Soil Reaction Soil reaction is one of the most important soil characteristics Soil Reaction Expression In units of activity (concentration) of hydronium ions (H 3 O + ) ions – c H3O+ [mmol (meq) / 100g of soil ] In pH units = -log(c H3O+ )
Types of Soil Reaction Actual Soil Reaction → Active Reaction pH H2O Potential Soil Reaction → exchangeable soil reactionpH KCl, E.A. → Hydrolytic acidity Ha Ability of soil to change pH of hydrolytically fissile salt solutions Soil Reaction
Methodology of pH KCl a E.A. determination (exchangeable soil reaction) Weight 40g of soil + 100ml 1M KCl Let the soil with KCl shake for 45 min. Measure the pH KCl value by the pH-meter Filter the soil suspension Pipette 50 ml of the soil extract (exactly) into the titration flask, add 3 drops of phenolphtalein Titration by 0.02M NaOH until a light pink color Note the NaOH consumption (a) and calculate the E.A. value pH KCl Evaluation Strongly Acid< 4.5 Acid4.5 – 5.5 Weakly Acid5.5 – 6.5 Neutral6.5 – 7.2 Alkaline>7.2 Soil Reaction E. A. Evaluation (mmol.100g -1 ) Very Strong> 1.14 Strong 0.57 – 1.14 Medium0.4 – Moderate0.23 – 0.4 Weak< 0.23
E. A. Calculation E. A. = a x f x M x 5 x 1.75 [meq / 100g of soil ] aConsumption of NaOH for titration fFactor of NaOH MNaOH molarities 5Conversion to 100g of soil 1.75Constant of the incomplete displacement Soil Reaction
Calculation of Lime Requirement LR = E.A. x E x ρ d x A x Td x [t] E.A.Exchangeable acidity [meq / 100g] EEquivalent of corrective (CaCO 3 – 50; CaO 28) ρ d Bulk density [1,500 kg / m 3 ] AArea of liming [10,000m 2 ] → t/ha TdTopsoil depth [0.2 m] Conversion to tons Soil Reaction
Methodology of pH H2O determination Weight 10g of soil + 20ml overcooked distilled water Mix the soil and water for 5 min using the glass straw Measure pH H2O value by the pH-meter Strongly Acid< 4.9 Acid4.9 – 5.9 Weakly Acid 5.9 – 6.9 Neutral6.9 – 7.1 Slightly alkaline 7.1 – 8.0 Alkaline8.0 – 9.4 Strongly Alkaline >9.4 Soil Reaction
Acid sulphate soils Forest Soils Cultivated soils of temperate zone Calcareous soils Solonchaks 0
The specifics of the measurement of soil reaction The measurement takes place in soil suspension (not in soil solution) H3O+H3O+ Soil Particles SOLUTION SUSPENSION Soil Reaction
Types of Soil Reaction Actual Soil Reaction → Active Reaction Concentration of H 3 O + ions in soil suspension H3O+H3O+ Soil Particles Water pH H2O Soil Reaction
Types of Soil Reaction Potential Soil Reaction → exchangeable soil reaction Ability of soil to change pH of neutral salt solutions H3O+H3O+ Soil Particles KCl solution K+K+ pH KCl E.A. Soil Reaction
Types of Soil Reaction Actual Soil Reaction → Active Reaction pH H2O Potential Soil Reaction → exchangeable soil reactionpH KCl, E.A. → Hydrolytic acidity Ha Ability of soil to change pH of hydrolytically fissile salt solutions Soil Reaction
Soil Reaction Measurement Colorimetrically (Color indicators) Titration Potentiometrically (Specific and comparative glass calomel electrode) Soil Reaction
Influences on Soil Reaction Measurement The degree of dissociation - (how many groups capable of dissociation are present on the surface of solid particles) Kind of Acidity → free H 3 O + → Reserve acidity - hydrolysis of Al 3+ Al 3+ + H 2 O → AlOH 2+ + H + AlOH 2+ + H 2 O → Al(OH) H + Al(OH) H 2 O → Al(OH) H + Soil Reaction
Influences on Soil Reaction Measurement The degree of dissociation Kind of Acidity → free H 3 O + → hydrolysis of Al 3+ Ratio soil : water - (the wider soil : water ratio, the higher measurement error) Salt content - (salt displaces H + from the soil sorption complex) CO 2 content - (the higher CO 2 content, the lower soil pH) Soil Reaction