There are lots of ways to “mother.” Sometimes it’s the traditional “birth the child, be the mom” way. Sometimes someone else births the child and you get to be the mom. Sometimes you get to birth the child and someone else raises them for a variety of different reasons. Sometimes “mothering” has nothing to do with birthing or receiving a child through adoption or fostering or the blending of a famly. It can look like mentoring someone who has never had a mom. It can mean coming alongside a person who needs your wisdom, your shoulder, even your admonishment to change or grow or to think differently. Mothering can look like a lot of different things. Mostly it looks like love. -Colleen Tronson
How to Have a Great Mother’s Day… Include These! Philippians 4:4-9 Mother’s Day 2016
Are the “Joy-Stealers” at work again? Arrest Circumstances with a single mind Philippians 1:21 Arrest People Problems with the submissive mind Philippians 2:3 Arrest a desire for things with the spiritual mind Philippians 3:19,20 Arrest Worry with the secure mind Philippians 4:6,7
Do you really want to have a great Mother’s Day? Then include the following and capture God’s design for a spiritual life..
I. Repetitive Rejoicing (vs. 4) The prescription – “Rejoice” The parameter - “in the Lord” The perpetuity - “always” The persistence – “again I say Rejoice”
II. II.Sweet Satisfaction (vs. 5) The absolutely imperative statement “your moderation, you let it be known” The altogether inclusive statement “unto all men” The added incentive statement “The Lord is at hand”
III. III.Productive Prayer (vs. 6,7) The deterioration of our prayers “Be careful for nothing” The dissection of our prayers “But in everything by...” The direction of our prayers “Let your requests be made known to God” The demonstration of our prayers “And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds though Christ Jesus.”
“Well just pray about it!” No, this PRAYER topic needs dissecting. It is by... Prayer This is a WORSHIP or an ADORATION word. Supplication This is a LISTING or a BEGGING word. Thanksgiving This is a PRAISE or an APPRECIATION word. So, PST or ACTS or ACTSI
IV. Careful Cogitations (vs. 8) An investment in the future “finally” An invitation for the saints “brethren” An inventory of the mind “as many things as are...”
Think on whatever is: True – Truthful, worthy of credit Honest – Honorable, reputable Just – Righteous, gained approval Pure – Spotless, modest, blameless Lovely – Acceptable, friendly Of Good Report – utterable, famous Virtuous – goodness, morally upright Praiseworthy - commendable
Keeping it simple... This is the single word which wraps up these EIGHT DESCRIPTIONS. CHRIST His thoughts, actions, attitudes, prayers, purposes, words, attributes
V. V.Mobilized Mentality (vs. 9) The Learning Process DISCIPLESHIP The Logical Plea DEMONSTRATION The Legitimate Promise DEPENDABILITY
God’s design for the spiritual life (and for having a great Mother’s Day) includes: Repetitive Rejoicing Sweet Satisfaction Productive Prayer Careful Cogitations Mobilized Mentality. So Include These!