Unit 1 Prayer Lesson 4 Forms of Prayer
Scripture and Tradition have revealed several normative forms of prayer, including: Blessing: we bless God because he first blesses us Adoration: giving glory to God and humbly acknowledging that he is the loving Creator of everything
Petition: asking God to provide what we need materially or spiritually contrition: is a special type of petition in which we ask God for forgiveness Intercession: a special form of intercession that we make on behalf of others Forms of Prayer
Thanksgiving: prayer of gratitude to God for all that he has given us The Eucharist (which means “to give thanks”) is a special prayer of thanksgiving that we offer with Christ. Praise: acknowledges that God is God and gives him glory
Traditional Catholic Prayer Practices Icons: when we pray before icons (religious images intended to direct our attention to Heaven), we put ourselves into the presence of the holy person or mystery portrayed Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament: visiting the Lord in the Eucharist or keeping a holy hour
Litanies: a series of prayers, both invocations and responses, which can be done either communally or privately Litanies: Novenas: prayers offered over nine days in order to obtain special graces or for particular intentions The Jesus prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Traditional Catholic Prayer Practices
Prayer in the New Testament Jesus learned to pray from his mother and from the Jewish tradition, but… as the Son of God, his prayer also came from who he was.
The Gospels give many examples of Jesus at prayer: Jesus prayed for 40 days in the desert to prepare for his ministry Jesus prayed before making important decisions like selecting the Apostles Jesus prayed after performing miracles Jesus prayed before Peter confessed him to be the Messiah at the time of the Transfiguration Jesus prayed at the Last Supper Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed on the cross
Jesus also taught his disciples how to pray in the Sermon on the Mount, with the Lord’s Prayer, and at all times. The New Testament tells of other models for prayer: the Blessed Mother the Apostles St. Paul
Where do you remember Scripture being used in the Mass??? __________________ __________________
The Church Prays with Sacred Scripture The Church prays with Scripture in numerous ways: Mass and other liturgies of the Church Psalms the Our Father
The constant theme in Scripture is that God’s relationship with his people is one of prayer.
More Ways to Pray…. “You’ve Got !” is our current method for communication between people in a formal setting. But have you ever considered what an to or from God might look like??? Bruce Almighty - s from God Bruce Almighty - s from God Write an to God sharing something that is troubling you at this time. Take the place of God and imagine what He might say in response to you. Then type the as if you were He.
More Ways to Pray… “In the News” Select an article from a newspaper or magazine (online or hard copy) about people or events that need prayer. Read the article and determine what you personally can do to help the people or event mentioned. This might be a concrete thing, or simply remembering it in prayer. Write a summary of the article and then write a prayer for the person(s) affected. Pay it Forward - How will you change the world? Pay it Forward - How will you change the world?
More Ways to Pray… “God at Work in my Family” Have you ever looked at your family and thought that you could see God at work? Spend some time reflecting on what each member of your family might need or benefit from about which you could be of assistance. Imagine That - "How to Sing" Imagine That - "How to Sing" Take time to do what you can to help that family member out: do dishes for your mom, take out the trash for dad, fold the laundry or feed the dog for your sibling etc… Then write a prayer for each person, blessing the work they do to help make your family successful
More Ways To Pray… Write Your Own “Name” Prayer Using the first letters of your name type a short prayer – save and send to OneNote labeled “Name Prayer” in the homework subpage for 20 points. These should be creative and thoughtful and you should add something (such as drawings, illustrations, clip art, etc…to make yours unique) We will share them with the class See examples next slide!
Name PrayerName Prayer