Storms and Climate L. Catt
Storms A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow. Storms can be a good thing and also a very bad thing.
Types Of Storms Thunder storm Tornado Hail storm Blizzard Sand storm Flooding
Thunder Storm Storm that results in heavy rainfall and thunder and lightning.
Tordnao A swirling twister of air up to hundred miles per hour which rip trees out of the ground and destroys everything in its path.
Hail Storm Storm in which balls of ice fall from the sky like rain and dent vehicles and destroy things. They also can severely hurt people if struck by hail.
Blizzard A heavy snowfall in which the wind and snowfall is so severe that visibility is almost impossible. It also get very cold when this happens. The temperature drops to a deadly number.
Sand Storm A sand storm is the same idea as blizzard storm, but with sand. You have no visibility and can not breathe. This is a very dangerous storm.
Flooding Flooding is the result of too much rain. Flooding occurs after heavy rain, and when the rain has nowhere to go. It can flood houses and streets. Flooding can be a very dangerous situation.
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