Chi-Yi Chen, Ming-Tse Hsu, Tsung-Jung Tsai, Yu-Min Feng, Cho-Lun Tsai, Chang-Chao Su, Li-Jen Chang, Chien-Chung Fang, Yu-Ling Lin, Tai-Tien Chung, Chu-Kuang.


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Presentation transcript:

Chi-Yi Chen, Ming-Tse Hsu, Tsung-Jung Tsai, Yu-Min Feng, Cho-Lun Tsai, Chang-Chao Su, Li-Jen Chang, Chien-Chung Fang, Yu-Ling Lin, Tai-Tien Chung, Chu-Kuang Chou, Po-Yueh Chen 陳啟益,許銘澤,蔡崇榮,酆裕民,蔡卓倫,蘇昶昭, 張力仁,方建忠,林玉玲,鍾泰天,周莒光,陳柏岳 GI section of Internal Medicine department, Chia-YiChristianHospital, Chia-Yi, Taiwan 嘉義基督教醫院胃腸肝膽科 It had been known to find and treat HP infection for decades. The incidence and prevalence rate decreased due to the high successful eradication rate. The rate of peptic ulcers and complications of ulcer disease were also decreased significantly. In 2015, we can only find the true real-world HP status in patients with first endoscopy. The true eradication rate of H pylori infection can be evaluated in It had been known to find and treat HP infection for decades. The incidence and prevalence rate decreased due to the high successful eradication rate. The rate of peptic ulcers and complications of ulcer disease were also decreased significantly. In 2015, we can only find the true real-world HP status in patients with first endoscopy. The true eradication rate of H pylori infection can be evaluated in first HP- positive patients. We collected the patients who first came to our endoscopy unit with first endoscopic examination. Those who had positive HP infection according to both positive CLO test and histologic examination were treated with standard triple therapy for 7 days. After triple therapy, there were 8 weeks of PPI for peptic ulcer disease and 8 weeks of H2 blocker for non-ulcer disease. UBT was done two weeks later. The eradication rate of HP was depended on UBT data. We collected the patients who first came to our endoscopy unit with first endoscopic examination. Those who had positive HP infection according to both positive CLO test and histologic examination were treated with standard triple therapy for 7 days. After triple therapy, there were 8 weeks of PPI for peptic ulcer disease and 8 weeks of H2 blocker for non-ulcer disease. UBT was done two weeks later. The eradication rate of HP was depended on UBT data. There were patients who received EGD from Jan-Sep There were only 9%(1046 patients) naïve endoscopy. The positive HP infection was revealed in 287 patients (27%) Standard triple therapy for HP infection was done in 236 HP-positive patients. The eradication rate was 85% in 200 patients with negative UBT. The HP infection rate was as low as 15% in 3627 There were patients who received EGD from Jan-Sep There were only 9%(1046 patients) naïve endoscopy. The positive HP infection was revealed in 287 patients (27%) Standard triple therapy for HP infection was done in 236 HP-positive patients. The eradication rate was 85% in 200 patients with negative UBT. The HP infection rate was as low as 15% in 3627 patients with history of previous endoscopy. In 2015, the naïve EGD rate was only 9% in all daily EGD. The HP positive rate was 27% in naïve endoscopy. The succeful eradication rate of standard triple therapy was as high as 85% in these naïve endoscopy with positive HP infection. In 2015, the naïve EGD rate was only 9% in all daily EGD. The HP positive rate was 27% in naïve endoscopy. The succeful eradication rate of standard triple therapy was as high as 85% in these naïve endoscopy with positive HP infection. To collect the positive HP infection rate in naïve EGD patients and to evaluate the successful eradication rate of To collect the positive HP infection rate in naïve EGD patients and to evaluate the successful eradication rate of standard triple therapy. Triple therapy in patients with positive naive HP infection and first EGD 幽門桿菌的三合療法在第一次感染幽門桿菌及第一次做胃鏡病人的療効 幽門桿菌的三合療法在第一次感染幽門桿菌及第一次做胃鏡病人的療効 Results Introduction Aims Conclusions Materials and Methods First EGD 1046 NUD HP ⊕ / NUD GU HP ⊕ /GU DU HP ⊕ /DU GU+DU HP ⊕ / GU+DU No ASA-NSAID 808 HP(+) /808(27%) 386 (48%) 79 (37%) 79/386(20%) 276 (34%) 76 (35%) 76/276(28%) 80 (10%) 33 (15%) 33/80(41%) 65 (8%) 28 (13%) 28/65(43%) ASA Or NSAID 198 HP(+) 58 58/198(29%) ASA 6 HP(+) 6 6/6(100%) 2 2/2(100%) 2 2/2(100%) 1 100% 1 1/1(100%) NSAID 192 HP(+) 55 55/192(29%) /79(28%) /78(24%) /19(37%) /16(44%) Plavix 8 HP(+) 5 5/8(63%) 4 2 2/4(50%) 2 2/2(100%) 1 0 0/1(0%) 1 1/1(100%) Bokey 49 HP(+) 16 16/49(33%) /18(33%) 8 8/8(100%) 1 1/1(100%) 5 1 1/5(20%) Naive EGD 1046 Total EGD Rate 9 % Naive HP(+) % HP(+) ASA-NSAID 238 -HP(+) 71 30% NO ASA-NSAID 808 -HP(+) %