CEE 970 Colloquium Final Presentation Khalid Aljuhani Veronica Asare-Yeboah Ethan Frost Issam Kayssi Hannah Silber
Bus Rapid Transit in Madison: An Abbreviated Health Impact Assessment
BRT in Madison
BRT Components Service Every 15 minutes or better Runningways Dedicated lanes Preferential lanes Fare Collections Electronic pre-pay fare cards Route Structure Stations spaced further apart to provide express service ITS Signal preemption Real-time arrival signs
BRT Components Vehicles Distinct articulated design Hybrid – diesel engine Stations Upgraded stations Amenities (ticket booths) Travel information
Proposed BRT Route
Goals 1. Reduce travel times 2. Attract new transit riders 3. Improve connections between low income/transit dependent areas and centers of employment/activity 4. Provide expanded carrying capacity 5. Improve operational efficiencies 6. Provide enhanced image for transit service 7. Improve comfort/convenience 8. Integrate with existing and planned transit 9. Enhance opportunities for transit-oriented development (TOD)
Population Density
Average Household Income
BRT Public Health Stakeholders Sponsors (Government) Gov’t: local, regional, county, state, national Builders (Contractors) Contracted Agencies Owners City of Madison Public, Madison residents Operators Madison Metro Users Riders Other transportation service providers Other Drivers Businesses Homeowners
Stakeholder Analysis Level of Interest Level of Influence Government Users Owner/Operator Contractors Other Transportation Service Providers Businesses Private Citizens
Stakeholder Roles GovernmentContractorsOwner Operator UserOther ResponsibleXX AccountableXXX ConsultedXX InformedXX
HIA Sponsor Government Resources to leverage Internal Contractor Owner/Operator What is important to this sponsor? Maximizing public benefit Actionable policies/programs Policy/Program effectiveness
Objectives Objectives (stated & evaluated in report): Reduce Travel Times Attract New Transit Riders Improve Connections Between Low Income and/or Transit Dependent Neighborhoods and Centers of Employment/Activity Provide Expanded Carrying Capacity Improve Operational Efficiencies Provide An Enhanced Image for Transit Service Improve the Comfort and Convenience of the Transit Experience Integrate Well with the Existing and Planned Transit System Enhance Opportunities for Transit Oriented Development
HIA Objectives/Criteria Community safety Education Family & social support Employment Built environment Environmental quality Income Unsafe sex Alcohol use Diet & exercise Tobacco use Access to care Quality of care Physical environment (10%) Social & economic factors (40%) Health behaviors (30%) Clinical care (20%) Health Factors Programs and Policies Health Outcomes Mortality (length of life): 50% Morbidity (quality of life): 50%
HIA Objectives/Criteria Community safety Education Family & social support Employment Built environment Environmental quality Income Unsafe sex Alcohol use Diet & exercise Tobacco use Access to care Quality of care Physical environment (10%) Social & economic factors (40%) Health behaviors (30%) Clinical care (20%) Health Factors Programs and Policies Health Outcomes Mortality (length of life): 50% Morbidity (quality of life): 50%
Requirements Evaluate Social and Economic impacts Investigate effectiveness of achieving stated objective(s) Evaluate Environmental impacts Compare to current Compare to next-best alternative
Transit Dependent Areas
Why HIA? Objectives (stated & evaluated in report): Improve Connections Between Low Income and/or Transit Dependent Neighborhoods and Centers of Employment/Activity Evaluate actual effectiveness in improving economic well being Improve Operational Efficiencies Provide other means of calculating/defining operational efficiency Provide An Enhanced Image for Transit Service Capture impacts BRT system would have to ensure decisions enhance the image Improve the Comfort and Convenience of the Transit Experience Ensure BRT system does not impose costs or inconveniences in other ways Other Document and discover benefits Avoid costs
HIA Breakdown Structure HIASocioeconomicEducationMetric(s)Technique(s)EmploymentIncomeSupportSafetyEnvironmental Environmental Quality Built Environment Metric(s)Technique(s)
Processes Initiate Sponsor HIA Proposing party Plan Sponsor Responsible/Accountable/Consulted teams Execute HIA team Monitor/Control Responsible/Accountable/Consulted teams Close
Constraints Aims & Objectives Reduce Travel Times Improve connections between low income and/or transit dependent neighborhoods and centers of employment Provide enhanced image for transit service Improve comfort and convenience of transit experience Community Concerns Cost Accessibility
Extent &Boundaries What is to be included? Current transit system in the City of Madison When will the assessment be done? May 2014 How much time will it take? 1 month What is the geographic scope of the HIA? City of Madison What is the temporal scope of the HIA? Current and future impacts over a 10 year period What is the source of funding for the HIA? Madison Area Transportation Planning Board
Methods Census data collection to estimate where people might benefit from BRT Demographic characteristics Economic status Community surveys Cost/benefit analysis Model current and predicted air pollutant concentrations of particulate matter to gauge impact of BRT
Community Participation Diverse viewpoints from technical experts Viewpoints from stakeholders Identify locally important concerns and health issues
Health Indicator Categories Safe and sustainable transportation Environmental stewardship Public infrastructure Healthy economy
Health Indicators Average vehicle miles traveled per bus per day Average vehicle time traveled per bus per day Average number of overcrowded buses per route per day Proportion of commute trips made by public transit Proportion of average income spent on transportation Proportion of households with ¼ mile access to local bus Air pollution exposure Respiratory disease
Conclusion BRT: Components Goals Routes Screening: Stakeholders HIA objectives Scoping: Process Methods and Indicators