SESAME-NET: Supercomputing Expertise for Small And Medium Enterprises Todor Gurov Associate Professor IICT-BAS
SESAME-NET project Call identifier: H2020-EINFRA Topic: EINFRA Network of HPC Competence Centres for SMEs Start: 1st June 2015 Duration: 24 months Funding from the EC: 2 mln € Total funded effort: 272 PMs Contract n°: Project type: Coordination and support action 113th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, 2
Specific Challenge HPC competence centres have been set up in some Member States to facilitate access and take-up by industry and in particular SMEs of HPC services. But these centres do not cover the whole of Europe. Supporting one network of HPC competence centres will promote access to computational expertise anywhere in Europe and enable the dissemination of best practice in HPC industrial use particularly for SMEs. This topic contributes to the implementation of the European HPC strategy, in particular to foster the use of HPC by SMEs. 113th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria 3
Partnership SESAME network consists of 15 companies, public research institutes and universities from 13 European countries. Leadership and coordination is taken by HPC Wales with support from Bangor University. 113th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria 4 A distinctive feature of SESAME-Net is the uniqueness of the consortium that makes up the initial network. There is a mix of HPC Centres and facilities that have been brought together, in terms of experience of working with SMEs, national centres, national facilities, regional centres and private sector operated centres.
Partners Bancor University /UK UK High Performance Computing WalesUK Bancor University /UKIrland Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific ComputingGermany Poznan Supercomputing and Networking CenterPoland Greek Research and Technology Network S.A, GRNETGreece Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia, CESCASpain PT CloudPortugal VŠB, Technical University of OstravaCzech Republic Yotta Advanced Computing d.o.oCroatia West University of Timisoara UVTRomania Institute of Information and Communication TechnologiesBulgaria Ruder Bošković InstituteCroatia Herculesstichting / Flemish Supercomputing CentreBelgium Vilnius University – Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Lithuania 5 113th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Scope Networking of existing HPC competence centres providing HPC services to exchange best practices and pool technical, expertise or business resources; Awareness raising and visibility activities of the benefits of HPC for SMEs in particular for countries that do not currently have such centres; Identification of the pool of SMEs and available expertise in the different business areas at European level, and mechanisms to match SME needs and the available expertise; Training (in synergy with the activities carried out by other organisations providing specific training for SMEs in HPC); The aim is to support one network which will address coordination, outreach, training and the exchange of best practice and software components between the participating national and regional competence centres, complementing their current activities and services with actions of a clear European added-value that cannot be performed at local level th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Workpackeges and Tasks WorkpackegesTasks and period implementation: WP1: Management of Project T1.1 Establishment of a management structure, M1 T1.2: Management and reporting, M1-M24 T1.3: Communication & collaboration tool, M1-M24 T1.4: Quality Control, M1-M24 WP2: Establishing Network T2.1 Network Governance, Membership and Structure, M1-M6 T2.2 Network Start-up and Operations, M1-M6 T2.3 Outreach, Communications and Marketing, M0-M6 T2.4 Networking logistics and clustering, M2-M24 T2.5 Extending the Rich of the network WP3: Competency Centre Best Practice T3.1: Collection and documentation of Best Practice in HPC industrial use, M1-M24 T3.2: Creation of media content, M2-M24 T3.3 On-line technical forum, M1-M24 WP4: Awareness Raising T4.1 – Awareness, M4 - M21 T4.2 - SME targeted support material, M4 - M18 T4.3 - SME outreach, M7 - M24 WP5: SME Engagement and development of expertise T5.1 SME Demand and Needs, M2-24 T5.2 HPC Centres Supply and Business Models, M4-M24 T5.3 HPC Supply - SME matching measures, M12-M24 T5.4 Innovation Management WP6: Coordination of training offering to SMEs T6.1: Review skills gaps and training needs of SMEs, M6-M12 T6.2: Training content development, M7-M th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Expected Impact The network of HPC competence centres will be a reference for best practices for supporting SME competitiveness through access to HPC; Increased number of SMEs that are aware of the potential and/or become users of HPC; Establishment of a focal point at European level for expertise in HPC use by SMEs; Increase in the size of the HPC market (services, ISVs, computers) th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
HPC infrastructure at IICT-BAS (1) Ranking place 332 nd according TOP500 list, June th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria HP Cluster Platform SL250S GEN8 servers with 2 Intel Xeon E 2650 v2 CPUs and 2 Intel Xeon Phi 7120P coprocessors SiteIICT-BAS/Avitohol ManufacturerHewlett-Packard Cores20700 InterconnectionFDR InfiniBand Theoretical Peak Performance Tflop/s RMAX Performance222.0 Tflop/s Memory9600 GB Operation SystemRed Hat Enterprise Linux for HPC CompilerIntel Composer XE 2015 Lustre Storage systems96 TB storage 10 Gbps Users workstations
HPC infrastructure at IICT-BAS (2) Scheme of HPCG system th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria HP Cluster Platform Express 7000 enclosures with 36 blades BL 280c (Total 576 CPU cores), 24 GB RAM per blade; 8 controlling nodes HP DL 380 G6 with dual Intel 2.8 GHz, 32 GB RAM (total 128 CPU cores); 3 storage systems with total 132 TB storage; 2 InfiniBand Switch Systems. Total CPU peak performance 3.2 Tflops; 2 HP ProLiant SL390s G7 4U servers with 16 NVIDIA Tesla M2090 graphic cards (total 8192 GPU cores with Tflops HP SL270s Gen8 4U server with 8 Intel Xeon Phi 5110P Coprocessors (total 480 cores, 1920 threads, with Tflops.
Q &R Contact: SESAME Net Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG Phone: +44 (0) th European Study Group with Industry, Sept 14-18, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria