By lynnley Jakayla Thomas
Homes The wampanoag indians lived on the eastern cost of north america. because of where they live. The wamponoag homes were dune shaped wigwoms.
Clothing Knee length shirts men wore breechcloth with leggings. people made their clothing from animal hide and fur. And they made cloth from deerskin
Transportation The wamponoag made doug out canoes by hollowing out of huge tree. when there were just short trips and walked.
Food and survival The land and everyones family cooparated to gather food. Women harvest corn,sqash,and beans. Men hunted for deer, turkeys and small and went fishing
Famous person In early 1600’s squnato a man of the patuxet tribe was captured and so treated like slaves. He helped the colonists survive showing them to plant crops.
War They are peace loving people but sometimes fighting became nessary
family Each village in the wampanoag comminty was like one extended family
Wow or cool Social security was very close -the people depend on one or another for surivival.