Catholic Essentials Chapter 2 Who Is Jesus?
“For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” (Lk 2:11) Jesus is the absolute, final, and fullest Revelation of God. While we can believe in this Good News only through the help of God’s grace, having faith remains an authentically human act.
The name Jesus means “God Saves.” Jesus’ name is also his mission. The Redemption of the entire human race was the work of Jesus, for only God can save people from sins. Christ is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Messiah which means “anointed.” Titles of Jesus
The Baptism of Jesus The Transfiguration “This is My beloved Son.” YHWH = “Kyrios” = Lord Lord indicates divinity Lord Son of God
Faith in Jesus Christ the human response to God’s Revelation. enables us to commit ourselves to God totally. makes it possible to recognize and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The faith of the Church comes before the faith of the individual and results in religion which ties us into a relationship with God.
Is Jesus Christ God? In the New Testament, John presents seven “signs” (miracles) that Jesus is the Great Sign of God the Father. Jesus is always portrayed as being in charge of every situation. Jesus is the “Word of God” who was always one with the Father. (Jn 1:1-3)
The Church has always taught the mystery of the Incarnation – that God took on human flesh. Arius, an early bishop, taught that Jesus was not truly God; that he was “from another substance” than God the Father. AriusSt. Athanasius
The Council of Nicaea The Church answered heresies with several early gatherings or councils of bishops. The Nicene Creed, accepted after the Council of Nicaea in 325, stated the following: Jesus is eternally begotten of the Father Jesus is God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God Through Jesus all things were made
True God and True Man By becoming fully human, God united himself to us. The Church believes that Jesus is truly human – in mind, body, and soul. Jesus had two intellects and wills, divine and human, which cooperated with each other. As a human, Jesus was like us in all things but sin. Jesus’ human will and intellect never lost touch with his divine will and His mission as the Son of God.
Proof that Jesus lived: The Gospels convey the Good News and tell us of the public ministry of Jesus. In addition, four Roman authors and historians of that era wrote about Jesus and his followers: Flavius Josephus Suetonius Pliny the Younger Tacitus
Events in the Life of Jesus Pope John Paul II tells us that the “whole of Christ’s life was a continual teaching.” The hidden life of Jesus – his early years in Nazareth living with Mary and Joseph. The public life of Jesus – beginning with his baptism in the Jordan River and including his proclamation of the coming of the Kingdom of God.
The Incarnation Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived Jesus (the Incarnation) and yet remained “ever-virgin.” Because of this, Jesus is unlike any other person ever born. He is both human and divine.
In order to fulfill her vocation to become the Mother of God, Mary received the special grace of being free from all sin, even original sin. This mystery of faith is known as the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception
The Infancy of Jesus Born in Bethlehem, the City of David Epiphany – salvation for all people. Presentation in the Temple –reminder of the Passover. Flight into Egypt – reminder of the Exodus.
Hidden Life of Jesus Devout Jewish family. Life of obedience to his parents. Studied in synagogue. Learned a trade (carpentry). The Boy Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52).
Baptism of Jesus Beginning of the public ministry of Jesus. Jesus’ baptism revealed who he was and what his mission would be. By our baptism, we enter into the newness of life with Christ and share in the Paschal Mystery.
Temptations of Jesus Jesus spent forty days in solitude in the desert immediately after his baptism. Temptations identify Jesus as human. Although tempted, Jesus never sinned.
Ushering in the Kingdom of God “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mk 1:15) the rule of God over all people. established in stages beginning with the public ministry of Jesus and ending when He comes again in glory. parables explain what the Kingdom of God is like.
The Kingdom of God is like… Yeast (Mt 13:33). A mustard seed (Mt 13:31-32; Lk 13:18-19). A pearl (Mt 13:45-46). A net thrown into the sea (Mt 13:47-48).
The Miracles of Jesus Miracles are signs of God’s Kingdom present in Jesus and his mission. Miracles show Jesus’ mastery over evil and Satan. Jesus combines miraculous actions with the forgiveness of sins.
Kinds of Miracles Healing miracles Nature miracles Exorcisms Raisings from the dead
The Transfiguration of Jesus Was a foretaste of the Kingdom and of Jesus’ divine glory. Offsets the prediction of Jesus’ Passion and Death with a preview of the Resurrection and eternal life.
Jesus Reveals the Holy Trinity Revealed God’s “name” as Abba “Daddy.” Told about what God the Father is like in the parable of the Prodigal Son or the Forgiving Father Alluded to the Holy Spirit several times in His ministry Promised to send the Holy Spirit at the Last Supper – “I will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of Truth.”
Theology of the Holy Trinity The Church’s understanding of three Persons in one God known as the Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. The Trinity is One. The three Persons are distinct from one another. The divine Persons are intimately related to one another.
Immanent Trinity God’s inner life considered in itself as the communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God the Father, the First Person, (Arche`) is the first Source of all being, all knowledge, all love. God, the Second Person, is the Divine Word (Logos) The love of Father and Son is breathed out as the Third Person, the Divine Spirit, (Pneuma)
Salvific Trinity The Revelation of the Immanent Trinity is known as the Salvific Trinity or the Economic Trinity. We focus on what God does, how he acts in our lives and in our world. The ultimate work of the Trinity is to bring all of creation into unity with God in Three Persons.