Изменения в экзаменах Август 2009
Удаляется 44 экзамена Добавляется 42 новых экзамена Изменения касаются 20 специализаций/компетенций Изменения в экзаменационных требованиях
Требования Systems Management Solutions 2 Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) каждый из которых имеет сертификацию Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), или Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Windows Server 2003 or Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Database Administrator. Каждый специалист также должен сдать как минимум 2 экзамена из перечисленных ниже: : TS: Microsoft System Center Operations Manager, Configuring : TS: Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager, Configuring : TS: System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Configuring : TS: System Center Data Protection Manager 2007, Configuring Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Windows Desktop Deployment 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал хотя бы один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: ; TS: Windows Vista, Configuring ; PRO: Upgrading your MCDST Certification to MCITP Enterprise Support ; PRO: Supporting and Troubleshooting Applications on a Windows Vista Client for Enterprise Support Technicians ; TS: Deploying and Maintaining Windows Vista Client and 2007 Microsoft Office System Desktops ; TS: Configuring Microsoft Desktop Optimization Certification Pack : TS: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008, Desktop Deployment (экзамен появится в октябре 09): MCITP: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician (экзамен появится в октябре 09) :MCITP: Windows 7, Desktop Administrator (экзамен появится в октябре 09): TS: Windows 7, Configuring (экзамен появится в октябре 09): TS: Windows 7, Deploying Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Active Directory 2 Microsoft Certified Professional (MCPs), которые обладают сертификацией MCSE, MCSD, or MCDBA on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000, or MCITP: Database Administrator, каждый из которых сдал хотя бы один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: : Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure : Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure : TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring : PRO: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator : TS: Upgrading your MCSA on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist : TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования специализации Storage Solutions 2 Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP) с сертификацией Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE), Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), or Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) on Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000, или Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): Database Administratorкаждый из которых сдал хотя бы один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: —Installing, Configuring, and Administering Windows XP Professional —Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure —Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure —Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure —TS: Configuring Windows Vista Client —PRO: Upgrading your MCDST Certification to MCITP Enterprise Support —TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring —TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования специализации Identity and Secure Access 1. Первый сотрудник, который обладает сертификацией MCSE, MCSD, MCDBA on Microsoft Windows Server 2003, MCITP Database Administrator, и одной из следующих независимых сертификаций в области безопасности: CISSP, SSCP, CAP, CISA, CISM, CGEIT Кроме того специалист должен сдать один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: : - Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure : - Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure : - TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring : - PRO: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator : TS: Upgrading your MCSA on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist : TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist : Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network 2 Второй сотрудник, который сдал один экзамен из вышеперечисленных или экзамен : : - TS: Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006, Configuration utilizing Windows Storage Server 2003 or Windows Storage Server 2003 R2. Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования компетенции Enterprise Content Management and Forms 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: : Designing a Portal Solution with Microsoft Office SharePoint Products and Technologies (including Microsoft Content Management Server) : Customizing Portal Solutions with Microsoft Office SharePoint Products and Technologies (including Microsoft Content Management Server) : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Application Development : TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Application Development : TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Configuring Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования специализации Portals and Collaboration 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: Exam : Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Exam : Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization Exam : Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure Exam : Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Network Infrastructure Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Application Development Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Application Development Exam : TS: Microsoft Office Groove 2007, Configuring (available in 2007) Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Configuring Exam : Designing a Portal Solution with Microsoft Office SharePoint Products and Technologies (including Microsoft Content Management Server) Exam : Customizing Portal Solutions with Microsoft Office SharePoint Products and Technologies (including Microsoft Content Management Server) Exam : Planning and Building a Messaging and Collaboration Environment using Microsoft Office System and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Office Solutions Development 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: : Developing Microsoft Office Solutions using XML with Office Professional Enterprise Edition : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Application Development : TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Application Development : TS: Visual Studio Tools for the 2007 Office System Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Office Deployment 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: : Deploying Business Desktops with Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Office : Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional : TS: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring : Pro: Upgrading your MCDST Certification to MCITP Enterprise Support : TS: Deploying and Maintaining Windows Vista Client and Microsoft Office System Desktops : TS: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008, Desktop Deployment Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования компетенции Hosting Solutions 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2006, Configuring Exam MB2-631: CRM 4.0 Customization and Configuration Exam MB2-632: CRM 4.0 Applications Exam MB2-633: CRM 4.0 Installation and Deployment Exam MB2-634: CRM 4.0 Extending Microsoft Dynamics Exam : TS: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Configuring Exam : TS: Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure Services, Configuring Exam : TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuring Exam : PRO: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator Exam : Windows Server 2008 Hosting, Configuring Exam : PRO: Designing a Business Intelligence Infrastructure Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Exam : Pro: Designing and Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server : PRO: Designing Database Solutions and Data Access Using Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Exam : PRO: SharePoint Server 14, Administrator Exam : Pro: Unified Communications Exam : TS: Communications Server 14, Configuring Exam : TS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring Exam : TS: Office SharePoint Server, Application Development Exam : TS: SharePoint Server 2010 Configuring Exam : TS: System Center Data Protection Manager 2007, Configuring Exam : TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring Exam : PRO: Designing and Developing Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 14 Applications Exam : TS: System Center Service Manager 2010, Configuring Exam TBD: TS: System Center Data Protection Manager v3, Configuring Exam : Pro: Microsoft System Center, Data Center Administrator Exam : Windows Server 2008 Hosted Environments, Configuring and Managing 2. Требования к продажам: подписать Service Provider Licence Agreement (SPLA) и реализовать минимум 75 Processor Licences или 3,000 Subscriber Access Licences в течение последних 12 месяцев. Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Application Infrastructure Development 2 сотрудника с сертификацией Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, (MCTS) или Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Enterprise Applications Developer Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), илиMicrosoft Certified Applications Developer (MCAD). Каждый сотрудник должен сдать также один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: Exam —Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft.NET Solution Architectures Exam —Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET Exam —Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework Windows Communication Foundation Application Development Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework Windows Workflow Foundation Application Development Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 —Distributed Application Development Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 —Application Development Foundation Exam Exam —PRO: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Exam Exam —UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft.NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Application Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework: Part 1 Exam Exam —UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft.NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Application Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework: Part 2 Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development : Pro: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications Using the Microsoft.NET Framework : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Application Development Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Smart Client Development 2 сотрудника с сертификацией Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, (MCTS) или Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Enterprise Applications Developer certification, MCSD, or MCAD. Каждый сотрудник должен сдать также один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: —Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft.NET Solution Architectures Exam —Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Exam —Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Exam —Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET Exam —Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework Windows Presentation Foundation Application Development Exam Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 —Windows-based Client Development Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 —Application Development Foundation Exam Exam —PRO: Designing and Developing Windows-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Exam Exam —UPGRADE: MCAD Skills to MCPD Windows Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development Exam Exam —PRO: Designing and Developing Windows Applications Using the Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 Exam Developing Microsoft Office Solutions Using XML with OfficeProfessional Edition : TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Application Development Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования специализации Web Development Два сотрудника с сертификацией MCPD: Web Developer or Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, (MCTS) MCSD, or MCAD. Оба сотрудника также должны сдать хотя бы один экзамен из перечисленных ниже: —Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft.NET Solution Architectures —Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET —Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET —Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET —Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 —Web-based Client Development —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework Application Development Foundation —PRO: Designing and Developing Web-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Exam Exam —UPGRADE: MCAD Skills to MCPD Web Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development Exam Exam —TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development Exam Exam —PRO: Designing and Developing ASP.NET Applications Using the Microsoft.NET Framework : Pro: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications Using the Microsoft.NET Framework TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Application Development Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования SOA and Business Process 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: : TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server : Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft.NET Solution Architectures : Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and the Microsoft.NET Framework : Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C#.NET and the Microsoft.NET Framework : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005—Implementation and Maintenance : TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5—Windows Communication Foundation Application Development : TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5—Windows Workflow Foundation Application Development Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0—Windows-Based Client Development Exam Exam : TS: Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0—Distributed Application Development Exam Exam : PRO: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Exam Exam : UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft.NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Applications Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework: Part 1 Exam Exam : UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft.NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Applications Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework: Part 2 Exam Exam : PRO: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications Using Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 (available soon) Exam : Developing E-Business Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server , for BizTalk TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development PRO: Designing and Developing Windows-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования OEM Hardware Solutions Competency К списку экзаменов добавляется один экзамен ( зеленым) : Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft® Windows® XP Operating System : Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Microsoft® Windows® XP Operating System : TS: Configuring Windows Vista Client : PRO: Upgrading Your MCDST Certification to MCITP Enterprise Support : PRO: Supporting and Troubleshooting Applications on a Windows Vista Client for Consumer Support Technicians : TS: Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008, Desktop Deployment : TS: Windows Small Business Server 2008, Configuring : TS: Windows Essential Business Server 2008, Configuring : TS: Windows Vista and Server operating systems, Preinstalling for OEMs : TS: Windows 7 and Server operating systems, Pre-Installing for OEMs Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Business Intelligence Platform 2 специалиста, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: : Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition : Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 —Implementation and Maintenance : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence —Implementation and Maintenance : PRO: Designing a Business Intelligence Infrastructure by Using Microsoft SQL Server : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development : TS: Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring : TS: Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Configuring Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Mobility Solutions 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: Курс 6064AКурс 6064A: Implementing and Managing a Windows Mobile Infrastructure : Pro: Designing Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server : Pro: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server : Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server : Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization : Developing and Implementing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET : Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and the Microsoft.NET Framework : Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET, and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET : Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET : Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C#.NET and the Microsoft.NET Framework : Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET : Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual C#.NET : TS: Microsoft Windows Mobile Designing, Implementing, and Managing : TS: Microsoft.NET Framework Web-Based Client Development : TS: Microsoft.NET Framework - Application Development Foundation : TS: Microsoft Windows Mobile Application Development : PRO: Designing and Developing Web-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework : PRO: Designing and Developing Windows-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework : UPGRADE: MCAD Skills to MCPD Web Developer by Using the Microsoft.NET Framework : Configuring Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Messaging Specialization 2 Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) каждый из которых обладает одной из следующих сертификаций: MCSE: Messaging on Windows Server 2003 Certification Requirements или Microsoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Messaging Administrator.MCSE: Messaging on Windows Server 2003 Certification RequirementsMicrosoft Certified IT Professional: Enterprise Messaging Administrator Кроме того, если используется сертификация MCSE, специалист MCP должен сдать как минимум 2 экзамена из перечисленных ниже: —TS: Exchange Server 2007, Configuring —PRO: Designing Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server —PRO: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server : TS: Exchange 2010, Configuring Pro: Deploying Messaging Solutions with Microsoft Exchange Server 14 Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Software Asset Management 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) экзамен: : Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Software Asset Management Program : Designing, Assessing, and Optimizing Software Asset Management Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен
Требования Data Management 2 сотрудника, каждый из которых сдал один из экзаменов ниже: : Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition : Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Implementation and Maintenance : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance : Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development : PRO: Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft SQL Server : PRO: Designing and Optimizing Data Access by Using Microsoft SQL Server : PRO: Designing a Database Server Infrastructure by Using Microsoft SQL Server : PRO: Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administration Solution by Using Microsoft SQL Server : UPGRADE: MCDBA Skills to MCITP Database Administrator by Using Microsoft SQL Server : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance Exam Exam Exam Exam Экзамен 70 : остался без изменений Экзамен 70- : удален Экзамен 70- : добавлен