The use of Social Media for the New Evangelization “We are to be ready and “totally available” to go “in haste” like Our Lady to bring Christ to all hearts and to build a home, a school, and a path of holiness and Christian maturity wherever we go… and to be at the service of the New Evangelization. Mother Adela. Foundress SCTJM Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary
“Evangelization is not just a work of the Church today, it has been the life of the Church. “Woe to me if I do not Evangelize” (1 Cor. 9, 16). There exists an entire history of Evangelization, just as there is a history of the Church, a history that has come about through the encounter of the Church with the different cultures of each age, the encounter with each generation. To the extent that the inhabited world grew, the Church also found itself in front of new efforts of evangelization. For this reason, the Church has always seen itself and considers itself still, in the state of mission.” Mother Adela. Foundress SCTJM The commemoration of the half millennium of evangelization will gain its full energy if it is a commitment, not to re-evangelize but to a New Evangelization, new in its ardor, methods and expression.” Address of the Nineteenth General Assembly of CELAM, 9 March "The new evangelization will be the seed of hope for the new Millennium" Address, Azteca Stadium – Mexico, Jan. 25th, 1999, n. 9
Our Websites “To be ardent witnesses of the power and fecundity of love and the splendor of the Magisterium and Treasures of the Church so as to form the human heart to build a new civilization of love and life in the heart of the Church and in the heart of the world..” Apostolic Charism SCTJM March 25, August 22, 2006 Nazareth Retreat House Peoria, IL St. John Paul II Newman Center Illinois State University The Church “tells us that the use of the techniques and the technologies of contemporary communications is an integral part of its mission in the third millennium. Moved by this awareness, the Christian community has taken significant steps in the use of the means of communication. St. John Paul II - Apostolic Letter "The Rapid Development" # 2
Our Radio Web Radio Cor Ecclesiae August 15, August 22, 2006 “At the Service of the New Evangelization so as to bring many hearts to the heart of the Church” Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress, SCTJM
Multimedia “Our charism is the loving and enthusiastic transmission of the truth. The truth does not need defense, the truth needs to be taught and above all, lived.” Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM “We must go out into the deep, because the world is only transformed from the coast. We must reach those depths with the light, the truth, and the love of Christ.” Mother Adela. Foundress SCTJM Use of Communications
Social Media “The time has come that the Witnesses of Love, those of us who have contemplated, have heard, have experienced his powerful effects, have seen the light, who have touched, who have been formed in Love—to set out with ardor and promptitude to go out into the deep, into the ocean of humanity and of history.” Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM “She is the maternal apostle of humanity. She goes across the mountains of humanity and the world bringing in all ways the life of Christ to many. We must do the same… we must be faithful witnesses to all that we have seen, heard and touch. We must be like Our Lady, apostles to all humanity.” Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress SCTJM
Some Positive Aspects of the use of Social Media The greatest number of people are evangelized Diversity of Audience Distance is not an obstacle Immediate transmission Establish community of prayer and receive requests for intercession and intentions Network with other Catholic communities and institutions Vocational exposure
Some Challenges of the use of Social Media Security Issues Hacking Plagiarism Intellectual/Community Property Immediacy of Errors or Mistakes Information / Appearance Time allotted for ministry Costs Setting Parameters
The use of Social Media for the New Evangelization Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary