Exxon Valdez Oil Spill By: Nicholas Jaouhari
How Big Was The Oil Spill The oil spill ran 1300 miles long of the shoreline and square miles in ocean. At first 6700 gallons spilled and in the end a total of close to 11.2 million gallons were spilled into the ocean.
Where Did The Oil Spill Occur The oil spill happened on March 24,1989 and it went from Bligh Reef in Alaska when the oil spilled 11.2 million gallons of oil into the ocean and shoreline of Alaska when the ship was trying to get to California.
What Was The Cause Of The Oil Spill The pilot moved the ship through the Valdez narrows then returned controls to the main pilot who passed major icebergs and dangerous areas gave controls to third mate who then put it into auto pilot then the ship hit rocks on March 24,1989 which made the ships hull rupture leading to the oil spilling. People also believe that Captain Joseph Hazelwood was drunk and that lead to the oil spill.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Damage Caused The Exxon Valdez oil spill caused damage or harmed to many animals and humans and there homes, some of the animals harmed or killed were seabirds, 2800 sea otters, 250 bald eagles, 22 killer whales, over a billion salmons and also herring eggs. The spill put harm to around people. Also 11.2 million gallons were spilled into the ocean.
Cleaning Methods Used They used different types of machinery and tools to clean the spill up some things they used were large sponges called sorbents to absorb as much oil as possible, also many chemicals and fertilizers were used to try and eat up the oil. Another way was they used tubes to suck up the oil, Planes were also used to release chemicals to kill the oil.
Economic Effect Of Oil Spill Recreational Sport Fishing Losses: This recreational activity was impacted anywhere between a loss of $0 to $580 million dollars. This included fishing trips and the length of the trips as well as the areas and species fished. Loss in Tourism The oil spill reduced the number of services available to visitors—this included boating trips, taxi services as well as places to stay 59% of businesses in the affected areas reported cancellations and a reduction in tourism due to the spill
Environmental Effect Of Oil Spill Clean up costs were estimated at approximately 7 billion dollars Impact on animals: The spill killed around: 250,000 seabirds 2800 sea otters 300 harbor seals 250 bald eagles 22 killer whales over 1 billion salmon and herring eggs The quality of goods from Prince William Sound regional was devalued with a loss estimated at $4.9 to $7.2 billion dollars
Resources Used consequences-on-the-environment/