WHOLE PERSON CARE: What is it? Approach to addressing vulnerable individuals’ health, behavioral health and social needs together Coordination of health, behavioral health and social services in a patient-centered manner with the goals of improved health outcomes and more efficient and effective use of resources Stems from social determinants of health
COMPONENTS OF WHOLE PERSON CARE Collaborative leadership Target population Financial flexibility Shared data Coordination of services across sectors Patient- centered care
WHOLE PERSON CARE: Why now? Medi-Cal expansion under ACA Expanded substance use disorder coverage Realignment: restructured financing for counties Expanded role of Medi-Cal managed care health plans in provision of mental health services Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) for dual eligibles 1115 Waiver renewal focus State Innovation Model (CalSIM)
SECTION 1115 WAIVER RENEWAL Allow states flexibility to design demonstration projects that promote objectives of Medicaid program Typically approved for 5 years Must be budget neutral Current waiver ends October 31, 2015 Need to submit new proposal 6 months in advance
BRIDGE TO REFORM WAIVER Strengthen safety net Maximize opportunities to reduce number of uninsured Optimize opportunities to increase federal financing to address uncompensated care Promote long term, efficient use of state funds Improve health care quality and outcomes Promote home and community-based care Included the Low Income Health Program, DSRIP, SPD transition to managed care, rural managed care transition, Healthy Families transition and other components
NEW 1115 WAIVER RENEWAL Strengthen primary care delivery and access Avoid unnecessary institutionalization and services through an integrated delivery system Address social determinants of health Use Medi-Cal program as incubator to test innovative approaches to whole person care Find synergy with CalSIM and other state initiatives “The focus of the Waiver Renewal will be on improving and reforming our Medi-Cal payment and delivery systems and ensuring ongoing support for the safety net” - DHCS Concept Paper (July 2014)
INITIAL WAIVER RENEWAL CONCEPTS Federal/State Shared Savings Payment and Delivery Reform Incentives Safety Net Payment Reforms FQHC Payment Reform DSRIP Successor Program CCS Program Redesign Shelter for Vulnerable Populations Workforce Development
PAYMENT REFORM – FQHC Alternative Payment Methodology (APM) Pilot program proposed (urban areas only) Community health center FQHCs and County FQHCs Transition to Medi-Cal managed care plans as payor of FQHC services No risk = FQHCs assured reimbursment at no less than the PPS rate and plans protected from risk Purpose: transition delivery of care at FQHCs from current volume-based system to one that better aligns financing and delivery of services
NEXT STEPS Legislative authority to operate APM Administrative approval beyond DHCS Populations to be determined System and operational readiness at health plans and FQHCs Timing and duration of pilots Choice of counties and FQHCs to participate DATA Rate setting
ACA SECTION 2703 HEALTH HOMES Health Home optional Medicaid benefit For intensive care coordination for people with chronic conditions New benefit includes package of 6 care coordination services and does NOT fund direct medical or social services 90% federal match for 8 quarters (2 years) and 50% thereafter
2703 SERVICES Comprehensive care management Care coordination and health promotion Comprehensive transitional care Individual and family supports Referral to community and social services Use of health IT, data and evaluation
AB 361 – enacted in 2013 Authorizes implementation of ACA Section 2703 in California – requires that DHCS implement only if no additional General Fund moneys used Requires inclusion of specific target population of frequent users and those experiencing homelessness For target population, program must include providers with experience serving frequent hospital/ED users and homeless members
CALIFORNIA STATE INNOVATON MODEL - CalSIM California received SIM Design Grant March 2013, which supported development of State Health Care Innovation Plan Draft Plan submitted to CMS March 2014 (often called Let’s Get Healthy California) Up to 12 State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Grants from $20 million to $100 million, for a total of $700 million 4 year grants (including a year of planning) Projected start date is January 1, 2015, and grants will run through December 31, 2018 CMS Innovations Center: “The purpose of the [Center] is to test innovative payment and service delivery models to reduce program expenditures…while preserving or enhancing the quality of care furnished to individuals under such titles.”
CalSIM PROPOSAL OVERVIEW Plan for Population Health 4 Initiatives Maternity Care Health Homes for Patients with Complex Needs Palliative Care Accountable Communities for Health Building Blocks Workforce Health Information Technology and Exchange Enabling Authorities Cost and Quality Transparency Database Public Reporting Payment Reform Incubator
TIMES ARE CHANGING….. INTEGRATED AND CONNECTED The future is about population health and integration! Time to look ahead not in the past What are the common characteristics of these efforts?
MORE INFORMATION CalSIM: Whole Person Care: oadable/Opportunities_for_Whole-Person_Care_9_2014.pdf oadable/Opportunities_for_Whole-Person_Care_9_2014.pdf 1115 Waiver: Section Health Homes: Assistance/Health-Homes-Technical-Assistance/Downloads/Health-Homes- FAQ _2.pdf Payment Reform: CPCA Pilot Projects