Dred Scott Decision 1856 A slave from Missouri named Dred Scott was taken to Illinois and Wisconsin for four years He then began a lawsuit that gave him his freedom for living in a free territory
Dred Scott Decision Dred Scott returned to Missouri because his owner was dying Chief Justice Roger B. Taney ruled that: 1. African Americans could not sue because they could not become citizens and that the 2. government could not prohibit slavery in the Western territories
Bleeding Kansas -A bill is proposed to introduce Kansas to the country. -In order move the transcontinental railroad to Chicago Illinois Senator Stephen Douglass proposing allowing popular sovereignty in the new State Kansas, north of the Missouri Compromise line -The Kansas-Nebraska act (1854) allows slavery in northern territories
Bleeding Kansas Thousands of armed citizens fled to Kansas to …vote illegally on the issue of slavery in Kansas -Surprisingly, a strict slavery government is established in Kansas. -Violence spread throughout the state (tarring and feathering, kidnapping, murder)
Bleeding Kansas Buildings in the Pro Slavery town Lawrence are burnt down. An abolitionist named John Brown and his sons retaliated by……….kidnapping and brutally murdering 5 pro slavery men Violence escalated and Kansas did not become a state until after the Civil War began
Abolitionists Advocating for immediate emancipation distinguished abolitionists from more moderate anti-slavery advocates who argued for gradual emancipation, and from free-soil activists who sought to restrict slavery to existing areas and prevent its spread further west. Abolitionists were made stronger…….through religion and newspapers like “The Liberator”. Abolitionists also often supported …….women’s rights and voted for anti-slavery candidates
1858 Illinois Senate Election Douglas (Democrat) versus Lincoln (Republican) Lincoln was less wealthy and well known, so he challenged Douglass to seven debates. Why would he do this? Douglass was …a very charismatic speaker while Lincoln was…...solemn and direct
Beliefs LincolnDouglass Slavery is a vast moral evilPopular Sovereignty Slavery would not cease without legislation outlawing it in the territories Slavery will not work out west and will go away on its own Douglass is a defender of slavery and the Dred Scott decision Lincoln is an abolitionist and supports equality
Lincoln Douglass Debates Debates highlight the slavery conflict Douglas wins the Senate seat…….but Lincoln grows in popularity
Discussion How did the Dred Scott decision increase tensions in the country? 1. African Americans could not become citizens 2. New territories could not prohibit slavery in the western territories How did Lincoln and Douglas’ ideas differ? Their ideas were different because Douglass wanted slavery to die out slowly as a result of popular sovereignty. Lincoln wanted laws to abolish slavery immediately.
Harpers Ferry In October 1859 John Brown (who was he again?) had been studying slave revolts Brown and 21 men went to Harpers Ferry, VA to seize the federal arsenal to distribute arms to slaves and start an uprising What do you anticipate will happen?
Harpers Ferry Brown captures local slave owners and asks theirs slaves to join the rebellion, but no slaves come forward US Marines led by Robert E. Lee then arrive and capture John Brown. Brown was hung for treason and seen as a martyr. How will this increase tensions in the nation?
Lincoln is Elected President Running against three other candidates, Lincoln wins…… What do you notice about the following map?
Southern Secession Lincoln’s victory convinces southerners that they have lost their voice in government. Fearful of what Republicans would do to the South, South Carolina secedes in December 1860
In response to secession “This country will be drenched in blood…The people of the north…are not going to let the country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it. Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them?...You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth-right at your doors…only in spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared.” –William Tecumseh Sherman (Louisiana Military Academy)
The Confederacy Shortly after, six other southern states secede as well, convinced there was no other way to preserve their way of life. In 1861 Delegates met in Montgomery, Alabama …where they formed the Confederate States of America
The Confederacy The confederate constitution closely resembles the US Constitution, but protected and recognized slavery in the new territories. Jefferson Davis is elected president
The Confederacy Many people resign from the congress and various departments of the federal government The key question was whether or not the north would....allow succession without a fight
Assignment List six major events described in this section and explain how each increased tensions between the north and south using a cause and effect chart.