AUXDATA ORDER MANAGEMENT March 2015 Sector Maryland National Capital Region
Agenda Overview Administration Requesting orders Completing orders FAQ’s Questions a copy of slides- Coxswains
AOM Overview AOM is owned and was developed entirely by the Coast Guard AOM is behind their firewall on their servers so security is improved. AOM is a standardized system following all CG and Auxiliary policy requirements. AOM is fully integrated with AUXDATA and FINCEN. 3
OVERVIEW Coast Guard now responsible for AOM Coxswains request orders as usual SO-OP’s will review – concur or deny Coxswains can re-submit after changes Stations OIA will approve requests
OVERVIEW Coxswains complete orders within 3 days SO-OP reviews – recommends payment or not Coxswains can correct problem, resubmit Station OIA signs completed orders Sector AUXLO signs forwards to FINCEN
Administration Eligible –OPFAC Owner, Coxswain, Crew –View only – Aux & CG Admin Not eligible – Trainee Members can be added to AOM by contacting their SO-OP Sector AUXLO is responsible for administration
Auxdata Order Management - AOM Production Training - / / Your password may need to be reset If you are not able to login and the password is not the issue check: -You may be in REYR - Your may be in ADMIN hold (PLB renewal, PPE)
8 Usually 1 st initial and last name AOM Sign-On Screen If you do not have a password go back to the logon screen and click I forgot my password
Change Password
Request Password Enter the information and click submit. An E- mail will be sent with a new password. After you logon you can change the password
Change Password 11 Click on My Account Note: New Password Criteria
Requesting orders - AOM Requesting Orders – 7 days in advance but not more than 30 days Owner on board may designate any qualified coxswain as operator when owner is on board When the owner is not on board the designated coxswain must be listed by name on the offer for use (7003) in order to request orders
Requesting Orders All crew must be listed in the Comments Box Requests must contain an explanation for the patrol in the comment box AOM will send you an listing details of your request, Your address must be correct in AUXDATA to receive this mail The will also be sent to your station approver
Requestng Orders Forward this to your SO-OP SO-OP will review the request and indicate agreement (I concur) at the top of the comment box. The SO-OP will contact you if something needs to be changed The patrol will be approved/rejected by the station OIA Rejected patrols can be resubmitted
Patrol Codes All patrol types require information in the Comments box, explain why the patrol is being requested - (01A) MOM, SAFETY PATROL –(02) REGATTA-SAFETY ZONE SUPPORT (REGATTA): the name and number of the event must be listed in Comments. If it does not have a number it is not a regatta –(03) NAVIGATION SYSTEMS PATROL: Verifying PATONS requires SO-NS authorization; Verifying Federal ATON requires ANT authorization, list CG authorizing person in comments –(22A) OPERATIONS TRAINING: Must have a QE on board with name listed in Comments –(23A) Stand By: Time counts at ½ towards fatigue time. Patrols cannot begin or end with this code
Completing Orders Patrols must be completed in AOM within 3 business days of completing Receipts are required for all expenses $25 and over and uploaded to AOM Water and additives are not reimbursable 2 cycle oil is reimbursable on a per gallon consumption Add additional comments observed on patrol including the GAR score
Itinerary Select your CG station for Operational Control (OPCON)– Not Sector Baltimore The patrol begins when all crew are present and ready to get underway. Includes pre departure checks, crew briefing, GAR score, etc. The patrol ends when refueled, post mission checks,crew debriefed and patrol terminated
Trailering 01B – Mission code for trailer time to and from the launch site A patrol must be taken on the same day that trailer time is reported. Trailer time counts as ½ underway time for crew fatigue limit Crew not trailering must be listed in the comments section
Multiple Missions Patrols that extend into the next day do not require a separate patrol, ex- fireworks Multiple same day missions cannot be combined on the same patrol order. Each mission must have a separate patrol order Note – 23A and 24 are not considered separate missions Multiple same day patrols must have a one minute gap between missions
MISC If a mid-patrol crew change, list all crew members and note times for each in the comments box. The IS officer will adjust the entries in AUXDATA Use mission code 01A when supporting a training event when the QE is not aboard your OPFAC You must have a CG issued case number to have a SAR Meals must be checked for crew
Signing Completed Orders Completed Orders must be signed by Operator and Claimant Do not select complete until both members have signed Orders are signed by entering your password in the sign box Your name and date will be entered
Approval SO-OP's will review all completed orders checking for reasonableness and accuracy Discrepancies must be resolved in order for the SO-OP to recommend approval The SO-OP will enter “recommend reimbursement” in comment box and submit to the station OIA
Approval OIA reviews completed order and rejects or signs in OIA signature box Operators will be notified by AOM on rejected orders Denied orders can be reinstated once the issue is resolved Sector AUXLO submits order to FINCEN after final review on Fridays
Applying to be Crew Click here to apply as crew for approved patrols
2016 Regattas Mark your calendar Bay Bridge Paddle – May 14 Blue Angels – May 24 & 25 Bay Bridge Swim – June 12 Blue Angels Baltimore – Oct. 14,15,16
FAQ’S How should I report patrol conducted on back to back days? My boat is not listed with the OPFACS? I can not delete crew ? How do I validate crew before approval? May I request to patrol in any AOR? Why do I need to report engine hours if I am not reporting any expenses.
AOM Presentation AOM presentation today – Jim Farrell, Auditorium at 1420 This presentation will be repeated on-line Go–To–Meeting Schedule Thursday March 31 at 1900
Questions? Questions regarding the use of AOM Step by step in AOM (if time available) End of presentation