If the government levies a tax on the producers of a certain product: 1. Consumers will take on most of that burden (in the form of higher prices) only if demand for that product is relatively elastic. 2. Producers will be unable to pass any of that tax on to the consumer unless the consumer has a perfectly inelastic demand for that product. 3. Producers will have to increase supply to compensate for the greater cost of production caused by the tax. 4. Producers will be able to pass some of the tax on to the consumers in the form or higher prices and how MUCH they can pass on depends on the elasticity of demand.
The Laffer Curve shows: 1. A positive relationship between tax rates and tax revenues 2. A negative relationship between tax rates and tax revenues 3. That a decrease in tax rates always leads to a decrease in tax revenues. 4. That a decrease in tax rates sometimes leads to an increase in tax revenues.
Ch. 7 – Taking the Nation’s Economic Pulse Major points of Ch. 7 Major points of Ch. 7 –What is GDP? –How do we calculate GDP? –Real v. Nominal GDP –Drawbacks of using GDP as a measure of our country’s output
Why do we try to measure out country’s output anyway? Because income growth comes directly out of production or output growth. One directional only…output causes income, not vice versa. Because income growth comes directly out of production or output growth. One directional only…output causes income, not vice versa. So, what do we already know about GDP? PRS
GDP measures the amount of assets a country has during a specific time period. 1. True 2. False
GDP measures the amount of goods and services sold within a specific time period. 1. True 2. False
GDP measures the amount of goods and services produced by the citizens of a specific country. 1. True 2. False
Chapter 7 – Taking the Nation’s economic pulse – What is GDP? GDP – GDP – –Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period. – Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period.
Chapter 7 – Taking the Nation’s economic pulse – What is GDP? GDP – where it’s produced GDP – where it’s produced –Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period. – Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period.
Chapter 7 – Taking the Nation’s economic pulse – What is GDP? GDP – where it’s produced GDP – where it’s produced –Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period. – Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period. GNP – GNP – Market value of all final goods and services produced by citizens of a country (either produced domestically or in another country.) Market value of all final goods and services produced by citizens of a country (either produced domestically or in another country.)
Chapter 7 – Taking the Nation’s economic pulse – What is GDP? GDP – where it’s produced GDP – where it’s produced –Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period. – Market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a specific time period. GNP – who produces it GNP – who produces it Market value of all final goods and services produced by citizens of a country (either produced domestically or in another country.) Market value of all final goods and services produced by citizens of a country (either produced domestically or in another country.)
NOMINAL GDP, in millions, ross-Domestic-Product#_note-0
How do we calculate GDP? Two ways: Two ways: –Expenditures Approach – market value of all final goods and services produced in the US in a given accounting period. Y = C + I + G + (X-M)
C = consumption expenditures (what people buy—except it does not count new home sales—those are part of Inv.) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy—except it does not count new home sales—those are part of Inv.)
Y = C + I + G + (X-M) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy) I = business expenditures (what businesses buy) ex. Oscar Mayer buys Weiner-mobile (includes new home sales) I = business expenditures (what businesses buy) ex. Oscar Mayer buys Weiner-mobile (includes new home sales)
Y = C + I + G + (X-M) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy) I = business expenditures (what businesses buy) ex. Oscar Mayer buys Weiner-mobile I = business expenditures (what businesses buy) ex. Oscar Mayer buys Weiner-mobile G = Government Spending G = Government Spending
Y = C + I + G + (X-M) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy) C = consumption expenditures (what people buy) I = business expenditures (what businesses buy) ex. Oscar Mayer buys Weiner-mobile I = business expenditures (what businesses buy) ex. Oscar Mayer buys Weiner-mobile G = Government Spending G = Government Spending X - M = Net Exports (+ means we export more, - means we import more) X - M = Net Exports (+ means we export more, - means we import more)
Second way we calculate GDP Two ways: Two ways: –Expenditures Approach – market value of all final goods and services produced in the US in a given accounting period. – – Income Approach – add up all the income generated in the production of all goods and services Y = C + I + G + (X-M) Y = R + W + i + T + SA (stat. adj.)
Businesses produced $10 million in 2005 but sold only $9 million. Is the $1 million increase in inventory counted as part of 2005 GDP? 1. No because if these inventories were sold in 2006, they would be counted twice. 2. No, because inventories are intermediate goods. 3. Yes, because these inventories are part of the output of the economy in Yes, but only if they are sold in 2006.
What does GDP include? 1. Market value ($$) of final goods & services Not intermediate goods (to avoid double counting). VABread (final good) VABread (final good) Farmer’s wheat$.40$.40 Miller’s Flour$.48$.88 Baker’s Bread$.80$1.68 Grocer’s Bread$.32$2.00 (market value) $4.96 (dbl counting)
Chap. 7—Core Macroeconomics 2. Only goods & services produced during the accounting period (not second hand sales) ex. Not used cars and antiques (were counted the year they were produced counted the year they were produced ex. but DOES count salesman’s commission (current production) commission (current production)
Chap. 7—Core Macroeconomics 2. Only goods & services produced during the accounting period (not second hand sales) ex. Not used cars and antiques (were counted the year they were produced counted the year they were produced ex. but DOES count salesman’s commission (current production) commission (current production) 3. Does NOT count financial transactions and transfer payments. transfer payments. ex. Sale of stock does NOT count—nothing was ex. Sale of stock does NOT count—nothing was produced…only transfer of ownership produced…only transfer of ownership ex. Welfare payments do not count—Just transfer of Y ex. Welfare payments do not count—Just transfer of Y
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output)
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output) b. Value of Maid Service
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output) b. Value of Maid Service c. Sale of Rembrandt Painting
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output) b. Value of Maid Service c. Sale of Rembrandt Painting d. Do-it-yourself projects
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output) b. Value of Maid Service c. Sale of Rembrandt Painting d. Do-it-yourself projects e. Est. of farmer’s own use of goods
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output) b. Value of Maid Service c. Sale of Rembrandt Painting d. Do-it-yourself projects e. Est. of farmer’s own use of goods f. Unemployment compensation payments
Which of these goods DO count in GDP? a. Value of home production (housewife or househusband output) househusband output) b. Value of Maid Service c. Sale of Rembrandt Painting d. Do-it-yourself projects e. Est. of farmer’s own use of goods f. Unemployment compensation payments g. Clean-up bill from an economic BAD (oil spill)
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 1.Does not count non-market production (woman marries her housekeeper, GDP decreases…you paint your house, no increase to GDP…you hire someone to paint it, GDP increases)
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 1. Does not count non-market production (woman marries her housekeeper, GDP decreases…you paint your house, no increase to GDP…you hire someone to paint it, GDP increases) 2. Does not count underground economy (illegal activities & barter or cash payments)
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 1. Does not count non-market production (woman marries her housekeeper, GDP decreases…you paint your house, no increase to GDP…you hire someone to paint it, GDP increases) 2. Does not count underground economy (illegal activities & barter or cash payments) 3. Does not reflect leisure time activities (human cost) o/p of $100 B. w/ave. work wk of 50 hrs. o/p of $100 B. w/ave. work wk of 50 hrs. v. o/p of $100 B. w/ave. work wk of 35 hrs. v. o/p of $100 B. w/ave. work wk of 35 hrs. Human Cost? Jobs today may be less stressful but that’s not accounted for in GDP.
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 4.Does not account for product quality
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 4.Does not account for product quality 5.Does not subtract out for Economic BADS i.e. Pollution i.e. Pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 4.Does not account for product quality 5.Does not subtract out for Economic BADS i.e. Pollution i.e. Pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution 6.Does not account for introduction of new goods. Therefore, it’s hard to use GDP as a comparison with lots of years in between.
Which of the following would always be included in GDP? 1. Sale of a Picasso painting 2. Cash payments made to your child’s guitar teacher 3. Estimate of a farmer’s own use of goods produced (total bushels produced – total bushels sold) 4. Social Security payments paid by government as a part of C + I + G (gov’t spending)
In terms of causation, output causes income, NOT vice versa. 1. True, we must have output before we have an income to spend. Output creates income. 2. False, we must have income to spend before producers will produce anything. This is not Field of Dreams. 3. Sometimes, true, sometimes false, depending on where we are in the production process.
(PMA) American owned Burger King, opens a new store in China. How will net revenue earned by this restaurant affect GDP and GNP of the US? 1. GDP will not change 2. GDP will decrease 3. GDP will increase 4. GNP will not change 5. GNP will decrease 6. GNP will increase
Which of the following would increase GDP of the US? 1. A Californian buys a case of wine from a winery in France. 2. A Frenchman buys a case of wine from a winery in California. 3. A Californian spends $3,000 on a vacation in the French Alps. 4. A French investor purchases 100 share of a computer company located in Silicon Valley, CA.
(PMA) Which of the following DO count in GDP? 1. Work done at home by residents 2. Do – it – yourself projects 3. Welfare payments 4. Sales from a German car manufacturing plant located in Tennessee. 5. None of the above count in GDP.
An automobile manufacturing plant opens in Indiana and it’s owner, all of the workers and all raw materials are from Japan. How would your purchase of an automobile from this plant change domestic GDP and GNP (in the US)? 1. It would increase GNP and GDP 2. I would increase GNP and leave GDP unchanged 3. It would increase GDP and leavea GNP unchanged 4. It would leave both GDP and GNP unchanged.
The difference between real and nominal GDP is: 1. Real GDP has the inflation taken out (has been corrected for inflation) 2. Nominal GDP indicates the value of the item in the year it is produced and thus has some inflation in it. 3. Both of the above statements are correct. 4. None of the above are correct.
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 4.Does not account for product quality 5.Does not subtract out for Economic BADS i.e. Pollution i.e. Pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution 6.Does not account for introduction of new goods. Therefore, it’s hard to use GDP as a comparison with lots of years in between. 7.And the NO. 7 problem with using GDP as a measure of our nation’s output is…….
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s Output 4.Does not account for product quality 5.Does not subtract out for Economic BADS i.e. Pollution i.e. Pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution Ex. o/p of $500 B. but generates $100 B. of pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution v. o/p of $450 B. with no pollution 6.Does not account for introduction of new goods. Therefore, it’s hard to use GDP as a comparison with lots of years in between. 7.And the NO. 7 problem with using GDP as a measure of our nation’s output is……. INFLATION INFLATION
Index card: Rank these products purchased from your local convenience store from least expensive to most expensive: Rank these products purchased from your local convenience store from least expensive to most expensive: –Gallon of ice cream –Gallon of bottled water –Gallon of gasoline
Video – biggest drawback to using GDP as a measure of our nation’s output is inflation. Why do we need to study this? Stossel Video—nominal vs. real
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s output 7. INFLATION— 7. INFLATION— Nominal output—value the year it’s produced Nominal output—value the year it’s produced Real output—value when measured by other year’s standard (other year’s dollars) Real output—value when measured by other year’s standard (other year’s dollars) CPI—market basket of goods CPI—market basket of goods GDP Deflator – C + I + G things GDP Deflator – C + I + G things Year Nom GDPGDPDREAL GDP 1990 $ 800 B. 100$800 B $1,000 B.138
Problems with using GDP as a measure of our country’s output 7. INFLATION— 7. INFLATION— Nominal output—value the year it’s produced Nominal output—value the year it’s produced Real output—value when measured by other year’s standard (other year’s dollars) Real output—value when measured by other year’s standard (other year’s dollars) CPI—market basket of goods CPI—market basket of goods GDP Deflator – C + I + G things GDP Deflator – C + I + G things Year Nom GDPGDPDREAL GDP 1990 $ 800 B. 100$800 B $1,000 B X 100 = $ B.
If the price index for 1978 is 207 (based on 1950 prices) 1. There has been 7 % inflation over those 28 years. 2. There has been 107 % inflation over those 28 years. 3. There has been 20.7 % inflation over those 28 years. 4. We don’t have enough information to tell anything about inflation.
An increase in the CPI indicates that: 1. Real net worth of consumers is increasing 2. Cost of buying a typical bundle of goods is increasing 3. Purchasing Power of money is increasing 4. Real Y of households is increasing
You go to work in 2000 at a salary of $10,000 per year. In 2003, you get a $5000 raise. By 2006, you are earning $20,000. How much is real income in 2003 and 2006 in terms of the year you started work? Year Nom Y GDPD REAL Y 2000 $10, $10, $15, $20,
Year Nom Y GDPD REAL Y 2000 $10, $10, $15, $15, $20, $20, X 100 = $11,111 X 100 = $13,333 You go to work in 2000 at a salary of $10,000 per year. In 2003, you get a $5000 raise. By 2006, you are earning $20,000. How much is real income in 2003 and 2006 in terms of the year you started work?
Year Nom Y GDPD REAL Y 2000 $10, $10, $15, $15, $20, $20, X 100 = $11,111 X 100 = $13,333 What does the CPI tell us? You go to work in 2000 at a salary of $10,000 per year. In 2003, you get a $5000 raise. By 2006, you are earning $20,000. How much is real income in 2003 and 2006 in terms of the year you started work?
Real income comparisons: Year Nom Y GDPD REAL Y 1990 $10, $10, $15, $15,000 * 100 = $11, $20, $20,000 *100 = $13, In this example, how much inflation has there been from 1990 to 1995? In this example, how much inflation has there been from 1990 to 1995? From 1995 to 2000? From 1995 to 2000? What does the CPI tell us?
To find the inflation rate from one year to another: –Set new base year PI to 100 –Find new PI for year desired: Old Price index for year desired Old Price Index for new base yr. Year GDPDNew GDPD ________ X 100 = NEW PI
To find the inflation rate from one year to another: –Set new base year PI to 100 –Find new PI for year desired: Old Price index for year desired Old Price Index for new base yr. Year GDPDNew GDPD X 100 = NEW PI X 100 = 111
Class Work 7.2 In the following example, please tell me how much inflation there has been from 2000 to In the following example, please tell me how much inflation there has been from 2000 to YearCPINew CPI NA ______ ______
Another way to look at inflation: Compare how long it took to earn something (in hours, minutes, days—work length required) in one year compared to another year. Compare how long it took to earn something (in hours, minutes, days—work length required) in one year compared to another year.
The left price column shows the price in The right price column shows how much money we would earn if we worked the same number of hours as we did in 1897 to buy that good. The left price column shows the price in The right price column shows how much money we would earn if we worked the same number of hours as we did in 1897 to buy that good. For example, if we worked the same amount of time in 1997 to buy a dozen pencils as we had to to buy them in 1897, we would’ve earned $ The true cost of a dozen pencils today are $.89 and a box of baking soda is $2. You can get a nice upright piano today for $1,900 or a 1 carat diamond ring for $2,500. For example, if we worked the same amount of time in 1997 to buy a dozen pencils as we had to to buy them in 1897, we would’ve earned $ The true cost of a dozen pencils today are $.89 and a box of baking soda is $2. You can get a nice upright piano today for $1,900 or a 1 carat diamond ring for $2,500.
1908 $850 4,696 hr $17,995 1,365 hr $3,030 1,638 hr.
1908 $850 4,696 hr $17,995 1,365 hr $3,030 1,638 hr.
1908 $850 4,696 hr $17,995 1,365 hr $3,030 1,638 hr.
1908 $850 4,696 hr $17,995 1,365 hr $3,030 1,638 hr.
1908 $850 4,696 hr $17,995 1,365 hr $3,030 1,638 hr.
Drawbacks to using GDP as a measure of our country’s output: Sen. Robert Kennedy voiced this criticism: Sen. Robert Kennedy voiced this criticism: The gross national product includes air pollution and advertising for cigarettes and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and jails for the people who break them. GNP includes the destruction of the redwoods and the death of Lake Superior. It grows with the production of napalm, and missiles and nuclear warheads... it does not allow for the health of our families, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It is indifferent to the decency of our factories and the safety of our streets alike. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, or the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. The gross national product includes air pollution and advertising for cigarettes and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage. It counts special locks for our doors and jails for the people who break them. GNP includes the destruction of the redwoods and the death of Lake Superior. It grows with the production of napalm, and missiles and nuclear warheads... it does not allow for the health of our families, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It is indifferent to the decency of our factories and the safety of our streets alike. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, or the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.
Chap. 7 – National Y Accounting With all the problems, why do we use GDP to measure our country’s output? With all the problems, why do we use GDP to measure our country’s output? –Best Measure we have –Is good at measuring CHANGES (when not many years in between) –Even Simon Kuznets (inventor of GDP accounting) recognized the problems:
Simon Kuznets: (inventor of GDP accounting method, c. 1930s)...the welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measure of national income. If the GDP is up, why is America down? Distinctions must be kept in mind between quantity and quality of growth, between costs and returns, and between the short and long run. Goals for more growth should specify more growth of what and for what....the welfare of a nation can scarcely be inferred from a measure of national income. If the GDP is up, why is America down? Distinctions must be kept in mind between quantity and quality of growth, between costs and returns, and between the short and long run. Goals for more growth should specify more growth of what and for what.
End of Chapter 7