Mt 15:21-28
We learned this morning that there are number of women we can use as examples on Mother’s day ◦ Jochebed: the protective mother ◦ Hannah: the supportive mother ◦ Eunice: the instructive mother ◦ Mary: the loyal mother ◦ The worthy woman: Prov 31:10-31 This evening I would like to take a quick look at a relatively unknown mother ◦ A mother of great faith ◦ A mother who received a reward for her faith
There are many troubled mothers in the world today Some things revealed about this mother ◦ She was a Canaanite, a Syro-Phonecian by birth (Mk 7:26) ◦ She was a Greek by language and culture (Mk 7:26)
Her greatest problem was her daughter ◦ She may have had other issues in her life, but this seemed small by comparison ◦ Her daughter was “severely demon-possessed” (Mt 15:22) ◦ We understand today that to the normal parent all other problems become very small when their children are at stake
Thoughts on “Severely demon-possessed” ◦ One of the most distressing things a mother will go through is watching the devil attack her children ◦ This mother teaches us the importance of seeking Jesus for protection from Satan’s attacks on our family members
The first thing we need to make mention of is she came straight to Jesus with her problem ◦ Blessed today are the mothers who recognize the need to do this same thing It is clear from her actions that this mother believes everything about Jesus ◦ She believed he was the promised Son of David (v22) ◦ She believed in He was worthy to be worshipped (v25) ◦ She believed in His ability to help her daughter (v25) ◦ She believed Christ would giver her what she desired (v28)
She experiences difficulty with getting her answer ◦ Jesus did not answer at first (v23) ◦ The disciples wanted her sent away (v23) She remains persistent despite these discouraging circumstances ◦ She comes before Christ and worships Him (v25) ◦ She asks of Him once again, “Lord, help me” (v25) ◦ When Christ gives her answer she is not looking for, she remains persistent (v26-27)
“Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire” and her daughter was healed that hour “Great is your faith!” ◦ Much better than hearing “Great is your beauty” ◦ Much better than hearing “Great is you professional success” ◦ Much better than hearing “Great is thy influence” It is a mother’s great faith today that will help her receive gifts from the Lord Jesus Christ
Mothers should come to Christ in faith with problems about their children The world will be a much better place if we have more mothers of “Great faith”