Mr. Peters: A-Cos Mrs. Chancey: Cou-G Mrs. Poitier: H-Ll Mrs. Figarella: Loc-Pen Mrs. Collins: Peo-Sim Mrs. Norgan: Sin-Z C LASS OF 2017
D EMOGRAPHICS Student records should have correct: Address Phone number Social Security Number *SSN is not required but recommended for matching of college and scholarship applications to high school transcripts *Provide original SS Card to Mrs. Robinson to add to record
4 YEAR /24 C REDITS G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS 4 English 4 Math (Algebra 1 – pass EOC/ Geometry – take EOC) 3 Natural Sciences ( Biology – take EOC) 3 Social Studies (World Hist., US Hist., US Gov & Econ.) 1 Fine/Performing Art or Practical Art 1 Physical Education (Personal Fitness/Other PE) 8 Electives 1 online (PVS/FLVS) course Passing score on Grade 10 FSA English Language Assessment Passing score on Algebra 1 EOC Cumulative un-weighted 2.0 GPA 2 World Languages (not required for graduation - required for admission to State Universities/BF; strongly recommended by Florida College System)
S TATE A SSESSMENT R EQUIREMENTS & D ISTRICT EOY’ S For graduation, students must pass: Grade 10 FSA ELA earn Concordant ACT-R (19) or SAT-V (430) Algebra 1 End of Course (EOC) earn Concordant PERT-M (97) Retakes administered in the Fall and Spring Students must take all EOC and EOY exams: EOC= End of Course Exam EOY = End of Year Exam EOC and EOY will count for 30% of each semester grade
H IGH S CHOOL C OURSES D ISTRICT EOY S District EOYs for ½ credit courses (Econ, Gov’t, PE, etc.) Quarter 1Quarter 2Course Final Exam (EOY)Semester 1 Grade 35% 30%100% District EOYs for 1 credit courses Quarter 1Quarter 2 Course Final Exam (column is blank until EOY score is available ) Semester 1 Grade Quarter 3Quarter 4 Course Final Exam Semester 2 Grade 35% 30%100%35% 30%100% Numeric Calculation; note on report card denotes EOY is 30% of each final course grade. Numeric Calculation: each semester grade is independent of each other; note on report card denotes: Blank exam column indicates year-long course calculation; no 1 st semester exam; EOY is 30% of final semester grade. Unit/Quarter/Semester assessments are included in quarter grades.
S TATE EOC C OURSES (A LGEBRA 1, A LGEBRA 2, B IOLOGY, G EOMETRY, US H ISTORY ) State EOC Courses Quarter 1Quarter 2 Course Final Exam (column remains blank in Pinnacle. EOC should display on report card) Semester 1 Grade Quarter 3Quarter 4 Course Final Exam (column remains blank in Pinnacle. EOC should display on report card) Semester 2 Grade 35% Remains blank (30%) 100% 35% Remains blank (30%) 100% Numeric Calculation; numeric table of EOC scores to be provided by AAE Department; each semester grade is independent of each other; note on report card denotes: Blank exam column indicates year-long course calculation; no 1 st semester exam; EOC is 30% of EACH final semester grade. Genesis will calculate the final semester grades - teachers will not enter EOCs into the grade book (EOC scores are received directly from FLDOE).
H OW IS G RADE P OINT A VERAGE (GPA) DETERMINED ? Determined by all classes taken (points earned/number of classes taken) Un-Weighted GPA A = 4 pts B = 3 pts C = 2 pts D = 1 pts F = 0 pts Weighted GPA Honors =.5 pt Dual-Enrollment = 1 pt Advanced Placement = 1 pt Final Graduation GPA – 3.2 and above walk in rank order Honors delineation 3.2 = Honors (burgundy cord) 3.5 = Cum Laude (green cord) 3.75 = Magna Cum Laude (gold cord) 4.00 = Summa Cum Laude (green/gold cord) Ranking available Fall of Sr. Yr.
M ERIT D ESIGNATION In addition to meeting the standard high school diploma requirements: Attain one or more industry certifications
S CHOLAR D ESIGNATION In addition to meeting the standard high school diploma requirements: 1 credit in Algebra II 1 credit in Statistics or an equally rigorous mathematics course Pass the Biology EOC 1 credit in Chemistry or Physics 1 credit in a course equally rigorous to Chemistry or Physics Pass the U.S. History EOC* 2 credits in the same world language 1 credit in an AP or Dual-Enrollment course *student is exempt from the U.S. History assessment if they are enrolled in AP U.S. History and earn the minimum score to earn college credit
Student/Parent requests the course on (complete instructions are available on the GJHS website) Return a completed ‘Notification of Registration for Florida Virtual School Class’ form to the Guidance Office. Your counselor will check to make sure you’ve requested the correct course and approve the course. FLVS/PVS will place you with a teacher. FLVS may take a few weeks. PVS may take only a few days. Continue to check your FLVS account for placement. Virtual grades in EOC courses must be recalculated to include EOC exam score
D UAL E NROLLMENT ELIGIBILITY Students must have a minimum of six (6) core credits in order to be approved to dual enroll Students must have an unweighted 2.5 GPA for elective, non-academic subjects Students must have an unweighted 3.0 GPA and pass PERT in the subject area for academic subjects Full Time Dual Enrollment requires a minimum un- weighted 3.2 GPA and a 3.0 in Alg. 2
D UAL E NROLLMENT 6 core academic HS credits 1 DE course/term 8 core academic HS credits 2 DE courses/term 10 core academic HS credits 11 DE hours/term Full Time Early Admission 12 th grade DE hours/term High School & College transcripts include Dual Enrollment grades. College-Ready Scores SubjectPERTACTSAT Reading/Critical Reading English/Critical Reading Elementary Algebra/Mathematics
7 S TEPS TO D UAL E NROLLMENT 1. Apply as DE student on PSC website ( under Admission and Complete the application to receive a student ID number Bring student ID number to counselor to obtain a PERT ticket 2. Take PERT at PSC unless you have SAT or ACT scores Request ACT/SAT scores be sent directly to PSC in order to be official and used for registration purposes 3. Return scores to counselor to discuss available courses based on PERT (ACT/SAT) and GPA 4. Select courses 5. Complete the orientation online at required before being allowed to register for classes 6. Register for courses through PSC personnel 7. Bring copy of course schedule back to counselor This is required in order to schedule student correctly and to obtain books for the dual enrollment courses * Steps 3 – 7 are completed prior to every semester
C OMMUNITY SERVICE & T RANSCRIPTS Community Service must be completed for a non profit or not for profit agency Not required for graduation At least 100 hrs recommended for colleges and scholarships 250 hrs – cord for graduation ceremony Turn in ASAP for scholarships Final deadline – May 1 st (Senior Year) Transcripts Place request in the binder labeled ‘Transcripts’ on the front counter of the Guidance Office First 3 for colleges are free, then $2 charge for additional Scholarship transcripts always free See Mrs. Robinson in Guidance
P OST SECONDARY PLANS ? 4 year University Florida College System Technical School Full Time Employment Military
S TATE U NIVERSITY S YSTEM CORE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Coursework 4 English 4 Math 3 Science 3 Social Studies 2 Foreign Language 2 Academic Electives Minimum High School GPA 2.5 Test Minimums Critical Reading SAT 460 or ACT 19 Mathematics SAT 460 or ACT 19 English with Writing SAT 460 or Combined ACT Plus Writing 18 Planning to go straight to a 4 yr college after high school? Minimum Requirements Universities may establish higher admissions Standards than those listed above
F LORIDA C OLLEGE S YSTEM #1 IN ACCESSING HIGHER EDUCATION Florida system a bachelor’s (4 yr) degree Earn an Associate of Arts (2 yr) degree at a Florida College System institution, then transfer to a 4 yr institution AA degree at a Florida college guarantees students the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree at a university or Florida college offering 4 yr degrees Visit Florida Colleges offer Associate of Science (2 yr) degrees, Certificate Programs, and Applied Technical Diplomas Lead directly to employment Potential to earn more money than with some 4-yr degrees
C AREER & T ECHNICAL C ENTERS Traviss & Ridge Career Centers Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Business, Management & Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Transportation, Distribution & Logistics More information visit and
E DUCATION P ATHWAYS Florida College System (such as Polk State College) A.S. in Computer Network Engineering Technology Florida Earnings: Average Annual Wage $73,403 Entry Annual Wage$45,282 Experienced Annual Wage$87,443 Career & Technical Education (such as Traviss Career Center) Lakeland Average Annual Wage Electrician: $39,395 Surgical Technician:$38,875 Automotive Mechanic:$38,210 Fire Safety Investigator: $58,989
M ILITARY O PTIONS Brush up on military missions of each branch Army: “serve the American people, defend the Nation, protect vital national interests” Air Force: "fly, fight, and win in air, space, and cyberspace." Navy: “protect and defend the right of the United States and its allies to move freely on the oceans and to protect the country against her enemies” Marine Corps: “the amphibious forces of the United States” Coast Guard: “ In time of war, the President can direct all, or part of, the Coast Guard under the service of the Navy.” Visit with a recruiter Utilize to prepare for the Take the ASVAB which measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success in military and civilian occupations Take your commitment seriously Train for the Military Mindset Military Entrance Processing Station
P AYING FOR P OST S ECONDARY E DUCATION Four basic types of financial aid: Scholarships – Free money Academic achievement Financial need Minority students Children of Veterans Grants – Free money Federal Aid – State Aid - Work study/employment – Earn it Based on financial need, jobs that allow students to work to pay for their education expenses Loans – borrow it, repay it Federal loans for students and parents offer low interest rates
B RIGHT F UTURES WWW. FLORIDASTUDENTFINANCIALAID. ORG WWW. FLORIDASTUDENTFINANCIALAID. ORG Florida Academic Scholarship Florida Medallion Scholarship Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship Always refer to the website at for changes in scholarship requirements All BF requirements subject to change
G OLD S EAL V OCATIONAL S CHOLARS Gold Seal applies only to vocational certifications but courses leading to an AA or AS are excluded. 1 Fine/Practical Art 1 Physical Education 3 CTE Credits 3.0 weighted GPA overall 3.5 un-weighted GPA Career Courses 30 CSH
B RIGHT F UTURE A WARD A MOUNTS Bright Futures award amounts vary yearly
R ESOURCES : F INANCIAL A ID Scholarship bulletin: GJHS website – Paying for college: Financial Aid night at GJHS each December Financial Aid Websites: - Online application for all Florida Department of Education financial aid programs, including Bright Futures. - Florida Department of education - Free application for federal student aid - Free scholarship search – Planning for college – free financial aid info and assistance See handout and website for more ‘Resources on the Web’ *Beware of scams! Never pay for a scholarship!!!
ACT/SAT T ESTING ACT - SAT - For college applications and scholarships including Bright Futures Juniors should take the SAT/ACT as soon as possible! New SAT starts March 2017 Provide accurate address for notifications of when test scores are available online
Q UALIFYING FOR S AT & A CT WAIVERS How to obtain ACT & SAT Waivers: A student may receive up to 2 SAT and 2 ACT waivers and up to 5 college applications fee waivers while in high school. At least 1 SAT/ACT waiver must be used to be eligible for the college application and NCAA fee waivers. To receive the testing waiver, each student must: 1. Qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch - lunch form must be completed & submitted to cafeteria manager each year 2. Create an account on the SAT and/or ACT websites. 3. Complete the test registration; including photo upload. 4. See Counselor on designated waiver dates with log in and password information. 5. Students are eligible for 1 waiver per test as a Junior
R ECOMMENDATION L ETTERS C OLLEGE A THLETICS Need a Letter of Recommendation? Always ask at least 2 weeks in advance Complete the student self-assessment form & résumé College athlete? Students must check with their interested colleges to find out their sports accreditation agency (NCAA, NAIA) Know the eligibility requirements
Q & A