LCG Information and Monitoring System Jason Shih ASGC Grid Administrator Tutorial March 15-16, Academia Sinica
Outline Components of IS Introduction to MDS, GRID, GIIS and BDII RGMA In Glite, R-GMA is adopted as IS Monitoring tools GridICE & GIIS monitor Practicals: Jobs Requirement, ranking and FCR High level tools lcg-infosites & lcg-info Data management Nice tool: LDAP browser APEL accounting system
Information System Provide information about the grid resources, and their status Offering data conforms GLUE (Grid Laboratory for Uniform Environment) Schema (common conceptual data model) Main component of Glue schema trying to describe: CE (computing element) SE (storage element) Binding information for SE and CE From users’ point of view: Where I can have available resource to accomplish my job (requirement, ranking etc.) Where I can register/replicate/copy files to/from (SE attributes) where I can find certain applications to run my job (VO Tag) Where are the nearest resources (computing, storage fabric etc.)
LDAP Protocol: the data model dn: objectclass: : dn: objectclass: : This is an entry; collection of attributes. It’s defined by a unique DN (Distinguished Name) Objectclass: special attributes a) Defines the tree structure of a certain entry b) Filters the entries of this objectclass White space to separate entries from each other The types and objectclass names should follow a schema (Glue Schema on LCG) The information is imported and exported by LDIF files (LDAP Data Interchange Format) which follow such structure
MDS (monitoring and discovery services) IP (information provide) running on computing and storage elements generate relevant information of the resources and published by the grid resource information server.
Globus.conf: MDS … Content in globus configuration file: …. [mds] globus_flavor_name=gcc32dbgpthr user=edginfo [mds/gris/provider/edg] [mds/gris/registration/site] regname=Taiwan-LCG2 …. /etc/globus.conf:
GRIS (Grid Resource Information Server) Local GRISes run on Computing/Storage elements and publish characteristic information and status of the services, which include: Static information For SE: Service endpoint, SE unique ID, Schema Ver., AccessProtocolType, SAPath and SARoot For CE: SiteWeb, SiteName, SiteUniqueID, SysAdminContact etc. ContactString Dynamic information For SE: AvailableSpace, UsedSpace wrt all supported VOs For CE: FreeCPUs, RunningJobs, TotalJobs, WaitingJobs, EstimatedResponseTime
Local GRIS (Cont’) ldapsearch -x -H ldap://`hostname`:2135 -b mds-vo-name=local,o=grid Query from target host with “–h” associated with proper port no., with “–p” -x indicate that simple authentication will be used -b option is adopted to specify the initial entry from which starts the search in the LDAP tree
GIIS (Grid Index Information Server) The role of GIIS is to collect info from all GRISes, and sources published from other GIIS, but it has shown its scalability limits with growing no. of sites. Due to this, BDII (Berkeley DB Information Index) was introduced. GIIS has been kept at site level to collect information from GRISes implemented at each resource fabric.
BDII (Berkeley DB Information Index) BDII queries the GIISes and act as cache storing information about the grid status in its database. Each BDII contains information from site GIISes define by a configuration file in which BDII fork processes simultaneously and cutout unanswered queries after timeout. User and other Grid Services (such as RB) can interrogate with BDII to get information of grid status. Up2date information can be found directly from site GIISes or from local GRISes that run on specific resources.
BDII configuration file (Site GIIS) # more bdii.conf BDII_PORT_READ=2170 BDII_PORTS_WRITE=" " BDII_USER=edguser BDII_BIND=mds-vo-name=Taiwan-LCG2,o=grid BDII_PASSWD= BDII_SEARCH_FILTER='*' BDII_SEARCH_TIMEOUT=30 BDII_BREATHE_TIME=60 BDII_AUTO_UPDATE=no BDII_AUTO_MODIFY=no BDII_DIR=/opt/bdii/ BDII_UPDATE_URL= deployment/gis/lcg2-bdii/dteam/lcg2-all-sites.conf BDII_UPDATE_LDIF= SLAPD=/usr/sbin/slapd SLAPADD=/usr/sbin/slapadd
BDII update configurtion (Site GIIS) # more bdii-update.conf CE ldap://,o=grid SE ldap://,o=grid SE2 ldap://,o=grid RB ldap://,o=grid PX ldap://,o=grid LFC ldap://,o=grid CASTORSC ldap://,o=grid DPM ldap://,o=grid
Top BDII (global) Config file: BDII_PORT_READ=2170 BDII_PORTS_WRITE=" " BDII_USER=edguser BDII_BIND=mds-vo-name=local,o=grid BDII_PASSWD= BDII_SEARCH_FILTER='(|(objectClass=GlueSchemaVersion)(objectClass=GlueTop))' BDII_SEARCH_TIMEOUT=30 BDII_BREATHE_TIME=60 BDII_AUTO_UPDATE=no BDII_AUTO_MODIFY=no BDII_DIR=/opt/bdii/ BDII_UPDATE_URL= bdii/dteam/lcg2-all-sites.conf BDII_UPDATE_LDIF= update.ldif SLAPD=/usr/sbin/slapd SLAPADD=/usr/sbin/slapadd
Top BDII update config file: # # Top Level BDII configuration file # # This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT it directly #TW-ASGC-WS TW-ASGC-WS ldap://,o=grid #TW-ASGC-WS1 TW-ASGC-WS1 ldap://,o=grid #TW-ASGC-WS2 TW-ASGC-WS2 ldap://,o=grid #TW-ASGC-WS3 TW-ASGC-WS3 ldap://,o=grid #TW-ASGC-WS4 TW-ASGC-WS4 ldap://,o=grid
LCG Information System LCG Information System GIP (Generic Information Provider) Top level BDII MDS (Monitoring and Discovery System) Site BDII LDAP Protocol
Components of IS: GRIS, GIIS & BDII Each site can run a BDII. It collects the information coming from the GIISs % ldapsearch –x –h -p 2170 –b “o=grid” At each site, a site GIIS collects the information given by the GRISs % ldapsearch –x –h -p 2135 –b “mds-vo-name=,o=grid” Local GRISes run on CEs and SEs at each site and report dynamic and static information % ldapsearch –x –h -p 2135 –b “mds-vo-name=local,o=grid” Abbreviations: BDII: Berkeley DataBase Information Index GIIS: Grid Index Information Server GRIS: Grid Resource Information Server From LCG2.3.0 site GIIS has been replaced by “local” BDII ldapsearch –x –h -p 2170 –b “o=grid”
LCG Information System (cont’) We try to figure out how the information is generated and transported among the nodes. Let’s have a look to the files… After a while we will have such a basic picture in mind: globus-mdsThis file is new!!!! /opt/var lcg-static.conf lcg-dynamic libexec ldapadd ldapsearch Templates too!! Files generated by the system Files generated by a deamon Even more config files Where does path come from?!?!?!?! This file was not here yesterday! Template II Let’s try to understand it, element by element: 1. Not paying so much attention to the code 2. Just giving the fundamental FILES
How information generated? globus-mds: deamon script It’s a deamon, initialized at boot time. It runs the info-providers and has a 60s cache grid-info-resource-ldif.conf a) Created by the startup script of globus-mds b) It begins the chain of scripts generating the information of the node /opt/globus/etc/grid-info-resource-ldif.conf dn: Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid objectclass: GlobusTop objectclass: GlobusActiveObject objectclass: GlobusActiveSearch type: exec path: /opt/lcg/libexec base: lcg-info-wrapper args: cachetime: 60 timelimit: 20 sizelimit: 250
Info generation: lcg-info-wrapper grid-info-resource-ldif.conf lcg-info-wrapper Interface between the info System and all providers #!/bin/sh /opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-generic \ /opt/lcg/var/gip/lcg-info-generic.conf Executed by the previous file lcg-info-generic: 1.Read the file containing the static information Where does this file comes from? 2. Execute dynamic plug-ins which produces the dynamic information Where is the script name included? 3. GIP (Generic Information Provider) uses dynamic information built in cache Where is the path name defined? This is included in its Argument: GIP Config File lcg-info-generic.conf GIP SCRIPT
Configuration file for SE ldif_file=/opt/lcg/var/gip/lcg-info-static.ldif generic_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-generic wrapper_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-wrapper temp_path=/opt/lcg/var/gip/tmp template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueSite.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueCE.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueCESEBind.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueSE.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueService.template # Common for all GlueInformationServiceURL: ldap:// name=local,o=grid dynamic_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-dynamic-se GlueSEType: disk GlueSEPort: 2811 GlueSESizeTotal: 0 GlueSESizeFree: 0 GlueSEArchitecture: disk GlueSAType: permanent GlueSAPolicyFileLifeTime: permanent GlueSAPolicyMaxFileSize: Contains the static Information in ldif format Templates to create the information in ldif Format: GIP Templates df –k /flatfiles/SE00/VO The dynamic information: used and available space, visible in $temp_path/lcg-info-synamic-classic.ldif
Configuration file for CE ldif_file=/opt/lcg/var/gip/lcg-info-static.ldif generic_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-generic wrapper_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-wrapper temp_path=/opt/lcg/var/gip/tmp template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueSite.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueCE.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueCESEBind.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueSE.template template=/opt/lcg/etc/GlueService.template # Common for all GlueInformationServiceURL: ldap://,o=grid dn: GlueSiteUniqueID=Taiwan-LCG2,mds-vo-name=local,o=grid GlueSiteName: Taiwan-LCG2 GlueSiteDescription: LCG Site …. dynamic_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-dynamic-ce dynamic_script=/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-dynamic-software /opt/lcg/var/gip/lcg-info- generic.conf Contains the static Information in ldif format Templates to create the information in ldif Format: GIP Templates
Dynamic information of CE /opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-dynamic-pbs /opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-dynamic-software GlueCEInfoLRMSVersion, GlueCEInfoTotal(Free)CPUs, GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime(RunningJobs)(WallClockTime), GlueCEStateTotal(Waiting)(Running)Jobs, GlueCEStateWorst(Estimate)ResponseTime Quantities calculated basically using: qstat –B –f pbsHost obtained from its argument: pbsnodes –a –s pbsHostlcg-info-generic.conf GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment Obtained by reading the *list files stored under: /opt/edg/var/info/VO_name This files are created by running the script lcg-ManageVOTag
Configuration files of RB lcg-info-generic.conf: ldif_file = /opt/lcg/var/gip/lcg-info-static.ldif generic_script = /opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-generic wrapper_script = /opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-wrapper temp_path = /opt/lcg/var/gip/tmp (EMPTY) template = /opt/lcg/etc/GlueService.template (information relative to the node written following the Glue Schema) ALL RB Information is static
Interoperability of LCG IS RB Local GRIS SE Local GRIS CE Local GRIS BDII-A BDII-B MSS Local GRIS PX Local GRIS CE Local GRIS SE Local GRIS BDII-C CE Local GRIS CE Site GIIS CE Local GRIS CE Site GIIS CE Local GRIS CE Site GIIS Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
Introduction to R-GMA Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA) Developed as part of the EuropeanDataGrid Project (EDG) Now as part of the EGEE project. Based the Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA) from the Global Grid Forum (GGF). Uses a relational data model. Data are viewed as tables. Data structure defined by the columns. Each entry is a row (tuple). Queried using Structured Query Language (SQL).
Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA) PRODUCER CONSUMER REGISTRY Store location Lookup location Transfer Data The Producer stores its location (URL) in the Registry. The Consumer looks up producer URLs in the Registry. The Consumer contacts the Producer to get all the data or to listen for new data.
About R-GMA Services Three types of Producer Services Primary Producer: Produces and stores tuples in its tuples store Secondary Producer: Collects tuples by querying Primary Producers and stores them locally On Demand Producer: Produce tuples on demand. Does not store produced tuple in any case One type of Consumer Service Consumer: Queries the virtual database to get tuples according to SQL query syntax Virtual Database with three type of Services Registry: Contains information to match consumer queries with right producers Schema: Stores schemas of tables in terms of columns definitions Mediator: Matches queries made by consumers with right producers
Insertion of a new Tuple userIdaString 10Jackson1.3 The user stores a new tuple in the virtual database insert into (tuple description) Producer The tuples keep stored locally to the producer service because the database is just virtual Tuples storage Memory Database
Registration as Producer of Tuples The Producer Calls a declareTable primitive to declare its intention to publish tuples in a given table Hands a predicate string to the mediator in the same primitive The Mediator Receives the request Stores this data into the registry The Predicate A string describing which tuples will be published by this producers It is a collection of AND clause in which the value of some columns are defined as constants Registry Producer I want to publish tuples in table userTable where userId=10. Table: userTable Producer:... Predicate: userId=10
Getting of Tuples Producer select * from userTable where userId == 10 Consumer Registry Table: Artists Producer:... Predicate: userId == 10 Tell me about producer(s) for table ‘userTable’ WHERE userId == 10 userII d aStringreal 10Jackson1.3 IdaStringreal 10Jackson1.3 URLs of Producers
Type of Producers Primary Producer Creates and stores tuples in its local tuples storage Secondary Producer Just stores tuples in its tuples storage Collects tuples as it was a Consumer to Primary Producers On Demand Producer Generates tuples just in time in response to Consumer queries A proper code provides for the production of tuples just in time Producer service tuples storage Consumer service queries tuples Secondary Producer tuples storage Consumer service queries tuples Primary Producer On demand Producer Consumer service queries tuples Tuples generator code
Type of Queries Continuous To create a stream channel from producers to consumers that works in real time (more in next slide) Latest To get the latest tuple published by a Producer The Producer specifies a Latest Retention Period (LRP) as deadline for the produced tuple Tuples are stored in a Latest Storage History To get all tuples less old than a History Retention Period (HRP) Tuples are stored in a History Storage Static Supported only by On-Demand Producers To make not R-GMA data storage accessible through R-GMA infrastructure SQL Query Processor History Tuples Store Latest Tuples Store continuous history latest insert query tuples
The R-GMA Browser The easiest way to try out R-GMA. It is installed on the machine running the Registry and Schema: (w/o registry) Another registration server from testbed (Hands-on), Using the Browser you can do the following. Browse the tables in the schema. Look at the table definitions. See all the available producers for a table. Query a table. Query only selected producers.
Security in R-GMA Network Security All network communications are over SSL encrypted channels One weak point: The URI to which On Demand Producers forward their messages because we don ’ t any guarantees Authentication X509 certificates Mutual authentication between peers Authorization Grid credential extracted by the certificate Adoption of VOMS Ownership One R-GMA infrastructure for each VO One owner for each VDB who decides who read, write etc …
R-GMA APIs APIs exist in Java, C, C++, Python. For clients (servlets contacted behind the scenes) They include methods for … Creating consumers Creating primary and secondary producers Setting type of queries, type of produces, retention periods, time outs … Retrieving tuples, inserting data You can create your own Producer or Consumer.
R-GMA configuration (client) Archiver= Consumer= StreamProducer= GMA/StreamProducerServlet LatestProducer= GMA/LatestProducerServlet CanonicalProducer= GMA/CanonicalProducerServlet DataBaseProducer= GMA/DBProducerServlet Registry= Schema= XMLConverter=/opt/glite/etc/rgma/XMLResponse.xsd leapsecLocation=/opt/glite/etc/rgma/leapsec.dat /opt/glite/etc/rgma/rgma.conf
Generic R-GMA Client Check Client: rgma-client-check Make sure user already have proxy init Server side: rgma-server-check Generic problem: Tomcat not responding, restart daemon forcely
Monitoring Tools
GridICE (Gris View)
Gstat GOC DB SITE BSITE A GSTAT SERVER (Taiwan) Production BDII gstat runs each 15 minutes through a cron List of sites Site A under testing Agent 3 BDII Agent 2 R-GMA Agent 1 ldapsearch WEB PAGE Filter Data
GIIS Monitoring (global view) sitescountriestotalCPUfreeCPUrunJobwaitJobseAvail TBseUsed TB maxCPUavgCPU
GIIS Monitoring (II): regional view
GIIS (III): Site level profile (I) (II) (III) (IV)
Practical consideration using LCG Information System
Job description lang.: requirement and ranking [ Executable = “myexe"; StdOutput = "std.out"; StdError = "std.err"; InputSandBox = {“myexe"}; OutputSandBox = {"std.out","std.err"}; rank = -other.GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime; DefaultRank = -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; VirtualOrganisation = "dteam"; requirements = ( other.GlueCEUniqueID == "" ) && ( other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production" ) && ( other.RunTimeEnvironment == "my_own_program_version_minor_version" ) ; ]
Example (I): Job ranking and requirement Atlas Production Monitoring Page: Requirement: ( MaxCPUTime * CINT2000 >= ) && ( Memory > 600 ) && ( OutboundConnectivity == True ) && ( CEStatus == Production ) Ranking: if ( Waiting == 0 ){if ( Running == 0 ){ rank = FreeCPUs * 100 } else { rank = (FreeCPUs * 100) / ( Running + 1 ) } } else { rank = - Waiting / ( Running + 1 ) }
Example (II): FCR (Freedom of Choices for Resources)
Example (III): High level cmd: lcg-infosites (I) $ lcg-infosites --vo dteam ce | grep sinica ************************************************************** These are the related data for dteam: (in terms of CEs) ************************************************************** #CPU Free Total Jobs Running Waiting ComputingElement $ lcg-infosites --vo dteam ce -v 2 | head -10 ************************************************************** These are the related data for dteam: (in terms of CEs) ************************************************************** RAMMemory Operating System System Version Processor CE Name ScientificLinux 3 PIV 1025 ScientificLinux 3 PIII
High level cmd: lcg-infosites (II) Retrieving information of SE: Where are the closeSE? $ lcg-infosites --vo twgrid se ************************************************************** These are the related data for twgrid: (in terms of SE) ************************************************************** Avail Space(Kb) Used Space(Kb) Type SEs $ lcg-infosites --vo twgrid closeSE Name of the CE: Name of the close SE: Name of the CE: Name of the close SE: Name of the CE: Name of the close SE: Name of the close SE: Name of the close SE:
Arguments for lcg-infosites
High level cmd: lcg-info This command can be used to list either CE or SE that satisfy a given set of conditions and to print the values of a given set of attributes Retrieved information from $LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS environment variable. E.g.: $ env |grep GFAL [Quote] The query syntax is like this: attr1 op1 valueN,... attrN opN valueN where attrN is an attribute name op is =, >= or <=, and the cuts are ANDed. The cuts are comma-separated and spaces are not allowed.
High level cmd: lcg-info (II) Usage lcg-info --list-ce [--bdii bdii] [--vo vo] [--sed] [--query query] [--attrs list] lcg-info --list-se [--bdii bdii] [--vo vo] [--sed] [--query query] [--attrs list] lcg-info --list-attrs lcg-info --help
High level cmd: lcg-info (III) Arguments of lcg-info:
High level cmd: lcg-info (IV) Attribute nameGlue object class Glue attribute name MaxTime GlueCE GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime CEStatus GlueCE GlueCEStateStatus TotalJobs GlueCE GlueCEStateTotalJobs CEVOs GlueCE GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule TotalCPUs GlueCE GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs FreeCPUs GlueCE GlueCEStateFreeCPUs CE GlueCE GlueCEUniqueID WaitingJobs GlueCE GlueCEStateWaitingJobs RunningJobs GlueCE GlueCEStateRunningJobs CloseCE GlueCESEBindGroup GlueCESEBindGroupCEUniqueID CloseSE GlueCESEBindGroup GlueCESEBindGroupSEUniqueID SEVOs GlueSA GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule UsedSpace GlueSA GlueSAStateUsedSpace AvailableSpace GlueSA GlueSAStateAvailableSpace Type GlueSE GlueSEType SE GlueSE GlueSEUniqueID Protocol GlueSEAccessProtocol GlueSEAccessProtocolType ArchType GlueSL GlueSLArchitectureType Processor GlueSubCluster GlueHostProcessorModel OS GlueSubCluster GlueHostOperatingSystemName Cluster GlueSubCluster GlueSubClusterUniqueID Tag GlueSubCluster GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment Memory GlueSubCluster GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize
Check Sepc info from TWGrid VO: List available Tags, say CMS, from TWGrid VO: High level cmd: lcg-info (V) $ lcg-info --list-ce --vo twgrid --attrs 'CINT2000,CFP2000' - CE: - CINT CFP CE: - CINT CFP CE: - CINT CFP $ lcg-info --list-ce --vo twgrid --attrs 'Tag' | grep cms VO-cms-slc3_ia32_gcc323 VO-cms-OSCAR_3_6_5 VO-cms-ORCA_8_13_1 VO-cms-FAMOS_1_3_2 VO-cms-ORCA_8_7_4 VO-cms-OSCAR_3_9_8
Example (IV): APEL Accounting
APROC: Accounting
Example (V): GridView:
LDAP browser (win + linux) Download from (latest version is 2.8.2)
LDAP Browser: SE (Castor)
LDAP Browser: VO Tag
lcg utilities (lcg-cr, lcg-rep etc.) lcg-cr -v --vo dteam -d file:///etc/group -l lfn:test By default, w/o –d, lcg-cr will adopt $VO_DTEAM_DEFAULT_SE as default target SE to register the file Adopt GlueSAPath from IS in which the file will be located e.g.: $ ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -b mds-vo-name=local,o=grid | grep dteam | grep GlueSAPath Before LFC introduced, RLS service endpoint have to be included in IS as well if specify “-l” option (troubleshooting). lcg-rep -v --vo dteam -d lfn:test Name space (cf. to abs path) retrieved from IS, e.g.: GlueSAPath: /castor/ If service unique Id is missing from IP, replication fail (check gstat) Given “-p” to def relative path for the files being replicated to.
Summary LCG information system consist by: GIP, which generate static/dynamic information to: Site BDII as well as global (top) BDII. MDS BDII Users retrieve information from LDAP based IS High level command available in LCG Gstat have been widely used to profiling and monitoring site/global level IS problem, continuously provide grid resource status R-GMA tend to be instable in current release of LCG Expecting improvement in Glite 3.0 (integration with LCG)
References R-GMA overview page. R-GMA in EGEE R-GMA Documenation GLUE Schema