Case study Bangalore Part 2
Objectives To assess whether there is inequality Inequality in Bangalore To assess whether there is inequality Inequality in Bangalore
City of extremes- inequality City of extremes- inequality A rich middle class has developed, the ICT technology workforce, this makes up 40% of the population. An urban elite also exists which work in the tnc’s. A large proportion of the population is excluded from the benefits of development, over 1 million, 20% of the population.
Case study of regions Using your sheet 102 urban challenge. Using your sheet 102 urban challenge. On your base map locate each of the six areas, annotate their key characteristics. On your base map locate each of the six areas, annotate their key characteristics. On the next side decide which is the description for each of these areas. On the next side decide which is the description for each of these areas. You will then be given the correct answer. You will then be given the correct answer. Add any additional informationt to you area base map Add any additional informationt to you area base map
Original fort. Next to the market Densely populated Open urinals, overflowing bins and narrow congested bins Commerce is booming High land prices A residential extension built after the bubonic plague. Spacious and tree lined streets Water and sewage supply Apartments built in traditional houses gardens. Shops and cottage industries have spread out from centre in to this region Congestion Popular schools and temples Cantonment in ’s development began. Cubbon park separates from the Indian village. Spacious bungalows set in gardens. Now has numerous apartment blocks, targets upper middle class. Overloaded sewage and water systems. Water pollution A legal slum,originally on the outskirts, improvements have been made to infrastructure and housing people are crammed in to 900 houses bordered by a cemetery, railways and roads. 12 street taps.Communal toilets. 25% have illegal or legal electricity Prostitution and drug abuse Average income of £35 and land rental of £1 per month The most select residential area. Large plots with individual architecture. Well maintained and tree lined roads. Close to the airport,technology park and CBD. It houses the employees of the TNC’s Electricity fails daily, homes have petrol generators. The best schools are a car journey away Ten KM from the northern boarders. This satellite town is on the main highway. It attempts to absorb the pressure from urbanisation Land prone to flooding has been colonised by migrants, here there is no access to water or sanitation. They have to travel to local hostile areas. Residents are illiterate, there is no access to schools.There is no protection from eviction. Chickpet Basavanagudi Fraser town Bagular slums IndiranagarYelankha new town slum
On the next slide Decide where each of the residents would live, justify your answer. You will then be given the correct answer
Where would they live? 24, police officer £23/month Bus travel Educated to secondary school level Reads and watches cable Wants to be promoted 38, £125/month Has loans And 2 children. Cable Educated to university standard and is a doctor. Reads English magazines Drives an escort. Wants to be a consultant 29, building site labourer £1.25/hour casual. Spends money on food for family.never been to school Ambition to move to his home village and buy a home 35, director of a TNC. £350,000/year. Money spent on clothes, education of children and entertainment. Educated in USA and UK Favourite holiday- Australia Drives a Mercedes. 36, accounts manager £145/month. Spends salary on food and clothes. Lives with school teacher partner and 2 children and extended family. Holiday one a year to fashionable local resort. BA from Bangalore university Rides Suzuki motorbike 42, domestic help £28 /month plus 3 meals a day Spends money on household. Does not go on holiday. Educated 2 years of primary. 4 children.
Your task Using your information from this lesson decide whether there is inequality within the city and why. Using your information from this lesson decide whether there is inequality within the city and why. You will be expected to hand this in next lesson. You will be expected to hand this in next lesson.