive from Core Principles is? Base: n=25 Amount of communication received is… n=23n=1
!MKR Compared to other places, Core Principles is not impressing everyone 17 Q15. Thinking about experiences you have had training in other studios or gyms, would you say Core Principles is… Base: n=25 Compared to other places, Core Principles is… n=10 n=5 n=6 n=2 n=0 n=2
!MKR Most clients are happy with the service they receive at Core Principles 18 Q18. Taking into account all the aspects you have just talked about, overall, how satisfied are you with Core Principles? Base: n=25 Satisfaction with Core Principles n=10 n=12 n=2 n=1
!MKR The majority of clients would recommend Core Principles 19 Q19. If someone you know was looking for a personal training studio, how likely would you be to recommend Core Principles? Base: n=25 Likelihood to recommend Core Principles n=14 n=7 n=3 n=1
!MKR 20 “I like the personal service and small groups compared to a big gym” “I like how friendly everyone is, staff and members” “Excellent trainers - particularly Rod & Jamie” “A small "boutique" place like this is exactly what I want. One of the big attractions to me is the small group sizes - so don't become too successful please!” “The people that I train with are great and I enjoy the friendship. Trainers are personable, friendly and the trainers I have push you and are motivational” “Great sense of welcome and everyone is friendly, never felt intimidated or uncomfortable” Why people love Core Principles
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